منتديات العلم الذهبي
المنهج كامل 2ث    ج3 13341529391
كل شي يرحب بك
كل شي يتبسم ويتوهج فرحا بقدومك
كل شي ينمق عبارات الترحيب
ويصوغ كلمات الحب لوجودك
كل شي ينتظر مشاركاتك
وقلمك الرائع وابداعاتك
كل شي يردد حياك الله ^_^
منتديات العلم الذهبي
المنهج كامل 2ث    ج3 13341529391
كل شي يرحب بك
كل شي يتبسم ويتوهج فرحا بقدومك
كل شي ينمق عبارات الترحيب
ويصوغ كلمات الحب لوجودك
كل شي ينتظر مشاركاتك
وقلمك الرائع وابداعاتك
كل شي يردد حياك الله ^_^
منتديات العلم الذهبي
هل تريد التفاعل مع هذه المساهمة؟ كل ما عليك هو إنشاء حساب جديد ببضع خطوات أو تسجيل الدخول للمتابعة.

يتكون من عدة اقسام علمية
الرئيسيةالبوابةأحدث الصورالتسجيلدخول
نحن الان نقدم لكم منتدى علمى مفيد جدا و من يسجل يكون له حق المشاركة و منتدانا يجيب و يساعد الاعضاء فى الابحاث فمن يطلب بحث سوف يكون موجود خلال 24 ساعة و يقدم مساعدة للباحثين فى كل نواحى العلوم فقط اترك موضوع اكتب فيه ما تحتاجه و سوف تجده فى القسم الذى ينتمى اليه و يمكنكم مراسلتى على الايميل doctor_riham31@yahoo.com سوف أجيب على ما تحتاجونه مع خالص الاحترام . احبائي اعضاء المنتدى سوف اغيب عن المنتدى ولن ادخله كثيراً لظروف ابحاثي و دروسي و يا ريت تعتنوا بيه .
تم عمل تعديلات جديدة للمنتدي وتشمل ( اضافة أقسام جديدة - ستايل جديد ورائع للمنتدي - عمل شات احترافي للمنتدي اسفل الصفحة الرئيسية - تلوين اقسام المنتدي واضافة صورة لكل قسم ) ونرجو أن تلقي هذه التعديلات اعجابكم ويمكنكم ارسال مقترحاتكم حول تطوير المنتدي الينا لدعمنا ومساعدتنا في عرض المنتدي بأحسن صورة ولا تبخلوا علينا بها .. شكرا لكم .. الإدارة
عادة يتم تفعيل حسابات الأعضاء الغير مفعله خلال 48 ساعة كحد أقصي من خلال الادارة 48


 المنهج كامل 2ث ج3

اذهب الى الأسفل 
كاتب الموضوعرسالة
rama taha
المدير العام
المدير العام
rama taha

عدد المساهمات : 79
تاريخ التسجيل : 28/09/2012
العمر : 28

المنهج كامل 2ث    ج3 Empty
مُساهمةموضوع: المنهج كامل 2ث ج3   المنهج كامل 2ث    ج3 Icon_minitimeالخميس نوفمبر 01, 2012 10:23 pm

money مال user- friendly سهل الإستخدام yen ين
credit card بطاقة إئتمان researcher باحث borrow يستعير
debit card بطاقة مسبوقة الدفع bank بتك lend يقرض
cash نقدا account حساب money lender مرابى
cheque شيك arrangement ترتيب – إعداد machine آلة
bargain صفقة arrange يعد – يرتب catalogues كتالوج
barter مقايضة allow يسمح changing تغيير
on line على النت popular شعبى – محبوب technology تكنولوجيا
surf the net يتصفح النت deliver يسلم website موقع نت
debt دين attractive جذاب groups مجموعات
goods بضائع persuade يقنع advantages مميزات
buy for يشترى لـ increase يزيد sample عينة
birthday عيد ميلاد decrease يقلل disadvantages عيوب
half price نصف الثمن among بين report يقرر – تقرير
pay for يدفع لـ do internet يستخدم النت complain يشكو
in cash يدفع نقدا banking تعاملات بنكية false زائف
incredible لا يصدق prefer يفضل avoid يتجنب
go shopping يتسوق traditional تقليدى salt ملح
look on the net يدخل على النت details تفاصيل coins عملات معدنية
connection اتصال growth نمو banknotes عملات ورقية
problem مشكلة cash card بطاقة صرف plastic بلاستيك
adult بالغ shopping تسوق cards كروت
teenager مراهق activities أنشطة habits عادات
market سوق area مساحة survey دراسة
pick up يلتقط recently حديثا worry about يقلق على
impossible مستحيل shoppers متسوقين worried قلق
would rather يفضل have a choice يختار anxious قلق - تواق
go wrong خطأ ordinary عادى interviewer محاور
guitar جيتار order أمر interview مقابلة
contact يتصل by post بالبريد cost يكلف
company شركة attract يجذب change يغير
refuse يرفض customers زبائن make notes يعمل ملاحظات
give back يرد clients عملاء pockets جيوب
broadband وصلة نت سريعة euro يورو dollar دولار

Language notes

currency coin banknote
currency عملة الدولة
The pound is the currency of Egypt.
coin عملة معدنية
Coins are easy to use.
Banknote العملة الورقية
The assistant asked the client to pay banknotes.
exchange ( n, v ) إستبـدال أو تبـادل ـ يستبـدل بـ ـ يتبـادل
I'd like to exchange this shirt.
exchange …. for يستبـدل شيئـا بشـئ أو شخصـا بشخـص آخـر
She exchanged a blouse for a skirt .
exchange…. with يتبـادل .... مـع شخـص
He exchanged things with his friends .
in exchange for = in return with فى مقـابـل , على سبيـل المبـادلـة
She gave her friend a skirt in exchange for a blouse.

raise rise arise arouse
raise ( d ) + مفعـول يـربى حيوانـات / يجمـع مـال / يرفـع
Raise your hand if you want to answer.
He raised a lot of money a broad. His uncle raises cattle and sheep.
rise - rose - risen يرتفـع / تشـرق / ينهـض / يـزداد ( بـدون مفعـول )
The sun rises in the east. I rise at 6.00 in the morning.
When the visitor entered, all students rose. Taxis fare have risen.
arise arose arisen يـزيد عن الحـد / يحتـدم / ينشـأ ( بـدون مفعـول )
A lot of problems arise because of misunderstanding.
arouse ( مفعـول ) + aroused يثيـر/ يوقـظ
His behavior aroused the suspicion of the police. Don’t arouse the baby.

Let allow
let + مفعــول + المصــدر يسمـح
I let him go out .
allow ( permit ) + مفعــول + to + مصـــدر يسمـح
I allowed him to go out .
allow + ( v + ing )
My father doesn't allow staying up late.

borrow lend
borrow يستعيـر ـ يستلـف
Can I borrow your peen please ?
lend يقـرض ـ يسلـف
Could you lend me some money ?

habit custom tradition
habit عـادة شخـص
Listening to loud music is a bad habit.
custom عـادة شعب
Celebrating Sham El-Nasim is an Egyptian custom.
tradition شـئ مـوروث
She wrote under a pen name because of the traditions she was brought up in.

Special private
special = ( not ordinary ) من نوع خاص/ متميز
The government gives special care to reclaiming the desert.
This is a special kind of cloth.
private (opposite: public) تفيد الملكية
This is my private life. You have no right to interfereيتدخل .

Do internet banking يتعامل مع البنك عن طريق الانترنت
Do / make / carry out a survey يقوم بعمل دراسة أو استطلاع رأي
Like ------------ best / most الأكثـر
Which school subject do you like most?
like English best.

between among
between بين إثنين
He sat between Ahmed and Ali.
among بين أكثر من إثنين
She sits among her friends.


buy + الشيء for + الشخص يشترى لـ at a good price بسعر جيد
pay for يحاسب على / يدفع ثمن dell – buy on credit يبيع/ يشترى بالأجل
pay in cash يدفع نقداُ exchange rate سعر الصرف
pay by ( with ) credit card يدفع ببطاقة إئتمان raise/ increade the price يرفع السعر
similar to مشابه لـ reduce/ bring down the price يقلل السعر
the same(as) تماما مثل the prices rise / go up الأسعار ترتفع
give back = repay يٌعيد / يرجع / يدفع ما عليه the prices fall/ go down الأسعار تنخفض
run out of ينفذ control the prices يتحكم فى الأسعار
a uniform value `ذو قيمة موحدة be good value for money يستحق ما يدفع فيه من مال
keep its value يحافظ على قيمته be poor value for money لا يستحق ما يدفع فيه من مال
make coins يصنع عملة معدنية financial crises الأزمة المالية


3-Choose the correct answer :
1- We felt great ( joy – happiness – sorrow – pleasure ) at the death of our father.
2- He was very ( miserable – unhappy - unlucky – lucky ) to be alive after the accident.
3- The woman ( to – in – of – at ) the white dress is my mother.
4- Someone who visits undiscovered place is called ( traveler - scientist – explorer – discoverer ).
5- My father ( use – uses – used – using ) to go shopping when he was young.
6- We ( have - has-had - will have ) our house painted last week.
7- He is complaining ( about – with – to - of ) bad flu.
8- I would rather ( help - to help – helped - helping ) my friend.
9- Planes are used to ( carry – carries – carried – carrying ) people .
10- He works in a bank, he is ( a lawyer - an accountant - an actor - an archaeologist )
11- I prefer walking (with – for – to - in) riding a bus.
12- His marks are the same ( with – to – as – for ) my marks.
13- I ( paid - cost – lent - sold ) 20 pounds for the new book.
14- The currency of Japan is the (dollar – Yen – pound – euro )
15- credit is a system of getting goods( after – before - as soon as - when ) you pay for them.
16- He didn’t plan well for his project. And as a result he ( borrowed - did - made – lent ) a loss.
17- ( bank notes - barter - uniform – guarantee ) is to exchange goods you have for something you
18- Dina agreed to lend me ( borrow - gave - lend – sent ) a sum of money.
19- gold is a ( good - precious - well - invaluable ) metal.
20- The workers protested ( at - of - about - on ) the bad working conditions.
21- Sara is very rich. She has a ( bank account - bank counts - bank counting - bank account )
22- The money we pay to the government is called ( salaries - taxes - rents - credit ).
23- Money can be in the form of coins or ( plastic - paper - made - metal )
24- The ( money - currency - barter - coins ) used in the U S A is dollar.
25- While I was going home, I ( was met - meet - had met - me t ) an old friend.
26- When I saw Wael, he ( is playing - was playing - played - playing ) tennis.
27- A criminal ( kills - had killed - has killed - killed ) the guard of the bank last night.
28- I always ( play - played - was playing - playing ) in the street when I was a child.
29- As the thief ( got - was getting - getting - has got ) into the bus, the police caught him.
30- at the time my father arrived, we ( played - were played - were playing - had played ) chess.
31- I ( had - was having - having - have had ) a bath when the phone rang.
32- When I got to the car, I realized that I( am losing - would lose - had lost - was losing ) my keys.
33- While ( walk - walking - was walking - walked ) in the street, I ran into an old friend.
34- When I was young, I ( using to - am used to - used to - had used to ) eat a lot of chocolates.
35- ( health - wealth - wealthy - healthy ) doesn’t always bring happiness.
36- Paying by credit card is a ( difficult - an old - convenient – inconvenient ) way.
37- He is very rich and he is going to ( invest – invent - carry - prevent ) his money in trade.
38- You should read the ( constructions - instructions - orders - commands ) before using the
39- If I lent you some money, you should pay me ( back – again - return – reverses )
40- Credit means that you can buy something and pay for it ( now - late- lately- later )
Find the mistakes and correct them:
1. Never He neglect his work
2. She cutting the grass.
3. We didn't know the reason he was absent,
4. He is poor, so can't buy a car
5. He studies hard so as not to succeed
6- She wants to be a doctor but She will enter the faculty of Medicine.
7- He is too fat ,so he has to eat much.
8- The Olympic Games held in the USA in 1996.
9- I think the story he told you being true.
10- They digging a well to get water.
A) Translate into Arabic:
Most people believe that international trade is good for everywhere .Though this is true, governments often impose in restrictions which make trade more difficult. The main reason to is that governments have to protect their products from foreign one
b) Translate into English :
لقد أصبح الكمبيوتر يستخدم على نطاق واسع في جميع مجالات الحياة.


سبـق شـرح الأزمنـة فى الوحـدة الأولى

Like prefer would rather
فاعل like + ( v + ing ) more ( better ) than + ( v + ing )
فاعل prefer + ( v + ing ) to ( v + ing )
فاعل would rather + مصدر than + مصـدر

I like playing football than swimming . ( prefer )
I prefer playing football to swimming . ( I'd rather )
I'd rather play football than swim .
فاعل had better + المصـدر
You had better wear heavy clothes.

فاعل would rather +المصـدر
I'd rather join the university.
ماضـى بسيـط + فاعـل ثانى + would rather + فاعــل أول
I’d rather you didn’t park here. I'd rather he won the prize.
فاعلwould prefer to + المصـدر
I would prefer to go to the club.
مصـدر rather than ..... المصـدر + would prefer to
I’d prefer to revise my lessons rather than watch TV.

Test 3

A- Language Functions

1) Respond to the following situations:

1- You want to know your friend's opinion of the DVD. What do you say?
2- You want to know, if you can watch the DVD when he or she has watched it. What do you say?
3- Your friend says Yes. You are very pleased. What do you say?
4- Your friend thinks that we will do most of our things online, you agree.
2) Say where these mini-dialogues take place and who the speakers are:

1- A: Can I change these dollars into pounds?
B : Of course , Sir, How many dollars?
B: 3,000 dollars.

2- A: How long does it take to go to the airport?
B : about an hour.
A : ok, hurry up please.

B- Vocabulary and Structutre
3) Choose the correct answer from a, b, c or d:
1- I ………………….…. my money in this project and got good profits .
a) spent b) invented c) investigated d) invested
2- I bought a fridge on …. last year and there is still a small portion to be paid.
a) credit b) cash c) loan d) account
3- The bank …..……… shows the amount of money paid into or out of bank .
a) state b) station c) statistic d) statement
4- I ……………….... some money from my friend when I lost my wallet .
a) lent b) granted c) borrowed d) owned
5- When he left, he took my bag instead ……………… his by mistake.
a) from b) of c) in d) on
6- The ------------- of the Egyptian pound decreased recently.
a- estimate b- value c- a ward d- education
7- He read the ---------- to know how the T.V works.
a- orders b- constructions c- instructions d- commands
8- -------------is to exchange some thing you have for something you want.
a- barter b- bank notes c- uniform d - guarantee
9- The tourist booked a hotel room with a credit ---------------
a-paper b- card c- note d- coin
10- The minister of ------- is responsible for money affairs.
a - finance b- money c- expenses d- accounts
11- The company has ------- the fridge for 5 years.
a- exposed b- sheltered c- guaranteed d- protected
12- The factory’s history ------ back to 1950.
a- moves b- returns c- goes d- runs
13- He bought the car for more than it worth, so he made --------
a- profit b- damage c- lose d- decrease
14- I paid twenty thousand pounds --------------- my new car.
a- to b- on c- at d- for
15- The countries ------------- is based on successful trade.
a- Coins b- currency c- wealth d- money
16- He lived in --------- from hand to mouth.
a- richness b- wealth c- poverty d- luxury
4) Find the mistakes and correct them:
1- Ahmed born in England in 2004.
2- He leaves school and worked in a bookshop.
3- He preferred read books to selling them.
4- He thinks he wanted to be a scientist .
5- Just walking to school, I saw an accident
6- My sister wants to open a bank deposit.
(C) Reading Comprehension and Set Books
5) Read and complete the form:
Mr. Mohsen Shaker has received his bank statement from national bank .His account number is 4826 / L On the sixth of March his opening balance was LE 20000.On 3rd April he wrote a cheque No 3493215 to Shaker company when he bought a TV set for LE 3000 . So the balance is LE 7000.

NATIONAL BANK Name of account :……………………………….
Account number :………………………………..
Balance Credit Debit Description Cheque Date
…………... ……….. ………... …………… ………….. .................

6) Read the following passage, then answer the questions:
Video and television are responsible for the declining interest in reading among the young. While they may be harmless in themselves, they do nothing to build up reading skills. If some of the hours children spend watching television were devoted to reading, the population would be better educated. Watching a story is a totally passive pastime. Someone else has made the decisions about everything in the story. Reading a story is an active partnership between writer and reader. Ideas arc sketched and the mind of the reader creates the rest. Watching something is easier.
The problem is that many children read very slowly. They decode a page or two in a class and about the same again for homework. It is hardly surprising that such children then declare that they find reading boring and prefer to watch television. Their difficulty is not reading the words - it is interpreting them. They need to be able to read fast enough to feed the mind's hunger for a story. That means practice. Only by reading daily will a child become a strong and independent reader.
Parents need to be convinced of the importance of preventing their children from wasting their hours on inert viewing. Without the television the child is likely lo turn to books for entertainment
ِِA. Answer the following questions:
1- What is the writer's main objection to video and TV ?
2- Why is watching a story easier than reading it ?
3- How can children be good readers ?
4- The writer believes that visual images, such as watching television,spoil the imagination. Do you
agree ? Why?

B- Choose the correct answer from a, b, c or d:
5- The underlined pronoun "they" refers to ..........
a) the young b) video & television c) children d) reading skills
6- The writer say that the population would be better educated if children .......... .
a) read slowly b) watch TV. c) read much. d) do their homework,
7- According to the writer's view, TV is .......... means of entertainment.
a) not an effective b) an encouraging c) an effective d) not a cheap

D- The Novel
Cool Writing a letter
Write a letter to your uncle who lives in Alarish. He wants to see you this summer, but you won't be able to go. Give your reasons. Your name is Ali and you live at 20, Ahmed Said street, Abassia, Cairo.

Write a paragraph of seven lines about: للفائقين
F- Translation
9) A- Translate into Arabic:
Experts and economists said that small industries could play an integral متكامـل)) part in economic development in Egypt.
B- Translate into English:
يستخــدم الكثيــر مـن النـاس بطـاقـات الإئتمـان لشــراء السـلـع والخدمـات لأنـها أكـثر أمنـا وأكـثر راحـة .


sport رياضة members أعضاء - أفراد look like يشبه
team games ألعاب جماعية experiment تجربة manager مدير
individual sports رياضات فردية score يحرز هدف decide on يقرر
talk about يتحدث عن goals أهداف price السعر
squash إسكواش helpful مساعد - نافع deliver يسلم
kind نوع – طيب pass يعبر – يمرر extra إضافى
prefer يفضل groups مجموعات depend on يعتمد على
basketball كرة سلة succeed ينجح do sport يمارس رياضة
hockey هوكى surgeon جراح keep fit يحافظ على لياقته
football كرة قدم patients مرضى how good ياله من شئ جيد
jogging الجرى الخفيف large كبير – ضخم mix with يخلط بـ
Wresteling مصارعة complex معقد combination تركيب – مزج
boxing ملاكمة send يرسل a bit قطعة من
badminton كرة الريشة hunt يصطاد choice إختيار
wheel عجلة prey فريسة shoes حذاء
sports centre مركز رياضى recent حديث puzzle فزورة
make prediction يتنبأ cage قفص gorillas غوريلا
definite محدد pull يسحب - يجر piece of جزء من
intention نية imagine يتخيل enormous عديد
plan خطة refuse يرفض size حجم
arrangement ترتيب elephant فيل goalkeeper حارس مرمى
weekend نهاية الإسبوع quality نوعية – جودة survive ينجو من حادث
expect يتوقع local محلى survival ناجى من حادث
weather طقس area منطقة predict يتنبأ
rainy ممطر editor محرر wind رياح
attach يوصل - يربط reader قارئ combine يركب – يخلط
bring up يربى writer كاتب wolf ذئب
co- operation تعاون articles أدوات - مقالات wolves ذئاب
pack قطيع من الحيوانات illustrator رسام توضيحى للكتب together معا
situation موقف cartoons كارتون reply يرد
string خيط photographer مصور lose يفقد - يخسر
tolerance تسامح take photos يأخذ صور final نهائى
tolerant متسامح designer مصمم good at جيد فى
beat يهزم – يفوز tournament منافسة
fit مناسب – لائق بدنيا fall off يسقط

Language notes

win beat
win ــ يكسب ( كأس ـ مبـاراة ـ انتخـابات ) يفوز
Egypt will win the cup I hope.
beat يهـزم ـ يتغـلب على ( شخـص أو فـريق )
America could beat Sadam.

Spend + time + (v+ing) يقضى
I spent yesterday morning playing tennis.

To + inf She decided to go out.
decide on + noun You have to decide on your goal in life يقـرر
That + sentence He decided that you should attend.

train … in يـدرب علي
Children should be trained in good manners.
train as + وظيفة يتـدرب كـ
She trained as a pilot.
train for يتـدرب لـ ( سباق )
He spends two hours training for the race.

good at جيد في
He is good at English.
good to طيب مع
He is good to his friends
good for مفيد / صالح لـ
Taking exercises is good for you.

lose miss
Lose ( to ) يخسـر / يفقـد شـئ
Al-Ahli lost the last match. Egypt lost to America by 3 goals.
miss يفتقـد شخـص / يفـوته مواصـلات
I missed my uncle very much. He missed the train as he got up late.

play go do
Play ( football, basketball, tennis, squash … ) تستخـدم مـع الألعـاب المتصلـة بالكـره .
They are playing football.
Go ( fishing, sailing, swimming, running …) تستخـدممـع الألعـاب المنتهيـة بــ ing
Let's go sailing.
Do (karate, hockey, high jump, judo … ) تستخـدم مـع الألعـاب الأخـرى.
I do karate.

Co- operate
Co- operate on يتعاون في
Birds cooperate on some jobs.
Cooperate with يتعاون مع شخص
We should cooperate with Ahmed.
Cooperate to + مصـدر يتعاون لكى
Players need to cooperate to succeed.

Do – play sports يمارس الرياضة
I should play ( do ) sports to get fit.
sports relating to sport صفـة تاتى قبل الاسم
It's the school sports day on Monday.
sportsman الرياضى
He'll be remembered both as a brilliant footballer and as a true sportsman.
sporty صفة تأتى قبل للاسم
We are a very sporty family.

encourage discourage
encourage someone to + inf يشجــــع
My parents encouraged me to be independent.
discourage someone from + ( v + ing) يمنــــع
My parents discouraged me from being dependent.


mix with people يختلط بالناس depend on = rely on يعتمد علي
work with each other يعملون مع بعضهم البعض refer to يشير إلي
talk about يتحدث عن ask for advice يطلب نصيحة
pass the ball to يمرر الكرة إلي send into space يرسل إلي الفضاء
hunt in packs يصطاد في مجموعات live in groups يعيش في جماعات
attached to=tied to مربوط بـ benefit from يستفيد من
cooperate with يتعاون مع show tolerance towards يظهر تسامح تجاه
people of different ages الناس من مختلف الأعمار come out تصدر (صحيفة مثلا)
live on the moon يعيش علي القمر look out of the window ينظر من النافذة
specialize in يتخصص في related to مرتبط بـ
answer to حل أو إجابة لـ solution to حل لـ
pass on knowledge to ينقل المعرفة إلي at times = sometimes أحيانا
go on holiday يذهب في أجازة take responsibility for يتحمل المسئولية عن
lose to يخسر أمام


Choose the correct answer from a , b , c , or d :
1- They are starting lots of sports at our ( sports / sport / sporting / sported ) centre.
2- Which ( sports / sporting / sport / sported ) do you think I should choose?
3- You aren’t young enough to depend ( on / at / in / of ) yourself.
4- We should practice sports to keep ( fat / thin / fast / fit ).
5- Some people do sports to ( prove / improve / approve / move ) how good they are at something.
6- You can`t play ( tennis / football / hockey / basketball ) on your own.
7- Air is a ( competition / composition / comprehension / combination ) of oxygen and other gases.
8- Basketball and football are ( individual / team / pair / mono ) games.
9- You should be very careful when you ( make / take / give / have ) your decision.
10- I don`t want you to mix ( at / of / by / with ) those bad boys.
11- I think I will be very good ( for / in / at / on ) playing hockey.
12- When I want to do something important, I ask ( for/about/from/at ) people`s advice.
13- Abu Trika scored a lot of ( targets /goals / aims / objectives ) for his team.
14- What makes us like him is that he is very ( careless / lazy / helpful / wicked ).
15- A player shouldn`t forget that he is ( park / party / piece / part ) of a team.
16- ( Lions / Birds / Elephants / Dogs ) hunt in packs.
17- ( Lions / Birds / Elephants / Dogs ) live in family groups to bring up their young and protect them.
18- To succeed in achieving something the family members should ( cooperative / cooperate /
co- operating / consider ) with each other.
19- When you put a bird in a ( box / cell /cage / hall ), it feels unhappy.
20- Pull the door ; don`t ( push / bush / pay / move ) it.
21- Elephants try to ( attack / protect / contact / catch ) ill members of their families.
22- To be a successful team member, you may need to cooperate ( by / to / of / with ) other players.
23- I can`t imagine ( to see / see / saw / seeing ) you here.
24- What would happen if someone refused ( to eat / eat / eating / ate )?
25- To succeed, you should show ( tolerance / intolerance / selfish / greed ) and work with others.
26- Pigs mustn't be ( brought / risen / bred / lifted ) in dwelling districts.
27- His uncle ( brought / raised / bred / lifted ) him up after his parents` death.
28- She ( raises / brings up / grows / takes ) cats at home.
29- I use wheat seeds to ( hunt / seize / hold / catch ) fish.
30- To be a good basketball player, you need to be very ( thin / fat / short / tall ).
31- Why do you want to ( make / do / have / take ) sports?
32- You can`t win team games ( unless / if / in case of / without ) working with other people.
33- We work hard to ( fail / achieve / approve / improve ) our goals in life.
34- Co- operation ( facilitates / hardens / solidifies / freezes ) the work of the whole group.
35- We should pass ( over / at / of / on ) our experiences to the coming generations.
Find the mistakes and correct them:
1- Scuba diving enjoyed by tourists in the Red Sea
2- Actors performing plays in theatres
3- Mido who lives in Sinai, he travels to Cairo everyday
4- Summer in kuwait is hot than summer in Cairo
5- She is so kind person that she takes care of her elderly neighbours.
6- She told that Ali had won the medal.
7- The mechanic wasn't make any repairs. You must pay him.
8- My sister studies hard so as to She wants to be top other class.
9- Mona favourite sport is badminton
10- Doctors test athletes regular for drugs nowadays.
A) Translate into Arabic:
A bee is certainly not an idle creature. It flies up to two mile; visits over three million flowers to extract their sweet liquid sweet liquid is converted into honey which man uses for many various purposes.
b) Translate into English :
لم تكن الحرب ولن تكون أبدا سبيلا إلى حل المنازعات بين الدول.


Future simple المـستقبل البسيـط
المـستقبل البسيـط :ـ يستخـدم للتعبيـر عــن حـدث سـوف يحدث فـى المستقبـل ويتكـون مـن :

I shall visit to travel abroad. She will visit me tomorrow.
الكلمــات الدالــة عليـــه :ـ
tomorrow – in the future – shortly – soon – in a few days – next ( week – month )
Tomorrow I will visit my uncle. Next week she will go to Cairo.
عبـارات تستخـدم مـع المستقبـل مثـل :
hope – think – expect – sure – promise – probably.
I hope I shall see him again. I expect he will win the match.
نفـى المستقبـل البسيـط :- نستخــدم أداة النفــى not بعــد will – shall .
He will come to me. He will play the match.
He will not come to me. He will not play the match.

v59 تستخــدم Will + inf للتعبيـر عمـا يلـى :ـ
v60 تعبـر عـن التنبـؤ فى المستقبـل . Our team will beat your team four goals or three.
v61 للتعبيـر عـن حقيقـة فى المستقبـل . I'll be 15 next year.
v62 عنـدمـا تتخـذ قـرار سـريـع . I'll give you money.
v63 لعمـل ترتيبـات . I'll see you on Friday.
v64 عنـدمـا نفـرض عمـل شـئ . I'll cook dinner to night.
v65 للتهـديـد . I'll punish him if he does it again.
v66 تستخـدم للتعبيـر عمـا يلـى :ـ am – is – are + going to + inf
v67 للتعبيـر عـن النيـة أو خطـة أو قـرار فـى المستقبـل .
I'm going to read an English news paper everyday.
v68 للتعبيـر عـن حـدث مؤكـد الحـدوث فـى المستقبـل .
Look out! That chair is going to break.

v69 تستخـدم للتعبيـر عن الخطط التى تـم تنظيمهـا مـن قبـل . am – is – are + ( v + ing )
I'm leaving work early today. I've arranged it with Mr Emad.
v70 يعبـر عــن حـدث مستقبـلى فى جـدول أو مواعيـد محـددة كالمـواصـلات . The present simple
The train leaves at 7 pm tomorrow.

4- Rewrite using the word(s) in brackets:
1. I'm going to build a house. ( intend)
2. He plans to spend the Summer holiday in Alex. ( going to )
3. I'll decorate my flat next week. ( tend to )
4. They decided to open the new project ( going to)
5. I've arranged to meet him tomorrow. ( I'm )
6. Everything is arranged for holding our meeting tomorrow. ( We )
7. We have decided to make a journey to Luxor next week. ( making )
8. They will call the police if you don't stop bothering them. ( threatened )
9. It is advisable to see the doctor. ( had better )
10. Perhaps she will visit us tomorrow. ( may )
4- Find the mistakes and correct them:
1- She intends to visiting her aunt next Friday.
2- As soon as he meet his friend, he will go to the theatre.
3- She won`t go shopping when she has dusted the furniture.
4- The shirt is fashionable; I (can / would / may / will) buy it soon.
5- I would call the police if don`t stop this noise.
6- I think he crash. He is driving in a crazy way.
7- He travel to Paris tomorrow. He's got the ticket.
8- Football is an individual sport.
9- You should cooperate with other players to score a lot of ends.
10- Players should play well to win the other teams.

Test 4

A- Language Functions
1) Respond to the following situations:
1- A friend wants to cook the family meal this evening, but can't decide what to make. Give advice.
2- Your friend asks for your advice about where to go on holiday. What do you reply?
3- Advise a friend who wants to take a younger brother out for the day but can't decide where to go.
4- A friend asks your advice about the best way to keep fit. What do you reply?
2) Say where these mini-dialogues take place and who the speakers are:

1) A: Can I carry your order, sir?
B: Yes, please. I`d like to have a steak.

2) A: May I have two tickets to Aswan, please?
B: Here you are.
A: How much are they?
B: They are both LE sixty.

B- Vocabulary and Structutre
3) Choose the correct answer from a, b, c or d:

1- Co- operation is important for …..
a. survival b. survives c. survivors d. service
2- …………….is a group of wild animals that hunt together.
a. Back b. Pack c. Pick d. Pie
3- He works …………………. a team with a high degree of experience.
a. at b. of c. in d. on
4- We should benefit …………….. older people`s experience.
a. of b. from c. out d. by
5- She was put in a very embarrassing ……………..when she was asked to tell her fiancé `s demerits.
a. situation b. park c. stop d. station
6- It's ……………when people allow other people to do or believe what they want without criticizing or
punishing them.
a. intolerance b. arrogance c. tolerance d. selfishness
7- He is a very selfish player as he doesn`t ………… the ball to other players in the team.
a. pass b. past c. succeed d. let
8- I expect he ………………………the exam.
a. passes b. will pass c.could pass d. passing
9- To fasten or join one thing to another means to ……………………… it.
a. loosen b. untie c. attach d. release
10- If you don`t follow my advice, you ………………….. low marks.
a. would get b. would have got c. will have got d. will get
11- After I`ve finished having breakfast, I ………………………for work.
a. will leave b. left c. had left d. leaving
12- ……………………….you carry this bag for me, please?
a. Would b. Will c. Must d. Should
13- I won`t leave my place till he ……………………………me.
a. permit b. permits c. permitting d. permitted
14- It …………………………..as the sky is cloudy.
a. will rain b. is raining c. is going to rain d. rains
15- He has planned to spend the next week in Alex; he …………………. it there.
a. is spending b. will spend c. spends d. has spent
16- He ………………….. the lighthouse next Wednesday.
a. visiting b. is visiting c. could visited d. visited
4) Find the mistakes and correct them:

1- I going to London next summer.
2- He reading the novel tomorrow.
3- They are go to play tennis.
4- I hope they will won the cup.
5- My eldest daughter would be 22 next June.
6- Football players pass the ball to each other until one player can win a goal
(C) Reading Comprehension and Set Books
5) Read and then write notes on the passage
Egypt and China were the first countries in which paper was early used .the Egyptian paper was made of papyrus. In China, paper was made from cotton. Paper-making was carried out by hand At present paper is easily made by machines . Sheets of every size can easily be produced .

6) Read the following passage, then answer the questions:
It was believed that being overweight was healthy, but nowadays Few people agree to tins viewpoint. While many people are fighting the battle to reduce weight, studies are being performed concerning appetite and how it is controlled by both emotional and biochemical factors. Some of the conclusions of these studies may give us the ability to understand how to deal with weight problems. For example, when several people were asked about their eating habits ill times of stress, 44 % said they reacted to stressful situations by eating. Further investigations of both humans and animals indicated that it is not food which relieves tension, but rather the act of chewing. A lest showed that extremely fat people have a high sense of taste, and love more flavoured food than thin people. When deprived of the variety of tastes, extremely fat people are not satisfied and consequently eat more. To fulfill this need. Exercise has been recommended as an important pail of weight-loss programmes. However, it has been round out that mild exercise is a way of losing weight because using the stairs instead of the lift is better in the long run than taking on a severe programme such as running slowly (jogging ). Many people find jogging difficult to continue over long periods of time, it
also increases appetite.
ِِA. Answer the following questions:
1- What is the main idea of the passage ?
2- What is the best treatment for overweight, according to the writer's point of view ?
3- What are the two kinds of exercises that help lose weight ?
4- How does eating relieve tension ?
B- Choose the correct answer from a, b, c or d:
5- One of the emotional factors which control appetite is .......... .
a) jogging b) chewing c) eating d). stress
6- When fat people are deprived of the variety of taste they .......... .
a) lose weight b) practise exercises c) eat more d) use flavour
7- The word " further " in the passage means .......... .
a) more b) super c) greater d) extreme

D- The Novel
D- Writing
Cool Write a paragraph of seven lines about:
F- Translation
9) A- Translate into Arabic:
We can not solve all our problems but we find solutions to some of them. As man find solutions, he is the one to create problems and overcome them . Man makes his fears and then screams of them .
B- Translate into English:
الصبر والتعاون مـع الأخرين من أهم الصفـات التى تساعد على النجـاح. 1
الرجوع الى أعلى الصفحة اذهب الى الأسفل
المنهج كامل 2ث ج3
الرجوع الى أعلى الصفحة 
صفحة 1 من اصل 1
 مواضيع مماثلة
» المنهج كامل 2ث ج4
» المنهج كامل 2ث ج5
» المنهج كامل 2ث ج6
» المنهج كامل 2ث ج1
» المنهج كامل 2ث ج2

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منتديات العلم الذهبي :: عالم اللغات :: عالم اللغة الانجليزية-
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