منتديات العلم الذهبي
المنهج كامل 2ث    ج2 13341529391
كل شي يرحب بك
كل شي يتبسم ويتوهج فرحا بقدومك
كل شي ينمق عبارات الترحيب
ويصوغ كلمات الحب لوجودك
كل شي ينتظر مشاركاتك
وقلمك الرائع وابداعاتك
كل شي يردد حياك الله ^_^
منتديات العلم الذهبي
المنهج كامل 2ث    ج2 13341529391
كل شي يرحب بك
كل شي يتبسم ويتوهج فرحا بقدومك
كل شي ينمق عبارات الترحيب
ويصوغ كلمات الحب لوجودك
كل شي ينتظر مشاركاتك
وقلمك الرائع وابداعاتك
كل شي يردد حياك الله ^_^
منتديات العلم الذهبي
هل تريد التفاعل مع هذه المساهمة؟ كل ما عليك هو إنشاء حساب جديد ببضع خطوات أو تسجيل الدخول للمتابعة.

يتكون من عدة اقسام علمية
الرئيسيةالبوابةأحدث الصورالتسجيلدخول
نحن الان نقدم لكم منتدى علمى مفيد جدا و من يسجل يكون له حق المشاركة و منتدانا يجيب و يساعد الاعضاء فى الابحاث فمن يطلب بحث سوف يكون موجود خلال 24 ساعة و يقدم مساعدة للباحثين فى كل نواحى العلوم فقط اترك موضوع اكتب فيه ما تحتاجه و سوف تجده فى القسم الذى ينتمى اليه و يمكنكم مراسلتى على الايميل doctor_riham31@yahoo.com سوف أجيب على ما تحتاجونه مع خالص الاحترام . احبائي اعضاء المنتدى سوف اغيب عن المنتدى ولن ادخله كثيراً لظروف ابحاثي و دروسي و يا ريت تعتنوا بيه .
تم عمل تعديلات جديدة للمنتدي وتشمل ( اضافة أقسام جديدة - ستايل جديد ورائع للمنتدي - عمل شات احترافي للمنتدي اسفل الصفحة الرئيسية - تلوين اقسام المنتدي واضافة صورة لكل قسم ) ونرجو أن تلقي هذه التعديلات اعجابكم ويمكنكم ارسال مقترحاتكم حول تطوير المنتدي الينا لدعمنا ومساعدتنا في عرض المنتدي بأحسن صورة ولا تبخلوا علينا بها .. شكرا لكم .. الإدارة
عادة يتم تفعيل حسابات الأعضاء الغير مفعله خلال 48 ساعة كحد أقصي من خلال الادارة 48


 المنهج كامل 2ث ج2

اذهب الى الأسفل 
كاتب الموضوعرسالة
rama taha
المدير العام
المدير العام
rama taha

عدد المساهمات : 79
تاريخ التسجيل : 28/09/2012
العمر : 28

المنهج كامل 2ث    ج2 Empty
مُساهمةموضوع: المنهج كامل 2ث ج2   المنهج كامل 2ث    ج2 Icon_minitimeالخميس نوفمبر 01, 2012 10:19 pm

comment يعلق ground ????? quotation فقرة
commentary تعليق earth الأرض character شخصية
diplomat دبلوماسى escape يهرب argue يجادل – يناقش
explanation شرح - تفسير fight يحارب argument جدال – نقاش
imagine يتخيل fighter محارب long-term طويل الأجل
imaginative خيالى favourite مفضل idiom مصطلح
imagination خيال beat يهزم talks أحاديث
politician سياسى steal يسرق details تفاصيل
politics سياسة agree يوافق unfamiliar غير مألوف
publish ينشر die يموت tasks مهام
plough يحرث luck حظ prove يثبت
suffer يعانى luckily لحسن الحظ negative سلبى
exciting مثير sail يبحر useful for مفيد
excited مثار sailing إبحار regular منتظم
opinion رأى sailor بحار an overall view نظرة شاملة
succeed ينجح foreigner أجنبى partner شريك
success نجاح stranger غريب get over يتغلب
successful ناجح make fun of يسخر من update يحدث
author مؤلف – كاتب laugh at يسخر من speed سرعة
list قائمة reward مكافأة in addition بالإضافة إلى
science fiction خيال علمى war حرب as well as أيضا
asleep نائم represent يمثل proper مناسب
storm عاصفة ridiculous سخيف properly بطريقة مناسبة
island جزيرة neighbouring مجاور symbol رمز
shipwrecked حطام سفينة mind عقل symbolize يرمز إلى
Lillput قزم brain مخ likely إحتمال
giant عملاق adventures مغامرات communication إتصال
enemy عدو appear يظهر communicate يتصل
capture يأسر job وظيفة disappear يختفى

Language notes

agree accept
agree to + inf. / N يوافق
He agreed to sign the papers. He agreed to our plan.
agree with someone يتفق مع
I'm afraid I don't agree with you.
agree on ( something ) مجموعة تتفق علي شيء
We agreed on a price for the car.
agree that ( sentence )
It was agreed that he was the thief.
accept ( invitation / apology / condolences / bribes ) يقبــل ( دعوة / اعتذار/ تعازي / رشوة )
He didn't accept her apology.

steal rob
steal يسـرق شـئ
A thief stole my bag. The thief stole my money.
rob يسـرق مكـان
A gang robbed the bank yesterday.
rob somebody of something يسلـب شـئ مـن شخـص
They robbed him of his money.

brain mind
brain ( المـخ ( عضـو بالجسـم يتحكـم فيـه
The brain controls the parts of the body.
mind ( العقـل ( طـريقـة التفكيـر .. شـئ ليـس لـه وجـود
He changed his mind and bought the car.
mind يمانــع
I don’t mind helping you.
memory الذاكـرة
My mobile has 1GB card memory
memories ذكـريـات
We have good and bad memories.

foreigner stranger
foreigner أجنبـى :ـ ( شخـص من دولة أخـرى )
He isn't from Egypt, he is a foreigner.
stranger غريـب :ـ ( شخـص لا أعرفـه )
I'm a stranger here, I don't know where the post office is.

sleep sleepy asleep fast asleep sleeping
sleep ينام
I always sleep at 12 at night.
sleepy يغلبه النوم ـ منعوس
While I was watching the film, I felt sleepy.
asleep نائـــم
The baby is asleep.
fast asleep مستغرق فى النوم
He is fast asllep, He doesn't move.
Sleeping صفة لغير العاقل
The train has sleeping rooms

remind يــُذكر ـ يتذكـر بواسطـة شخـص
Remind me later. He reminds me of his father.
remember يتـذكر من تلقاء نفسـه
She remembered to take medicine.
remembering التذكر
He is good at remembering names. Your brain stores past, memories.

die of يموت بسبب مرض أو جوع أو عطش
He died of cancer.
die from ( a wound / an injury / a spider bite ) يموت من ( جرح / إصابة ـ لدغة عقرب أو عنكبوت )
He died from the scorpion's bites.
die out ينقرض
Some dangerous animals died ouy.

do a Favour معـروف ـ جميـل favourable مؤيـد ـ مشجـع ـ فى صالـح
He did me a favour I won’t forget. The reviews on his films are favourable.
in favour of مؤيـد لـ favourite مفضـل ـ محبـوب
Some people are in favour of old cars. What’s your favourite subject ?

win beat gain earn
win ــ يكسب ( كأس ـ مبـاراة ـ إنتخـابات ) يفـوز
Egypt will win the cup I hope.
beat يهـزم ـ يتغـلب على ( شخـص أو فـريق )
America could beat Sadam.
gain يكتسب ـــ يحصل على شىء معنوى مفيد ( خبـرة ـ معـرفة معلـومات ـ شهرة )
You gained a lot of information from the conference .
وتشير الى زيادة فى الوزن ـ السرعة ـ الكمية
Ali gained 3 kilos in weight in the last month. The plane gained speed to take off .
earn يكسب ( قوت أو رزق ) مقابل عمل
People work hard to earn money. He works hard to earn his living .

make + مفعـول + to مصـدر بـدون يجعـل
make + شخـص / شــئ + صفــة يجعـل
They made him study hard. Capital makes business successful.

hike trip picnic journey voyage flight tour
hike رحلـة طويلـة سيـرا على الأقـدام
We went for a long hike in the country.
go for ( a hike ) يذهـب فى رحلـة طويلـة سيـرا علـى الأقـدام
He went for a hike in the country.
trip رحلـة قصيـرة
He is in a business trip in London.
Picnic نزهـه خلويـه فى الهـواء الطلـق
We had a picnic by the sea.
Journey رحلـة طويلـة
How long is the journey to the coast ?
voyage رحلـة بحريـة
We went on a voyage by ship.
flight رحلـة جويـة
The flight to Saudi Arabia took two hours.
tour جـولة سياحيـة
We went on a tour to the city.

imagine + v+ing
I can't imagine living on the moon.
imagine that + جمــلة كاملة
I can't imagine that he will pass the test.


match … with يطابق ..مع run away يهرب
fight against يقاتل ضد interested in مهتم بـ
famous for مشهور بـ laugh at يسخر من
connect to يوصل بـ fall off a bike يسقط من علي الدراجة
fall to the ground يسقط علي الأرض work in politics يعمل بالسياسة
a favourite of مفضل لدي find out about يعرف عن
different from مختلف عن a storm at sea عاصفة في البحر
on the island علي الجزيرة frightened of خائف من
stop … from يمنع ..من tie … to يربط ..بـ
argue about يجادل بشأن argue for يدافع عن
belong to ينتمي الي speak for يتحدث بالنيابة عن
available for متوافر لـ a commentary on تعليق علي
opinion on/about رأي pleased with مسرور من
upset about منزعج أو متضايق بشأن at that time في ذلك الوقت
attach … with string يربط ..باستخدام دوبارة consist of يتكون من


Choose the correct answer from a , b , c , or d :
Jonathan Swift's mother was English, but his father was ( Irish – Egyptian – American – French).
Jonathan Swift's father died ( before – after _ during – when) Swift was born.
In England, Swift worked as a secretary ( for – with – at - to ) a retired diplomat.
As soon as Gulliver's Travels was published, it was a great ( success – succeed- successful- successfully).
Today, some people-think Gulliver's Travels was the first (science – literature- culture – philosophy) fiction novel.
Gulliver’s Travels was Jonathan Swift's most ( success – succeed- successful – successfully) work
( Do – Did – Have-Are) you reading Gulliver's Travels?
I ( don't – didn't – aren't -haven't ) finished it yet.
What do you ( think – thinking – thought – thank) of Gulliver's Travels?
It's really exciting and very funny. I'd ( hate – loathe- dislike- love) to read it.
Could I (lend – borrow – buy – give) it when you've finished?
Of course. I'll give you a ring when I ('ve finished – 'll finish – 'd finish – finished) it.
I can't think of an (explanation- exploration – examination – interruption) for the team playing so badly.
Gulliver's Travels (was publishing – published – was being published – was published) in 1726.
Some people enjoy Gulliver's Travels, but do not realize that it is a (comment – commentary-
speculation –expectation) on European politics.
When I was a child, I couldn't think of interesting ideas, so my stories weren't very (imagination –
imaginary – image – imaginative).
( Diplomats – Diplomacy – Diplomatic - Diplomat ) are meeting to discuss relations between
our two countries.
Winston Churchill was a famous British (diplomat – policy – political - politician).
Gulliver was tied ( to -at - on - above ) the ground.
It isn’t a real story it is ( imaginary – magic – true – fact ).
He wanted to listen to my story in (detail – delayed – hurry - in brief ) He wanted me to tell him
( Despite –Although – But - in spite of ) getting a good job isn’t very easy, you shouldn’t be
Cairo isn’t the same ( to - as - like - at ) Alexandria.
The match was postponed ( because – due - as -because of ) the dust storm.
( As - However- but - as well as( naughty he is , his father doesn’t punish him.
Not only my uncle but also my two brothers ( smokes - smoke - is smoking - was smoking )
Children always ask silly questions because they have ( huge - giant - wide - small )minds.
The ( reader - author - publisher -lender ) of this book is unknown.
-The teacher ( gave - presented - rewarded - awarded ) the student for his honesty.
I always argue with my father ( off - on - about – to ) Coming home late .
-My friend Abdu likes to ( Make - do - play - take ) fun of our other friends.
Farmers ( damage - irrigate - plough- drought ) their fields before sowing new crops.
Don’t (smile - laugh - cry - weep) at me, It is the first time for me to use the lift.
The Egyptian troops beat their (alleys - friends – partner) and brought about victory to
our beloved country.
Find the mistakes and correct them:
1. She's so badly behaved in spite of her mother lets her get away with everything.
2. Afaf used to plying tricks on his young brother.
3. A lawyer who advises people about the law.
4. They've got three private cars although they are rich.
5. However weakness he is , he won the race.
6. It is necessary for us to go back on foot last night.
7. After he has had his tea, he went out for a work.
8. First he did his homework after he watched T.V.
9. However her politeness , she is still unmarried .
10. It is forbid to wait here.
A) Translate into Arabic:
The high cost of living is one of our most difficult problems rise in prices is due to inflation To bring the prices down, both government and the individuals should work together, invest should be encouraged, production should be increased and consumption should be cut down

b) Translate into English :
يحافظ رجال الشرطة على حياتنا و أموالنا و يلقون القبض على المجرمين.



فـاعـل الجملة الأولـى
as well as
along with
in addition to

فـاعـل الجمـلة الثانيـة + فعـل الجمـلة الأولـى

للربـــط بيـن فـاعليـــن ]
I'm clever . He is clever . ( as well as )
I as well as he am clever .

جمـلـة كـاملـة + as well as + ( v + ing )

] للربــــط بيـن فعليـــن
He bought the book . He studied the lesson . ( as well as )
He bought the book as well as studying the lesson .

جمــلة كــاملـة + as well as + مفعـــول

] للربـــط بيـن مفعـوليـــن
I speak English . I speak French . ( as well as )
I speak English as well as French .

because / as / since + فاعــــل + فعـــل

] للربـــط بيـن جملتيـــن قبلهـــا نتيجــــة وبعـــدهـا سبـب

She is very beautiful . The girls are jealous of her .
The girls are jealous of her because she is very beautiful .

] هـــذه الجمـــلة Complex وعنـــد تحــويلهــا الـى Simple نستخـــدم:

because of – owing to
due to – for - out of

on account of - thanks to

Being + ( adjective ) صـفــــة

The girls are very jealous of her because she is very beautiful. ( due to )
The girls are very jealous of her due to her beauty . ( Being )
Being very beautiful, the girls are very jealous of her .

present so that can - may + مصـــدر
in order that
past in the hope that could - might + مصـــدر

I'll go home. I want to take some rest. ( so that )
I'll go home so that I can take some rest.

He travelled to London. He wanted to take a degree. ( so that )
He travelled to London so that he might (could) take degree.
] هـذه الجمـلة Complex وعنـد تحـويلهـا الـى Simple نستخـدم:

so as to / in order to / to + المصـــدر

I'll go home. I want to take some rest. ( so that )
I'll go home so that I can take some rest. ( so as to )
I'll go home so as to take some rest.

The fishermen go to the sea. they want to catch fish. ( in order that )
The fishermen go to the sea in order that they may catch fish. ( to )
The fishermen go to the sea to catch fish.
] تحـــذف الكلمــات wish to, hope to, want to عنــد استخـــدام الروابـــط السـابقـة.

ســبب so نتيجــــة
that's why

تستخـــدم لربـــط جملتيـــن أحدهمــا سبـب للآخـــر ]

He got up late so
that's why

He was ill. He didn’t go to school. ( so )
He was ill, so ( Thus – therefore ) he didn’t go to school.

She is very polite. Every one respects her therefore.
She is very polite, so ( Thus – therefore ) every one respects her thus.

] تستخـــدم الروابـــط الآتيـــة للتعبيـــر عـــن التناقـــض.

but - Although - though - even though - even if - however – whatever

He was hungry. He refused to eat ( but )
He was hungry, but he refused to eat. ( Although )
Although he was hungry he refused to eat. ( however )
He was hunger , however he refused to eat. ( even though )
He refused to eat even though he was hungry.

Although / though / even though +فـاعــل + فـعــل

He is strong . He can't work . ( Although )
Although he is strong, he can’t work.
He wrote badly. He got high marks ( Although )
Although he wrote badly, he got high marks.

However + ( فـعــل + فـاعــل + صفــة أو ( ظــرف

Although he is strong he couldn’t work. ( However )
However strong he was, he couldn’t work.

Although he wrote badly ,he got high marks. ( However )
However badly he wrote, he got high marks.

Whatever + فـعــل + فـاعــل + إســم

However strong he was, he couldn’t work. ( Whatever )
ًWhatever strength he has , he can’t work.

صفــه + as + فـاعـــل + فـعـــل

However strong he was, he couldn’t work. ( as)
Strong as he is, he can't work.
] هـذه الجمـلة Complex وعنـد تحـويلهـا الـى Simple نستخــدم:

Despite / In spite of noun إســم
Regardless of V + ing
with all / For all the fact that + جمـلـة كـاملـة كمـا هـى

Although he is strong, he can't work. ( Despite )
Despite his strength , he couldn’t work.
Despite being strong , he couldn’t work.
Despite the fact that he is strong , he can’t work.

جمـــلة مثبتـة and so فعــل مسـاعــد أو نـاقــص فــاعـــل
جمـــلة منفيـة and neither فعــل مسـاعــد أو نـاقــص فــاعـــل

He is a student . I'm a student. ( and so )
He is a student and so am I . ( Negative )
He isn’t a student and neither am I

Ali plays the guitar well. I play the guitar well. ( and so )
Ali plays the guitar well and so do I . ( Negative )
Ali doesn’t play the guitar well and neither do I .


If + مضـــارع بسـيـط will + المصــــدر

If you study hard, you will get high marks.
تستخدم الروابـط الآتيـة بمعنى but only if – If

in case
Future simple provided that Present simple
as long as
only if

I'll attend the party provided that he invites me.
I'll lend you the money as long as you promise to pay it back soon.
He will travel abroad in case he gets the passport.
She will pass the test only if she studies hard

Unless = Except if = If not فـى كــل حــالاتهــا

He can't succeed unless he studies.
He can't succeed if he doesn't study.
I'll visit you tomorrow unless I travel to Cairo.
I'll visit you tomorrow if I don't travel to Cairo.

Find the mistake in each of the following sentences then write it correctly
They were arrested as breaking the law.
He had to apologize owing to he made a shameful mistake.
As well as she studied hard, she played tennis regularly.
If he reads the questions carefully, he answers them.
There were no accidents though the dangerous roads.
I like most school subjects because I don't like physics.
As soon as seeing the accident, I called the police.
However the box was heavy, he could carry it.
In addition to he wrote the letter, he saw the film.
Because they played very well, they lost the match.
Join the following sentences using the words in brackets:

1. My friend has a car. His brother has a car. ( Both .. and ), ( Both of )
2. My sister is traveling abroad. I am traveling abroad. ( Both .. and ), ( Both of )
3. Tamer is honest. Tamer is truthful. ( and )
4. Selim has just arrived. I have just arrived ( as well as )
5. He is ready to leave. I am ready to leave. ( as well as )
6. My brother knows the answer. His friend knows the answer. ( as well as )
7. She sings like an angel. She dances divinely. ( not only….but also )
8. I gave him money. I found him work. ( not only .. but .. as well )
9. She objected to doing any work. She didn’t get any food. ( not only ... but .. either )
10. The horse is lost. The horse is stolen. ( either ……..or )
11. I must spend less money. I must earn more. ( or )
12. The boy doesn’t play tennis. He doesn’t play golf. ( either………or )
13. Aya doesn’t have a new dress. Ola doesn’t have a new dress. ( Neither .. nor / of )
14. I did not help the man. I did not help his daughter. ( Neither ….. nor )
15. He was tired. He refused to go to the bed. ( but )
16. There were no buses. We had to take a taxi. ( because)
17. I took my shoes off so that he couldn't hear me. ( so as not to )
18. He stole the money. He was out of work. ( because / because of )
19. We were tired. We sat beside the stream. ( as / because of / being )
20. You helped us. We were successful. ( since / thanks to
21. He got high marks. He studied hard. ( because )
22. On account of his wide experience, he was made chairman. ( since )
23. He lost his job because of his age. ( because )
24. The car crashed through the driver’s carelessness. ( because )
25. Being a man of fished views, he refused to listen to our arguments (as)
26. We postpone our trip because the weather was bad. ( because of )
27. He will get high marks, as he is intelligent. ( due to\ Being )
28. They look happy. They quarrel home. ( though / however / as )
29. Near as the harbour was, the ship couldn’t enter it. ( though )
30. However easy the work was, nobody could do all of it ( though )
31. Although he was clever, he was not given any reward. (as / however / in spite of)
32. Though he eats too much, he never gets fat. ( In spite of )
33. The newspapers print nonsense. Some people believe it. ( whatever )
34. Whatever problem you have, you can’t be worse than I . ( In spite of )
35. Despite his absence, the meeting lasted for two hours. ( though )
36. Although the sea was rough, they went swimming. ( Despite\ However )
37. In spite of his old age, he is still single.
38. He behaved unwisely although he was highly educated. ( Although )
( despite )
39. I'll call Ahmed so as to see how he is. ( so that )
40. They went with a guide in order not to lose their way. ( in order that )
41. Aya is learning to cook although she doesn't intend to get married. ( despite )
42. If you lie, you'll be punished.
43. I'll go for a walk if it stays fine.
44. Follow the instructions or you'll damage the device.
45. going to bed early makes you feel well the next day.
46. Perhaps I will finish my work early. If so, I'll go home ( provided )
( as long as )
( Unless )
( If )
( If )

Test 2

A- Language Functions

1) Respond to the the following situations:

1- You are asked about the importance of charitable organisations.
2- Someone asks you about special qualities which the old enjoy better than the young.
3- You are asked about the normal age of retirement in Egypt.
4- Your friend bought a new DVD last week. You want to know if he or she has watched it.
2) Supply the missing parts in the following mini-dialogues:
1- A) can I have two stamps , please ?
B) Where to ?
A) To the USA .

2- A) Do you have anything on wild animals ?
B) On the second shelf, up there, but have you been registered?
A) Yes , of course .

B- Vocabulary and Structutre
3) Choose the correct answer from a, b, c or d:
1- Ahmed passed all his examination successfully so his father ………. Him by buying him a bike.
a. congratulating b.rewarded c. helped d. laughed
2- I need some money . Can I …………….. some from you?
a. lend b. borrow c. want d. give
3- The crowed people who waited in the sun for hours really ……………… .
a. suffered b. laughed c. talked d. cried
4- The teacher decided to ……… the bad student by making him stay in the classroom in the break.
a. punish b. hurt c. talked d. set
5- The boys were unkind to the new student and they ……………………….. him
a. laugh b. talked c. made fun of d. look at
6- After ten years in the prison, the prisoner could …………………… when the guard forgot to take the
keys out of his door
a. escape b. represent c. celebrate d. walk
7- I was not able to speak for myself, so I asked the lawyer to ……………………. Me.
a. watch b. represent c. interpret d. watch
8- Watch your bag! If you are not careful someone might ………………….. it.
a. steal b. rob c. hit d. sit
9- In the past some people believed the earth was flat. What a ……………. Idea.
a. reasonable b. true c. real d. ridiculous
10- Egypt an Libya are …………………………. Countries.
a. considering b. neighbouring c. preserving b. retiring
11- A / An ………………… is a long journey on the ship.
a. journey b. voyage c. trip d. trip
12- A ………………. Is written opinions about the description of the subject.
a. documentary b, commentary c.elementary d. complementary
13- ……………. I can lend you some money. It is no problem at all.
a. If b. Although c. As soon d. However
14- ……………… I like reading a lot. I,m not good at writing.
a. Although b. However c. Despite d. Because
15- …………….. Gulliver was traveling in the sea, there was a storm.
a. although b. If c. While d. Because
16- ……………… I finished reading the book, I started reading it again.
a. as soon as b. While c. Because d. If
4) Find the mistakes and correct them:

1- My uncle is a represent of an international oil company.
2- Despite the weather was bad, I went out.
3- He didn't go out because his illness.
4- The people in the street are very neighbouring. they always help each other.
5- If he read the question carefully, he will answer it correctly.
6- My uncle is a represent for an international oil company.
(C) Reading Comprehension
5) Read passage and complete the table:
Most people think that achieving successful results in projects is usually due change . In fact it is a matter of a well prepared plan .A goal cannot be successfully achieved without studying the predicted advantages and disadvantages a project . A manager has to work a plan with regular and organized steps otherwise the whole work will be a failure.Following up the work regularly is a must to discover early what may negatively affect the project positive results should be recorded step by step .

....................................................... 1) Misunderstanding
....................................................... 2) Cause of success
....................................................... 3) A manager's need
....................................................... 4) Lack of good steps
.......................................................5) How to find out mistakes
....................................................... 6) Way of making use of good results

6) Read the following passage, then answer the questions:
The ancient Greeks always asserted that a healthy mind in a healthy body is the key to a well-balanced life. Nowadays many schools are decreasing the amount of time given to sports, and some schools are removing it altogether. Although academic subjects are certainly a very important part of the school curriculum, I am strongly opposed to the complete removal of sports.
Firstly, schools have a responsibility to educate children in all areas. For that reason, it is just as important to provide sports practice for the professional sportsmen and women of the future, as it is to provide academic training to those who will go on to university.
In addition, students these days spend long hours studying or working at their computers. Therefore, they need the opportunity to do some physical activity during the school day. This will not only help to increase their level of fitness and make them healthier, it will also mean that they develop better social skills and are able to concentrate on their studies for longer, and thus achieve better result.
In conclusion, I strongly believe that sports should remain a key part of the school curriculum. All children have the right to get a balanced education, and they should not be deprived of the opportunity to learn how to play sports.
A. Answer the following questions:
1- Does the writer support or oppose the issue of increasing sport time at schools ?
2- In your opinion, how could practising sports at schools help students later in university and at work?
3- Why is it important to practise sports during the school day ?
4- What should not children be deprived of ?
B- Choose the correct answer from a, b, c or d:
5- Which statements is not true:
a) Sports encourage team spirit b) Sports give the change to be physically fit.
c) Sports help students become more successful. d) Sports lead to overweight.
6- The ancient Greeks believe that:
a) There is a connection between intelligence and a strong body. b) Well-balanced food is important.
c) There is a negative effect of sports on the body. d) Studying is more important than sports.
7- The word " Key " means :
a) lock b) necessary c) clue d) guide

D- The Novel
E- Writing

Cool Writing a letter :
write a letter to your friend Ahmed inviting him to spend a week with you in
Zagazig , your name is Ali and you live at 13, Ahmed Orabi street, Zagazig.

Write a paragraph of seven lines about: للفائقين

F- Translation
9) A- Translate into Arabic:
Most young people today are substandard in culture and knowledge .TV took them away from reading and attending lectures and symposia ندوات .The educational system doesn't develop the creative (إبداعى ) and intellectual faculties ( قـدرات ) in them.
B- Translate into English:
يجـب أن يكـون لـك هـدف فـى الحيـاة وأن تبـذل قصـارى جهـدك لتحقيقـه .
الرجوع الى أعلى الصفحة اذهب الى الأسفل
المنهج كامل 2ث ج2
الرجوع الى أعلى الصفحة 
صفحة 1 من اصل 1
 مواضيع مماثلة
» المنهج كامل 2ث ج1
» المنهج كامل 2ث ج3
» المنهج كامل 2ث ج4
» المنهج كامل 2ث ج5
» المنهج كامل 2ث ج6

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منتديات العلم الذهبي :: عالم اللغات :: عالم اللغة الانجليزية-
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