منتديات العلم الذهبي
المنهج كامل 2ث    ج1 13341529391
كل شي يرحب بك
كل شي يتبسم ويتوهج فرحا بقدومك
كل شي ينمق عبارات الترحيب
ويصوغ كلمات الحب لوجودك
كل شي ينتظر مشاركاتك
وقلمك الرائع وابداعاتك
كل شي يردد حياك الله ^_^
منتديات العلم الذهبي
المنهج كامل 2ث    ج1 13341529391
كل شي يرحب بك
كل شي يتبسم ويتوهج فرحا بقدومك
كل شي ينمق عبارات الترحيب
ويصوغ كلمات الحب لوجودك
كل شي ينتظر مشاركاتك
وقلمك الرائع وابداعاتك
كل شي يردد حياك الله ^_^
منتديات العلم الذهبي
هل تريد التفاعل مع هذه المساهمة؟ كل ما عليك هو إنشاء حساب جديد ببضع خطوات أو تسجيل الدخول للمتابعة.

يتكون من عدة اقسام علمية
الرئيسيةالبوابةأحدث الصورالتسجيلدخول
نحن الان نقدم لكم منتدى علمى مفيد جدا و من يسجل يكون له حق المشاركة و منتدانا يجيب و يساعد الاعضاء فى الابحاث فمن يطلب بحث سوف يكون موجود خلال 24 ساعة و يقدم مساعدة للباحثين فى كل نواحى العلوم فقط اترك موضوع اكتب فيه ما تحتاجه و سوف تجده فى القسم الذى ينتمى اليه و يمكنكم مراسلتى على الايميل doctor_riham31@yahoo.com سوف أجيب على ما تحتاجونه مع خالص الاحترام . احبائي اعضاء المنتدى سوف اغيب عن المنتدى ولن ادخله كثيراً لظروف ابحاثي و دروسي و يا ريت تعتنوا بيه .
تم عمل تعديلات جديدة للمنتدي وتشمل ( اضافة أقسام جديدة - ستايل جديد ورائع للمنتدي - عمل شات احترافي للمنتدي اسفل الصفحة الرئيسية - تلوين اقسام المنتدي واضافة صورة لكل قسم ) ونرجو أن تلقي هذه التعديلات اعجابكم ويمكنكم ارسال مقترحاتكم حول تطوير المنتدي الينا لدعمنا ومساعدتنا في عرض المنتدي بأحسن صورة ولا تبخلوا علينا بها .. شكرا لكم .. الإدارة
عادة يتم تفعيل حسابات الأعضاء الغير مفعله خلال 48 ساعة كحد أقصي من خلال الادارة 48


 المنهج كامل 2ث ج1

اذهب الى الأسفل 
كاتب الموضوعرسالة
rama taha
المدير العام
المدير العام
rama taha

عدد المساهمات : 79
تاريخ التسجيل : 28/09/2012
العمر : 28

المنهج كامل 2ث    ج1 Empty
مُساهمةموضوع: المنهج كامل 2ث ج1   المنهج كامل 2ث    ج1 Icon_minitimeالخميس نوفمبر 01, 2012 10:18 pm


air conditioning تكييف هواء leadership قيادة accountant محاسب
delegation وفد qualify يتأهل keep records يحفظ بيانات
delegate ينتدب - يفوض qualification تأهيل bridge كوبرى
uniform زى موحد qualifications مؤهلات infrastructure بنيه تحتيه
grand children أحفاد operate on يجـرى عملية architect مهندس معمارى
research بحث surgery room حجرة العمليات civil engineer مهندس مدنى
take note of يدون ملاحظات heart transplant زراعة قلب journalist صحفى
responsible for مسئول عن heart surgery جراحة قلب receptionist موظف إستقبال
responsible of مسئول من treatment علاج salesperson بائع
graduate يتخرج laboratory معمل programmer مبرمج
specialist متخصص human cells خلايا بشرية professor أستاذ جامعى
general practitioner ممارس عـام check يفحص keep يحفظ
surgeon جـراح charity جمعية lawyer محامى
veterinary surgeon طبيب بيطـرى excited about مثار- مهتم بـ law قانون
injection حقنـة discuss يناقش court محكمه
organization منظمـة institute معهد designer مصمم
set up يؤسـس techniques تقنيات- وسائل design يضع تصميم
facilities تسهيـلات form يكون- يشكل centre مركز
treat يعالـج take place يحدث training تدريب
free of charge مجانا intensely بكثافه interview مقابلة - حوار
fantastic رائع topics موضوعات out of job عاطل
across عبر field مجال bold واضح
nursing staff هيئـة تمريض award يمنح جائزه context سياق الكلام
deaf أطرش encouragement تشجيع guesses تخمينات
deafness طرش- صمم encourage يشجع device يبتكر- يخترع
disability إعاقه proud of فخور collect يجمع
drum طبل difference مختلف collection جمع
autobiography سيره ذاتيه direct يوجه proud فخور
donate يتبرع organize ينظم education تعليم
adopt يتكيف quite like تماما مثل marital status حالة اجتماعية
retirement التقاعد benefit يستفيد - فائدة special خاص
retired يتقاعد main رئيسى organization منظمة

Language notes

take notes on ينتبـه make notes of يـدون
We must take notes on the teacher's explanation.
Wait ! I'll make notes of your comment.

stay with يقيــم مـع شخــص stay ( at - in ) يقيـم فى مكــان
He stayed with his relatives.
They will stay at / in a hotel.

for free = free of charge = at no charge مجــانى
Many patients are treated free of charge / for free / at no charge in public hospitals
perform - carry out – do (an operation) = operate on + شخـــص
The doctor who did an operation (operated) on me was clever.

work job career profession
work ( عمـل ـ مكـان العمـل ( إسـم لايعـد
I have got a lot of work to do. Mr Ahmed leaves work at two o'clock.
job ( وظيفـه ـ مهنـه ( إسـم يعـد
He has got a job as a teacher. I have got a lot of jobs to do.
career مهنـه الحيـاه العمـليـه للفـرد
He started his career five years ago.
profession ( مهنـه ( تحتـاج إلى مؤهـلات وتـدريـب
Teaching is a profession Job.

salary wages fees fare
salary مـرتـب شهــرى أو سـنــوى ( إســم يعــد )
His salary is 300 pounds a month.
wages أجــرة ( بالسـاعـة أو اليــوم أو الأسبــوع ) إســم لايعــد
The carpenter's wages are high.
fees أتعــاب ـ أجــر ( محـامـى ـ دكتـور )
Doctor's fees are very high nowadays.
Fare أجــرة التاكسـى
After I had arrived, I gave the driver the fare.

care for = look after يرعي/ يعتني بـ ( بشخص )
Who will care for me when I am old?
Care for = want يريد
Do you care for a cup of tea?
care about something يهتم
He doesn't care about his studies.

train … in يـدرب علي
Children should be trained in good manners.
train as + وظيفة يتـدرب كـ
She trained as a pilot.
train for يتـدرب لـ ( سباق )
He spends two hours training for the race.

good at جيد في
He is good at English.
good to طيب مع
He is good to his friends
good for مفيد / صالح لـ
Taking exercises is good for you.

to + inf She decided to go out.
decide on + noun You have to decide on your goal in life يقـرر
that + sentence He decided that you should attend.

across – all over – around the world علـى مستـوى العـالـم
Chinese products are well known across (all over) the world.

graduate from يتخـرج مـن
He graduated from the Faculty of Medicine.
a graduate of خـريـج
He is a graduate of the Faculty of Medicine.
graduate with a degree in يتخـرج بشهـادة فـى
He graduated with a degree in history.

biography autobiography
biography سيـرة ذاتيـة لشخـص يكتبهـا شخـص آخـر
Famous people have different biographies written about them.
autobiography سيـرة ذاتيـة لشخـص يكتبهـا الشخـص نفسـه
He published his autobiography last year.

Surgeon - physician
surgeon جـراح
A doctor who performs operation is a surgeon.

physician طبيـب معالـج
A doctor who treats diseases is a physician.

retire resign
retire يحـال للمعـاش ( يتقـاعـد )
When the employee is 60, he retires and can live on his pension.
resign من العمـل ) ) يستقيـل
Mr Ahmed resigned his position last week.

qualify as a teacher / an accountant يتأهل كـ ( يأتي بعدها الوظيفة )
He qualified as a doctor two years ago.
qualify in biology / archaeology يحصل علي مؤهل في (تخصص معين)
He qualified in medicine last year.
be qualified to + inf. يكون مؤهل لكي
She is qualified to teach English.

Help to + inf. يساعد يأتى بعدها المصدر مسبوقا بـ ( to )
He helped me to do the job.
Help + inf. يساعد يأتى بعدها المصدر بـدون ( to )
He helped me do the job.
Help with + n. يساعد يأتى بعدها الإسم مسبوقا بـ ( with – in )
He helped me with the job.

Contribute to + ( v + ing ) or ( noun ) يساهم فى
We should all contribute to developing our country.
Everyone contributed to the discussion.

( Make / made / made )

make a discovery يكتشف make a decision يقرر make a mistake يخطئ
make a trouble يسبب متاعب make the beds يرتب السراير make friends يعمل صداقات
make a choice: يختار make a trip يقوم برحلة make a suggestion يقترح
make a question يسأل make a plan يخطط make a promise يوعد
make a journey يقوم برحلة make a phone call يعمل مكالمة
( do / did / done )

do research يقوم ببحث علمى do a favour يصنع معروفا do repairs يقوم باصلاحات
do homework يعمل الواجب do shopping يتسوق do business يقوم بعمل تجارى
do PhD يعمل دكتوراة do better يتحسن do his best يبذل قصارى جهده
do work يقوم بعمل do a report on يعد تقرير عن do a quiz يقوم بعمل مسابقة
do a hobby يقوم بهواية do exercise يقوم بتدريب
do damage يدمر do the housework يقوم بالأعمال المنزلية


set up يؤسـس aware of واع لـ
pay for the journey يدفـع حسـاب الرحلـة take in a boy يستضـيف ولـد
look after / care for (about) يهتـم pay attention to ينتبـه إلـى
put on weight يـزداد وزنـه put on يرتـدى
roll up sleeves يشمـر عـن سـاعديـه be host to يكـون مضيـفا لـ
top surgeons مشـاهيـر الجـراحيـن age assistant volunteer متطوعون لمساعدة الكبار
got scared يفـزع – يخـاف complain of (about) يشكـو مـن
have something in common بينهم شئ مشترك complain to يشكـو لـ
It is a success انـه عمـل ناجـح cheer up يبتهـج
set up a charity يقيـم مؤسسـة خيريـة adapt to the surroundings يتكيف مع البيئة
take place = happen = occur يحدث on one occasion فى مناسبه
take part in = share in شارك في excited about مهتم بــ – سعيد بـ
take the place of = replace يحل محل proud of = take the pride in فخور بــ
responsible for مسئول عن do research يعمل بحث
responsible of مسئول من help each other ساعد بعضهم البعض


Choose the correct answer from a , b , c , or d :
You have to ( do - take – make – have ) notes on what the lecturer says.
A ( programmer – grammarian – clerk - linguist ) is a person whose job is writing programs for
The different kinds of music found ( from – in – at – with ) different countries around the world.
We are very ( proud – excited – responsible – pleased ) of our sonwho got his PhD from London.
Professor Zewail graduated ( for – with – in – from ) Alexandria University.
Professor Zewail graduated ( for - with – in – from ) chemistry.
He took ( site – place – position - part ) in the competition and won a medal.
The rich are much more ( found- responsible - eager – proud ) for the poor.
What do you ( remind- remember – remembered – made ) about your school days?
My family was ( proud – excited – happy – pleased ) my success at school.
Oh! No, I haven't got enough money for my bus ( fair – fare – fee - farm )
Dr Taha Hussein wrote about his own life and published his ( biography – history – autobiology-
biography) in a book, entitled Al-Ayam (The Days).
A company can send a (delegation – group – team – company) when it needs people to speak
for it at a meeting.
We call the children of our children ( grandparents – grandchildren – grandfathers - forefathers)
You can install (air conditioning- air conditioner – air condition – air conditioned ) in a modern
building if it is too hot?
You know a person is a police officer, a nurse or a fireman because of (uniform– shoe- boot- nail)
Professor Magdi Yacoub was one of the first surgeons to (do- make – carry – cause) heart
transplant operations.
Professor Magdi Yacoub was part of a team which ( do – make – fabricate – design) new heart
parts from human cells.
He believes his work can ( do – make – fabricate – cause) a difference in people's lives
He ( did – made – caused – brought) a lot of important work in his life.
Professor Yacoub did not (spend – spends – spent – spending) his childhood in one place
Because his father had to work in different places of Egypt
He decided ( being - to be – be – to being ) a heart surgeon after his aunt died of a heart problem.
He went to Europe and America he wanted to get work ( a - an – many – no word ) experience.
In the 1970, he began ( work – to work – works - working ) in an important heart hospital in
He was a member of the team that ( performed – represented - fabricated – made) the first heart
operation in Britain.
When he retired in 2001, he continued ( do – doing – does- to do) research
The African charity he works ( in -for – at – with ) helps children with heart.
Surgeons (do – make - act - design) operations on people in hospitals.
My brother has a very difficult decision to (do – make - design - have) next week.
My sister, who works for a charitable organization, believes her work ( plays- has -does-makes) a
difference to people's lives.
Everyone ( does - makes – acts – has ) mistakes when they're learning something new.
It's been more than 20 years since surgeons (did - had - acted - made) the first heart transplant
operation in Britain.
There's a factory in our town which ( does - plays – performs – mates ) parts for cars and buses.
It's a hard job ( work- works- having worked– working ) outside in the heat with the noise of heavy.
The company trains us ( good- well – better – best).
All the Egyptians are proud ( for- of – in – with) our distinguished scientists 30-I'm proud ( to be -
to have been – of being – for being) your assistant in future.
Last week, I was reporting (on – for – at – in) that story almost every day
I love ( to work – having worked –working – being working) here because every day is different.
He qualified (as – like – such as – alike) a doctor.
Find the mistakes and correct them:
1. Without he doesn't have a study plan, it is easy to waste time.
2. Ayman lent a football from Osama
3. Having writing the letter, he put a stamp on it and took it to the post office.
4. The television didn't work although My sister had broken it.
5. They are brothers. Despiteone was wearing a new suit. The other was wearing old clothes.
6. After finished the secondary school. He entered the university.
7. She was painting the picturewhile the telephone rang.
8. What were you doing when saw you in the bank yesterday?
9. He advised her to she passed the test.
10. He let us to take part in the play.
A) Translate into Arabic:
One of the current reform programmes is to stimulate invest in the industrial sector. The declared aim of the government in it; is to increase the share of the private sector to 25 per cent of the investment expenditure.
b) Translate into English :
لقد أصبحت القاهرة أكثر الأماكن ازدحاما في العالم ونحن نواجه مشكلات التعليم و المواصلات و الخدمة العامة.

Present Simple

المضــارع البسيـط :ـ هـو التصريـف الأول للفعــل مثــل :
eat – go – play – wash – visit
إذا كـان فاعـل الجمـلـة مفـرد غـائـب He – She – It أو اسـم مفـرد نضيـف للفعـل s – es – ies .
نضيـف للفعـل es إذا كان منتهيـاً بــ ss – sh – ch – o – x .
She goes to school on foot. She passes her exam.
He washes his car every week. A cat catches mice.
إذا كان الفعل منتهيـا بحـرف y فيحـول إلى i ثم نضيـف es مـع المفرد الغائب إذا كانت y مسبوقة بحـرف
سـاكن أمـا و إذا سبـق y حـرف متحـرك فتبقـى كمـا هـي .
try tries fly flies study studies
الكلمـات الدالـة عليـه :ـ
usually - sometimes – always – often – frequently- generally – rarely - never - every ( day – week- month - year …)
استخـدامــه :ـ يستخــــدم المضـــارع البسيـــط للتعبيـــر عـــن :
أحـداث متكــررة أو عـــادات
I get up at six everyday. My father usually goes to work by car.
حقــائـق أو وصــف
The Sun rises in the morning. We write English from left to right.
نفـى المضــارع البسـيـــط :ـ
) المصــدر + ( don't مـع فعـل بــدون S .
I play tennis. I don't play tennis. They run. They don't run.
( المصــــدر + ( doesn't مـع فعـل بــ S .
He speaks English. He doesn't speak English.
الكلمـات usually – sometimes – always - often تنفـى بـ never .
I always get up early. I never get up early.
She usually watches TV at night. She never watches TV at night.

لاحــظ مـا يلـى:ـ

= It is someone's habit + to + مصـدر

= in the habit of + ( v + ing )

It is my habit to get up early. ( usually)
I usually get up early. ( in )
I'm in the habit of getting up early.

Past simple الماضـى البسيـط
الماضـى البسيـط :ـ هـو التصـريــف الثـانـى للفعـل بإضـافـة ( d - ed - ied) للفعـل مـا عـدا الأفعـال الشـاذة .
I visited my uncle last week. She played football yesterday.
إذا انتهـى الفعــل بحـــرف ساكـن مسبــوق بحــرف متحــرك يضـاعـف الحــرف الساكــن .
travel travelled stop stopped
يستخـدم فـى الجمـلة الشـرطـيـة فـى الحـالـة الثـانيـة مـن قـاعـدة If .
If he played well, he would win the match.
يستخـدم مـع used to .
I used to go to school on foot.
يستخـدم مـع wish ليـدل علـى أن الأمنيــة أو الافتـراض غيـــر حـقيـقـى .
I wish I were a doctor.

الكلمــات الدالــة عليـــه :ـ
yesterday – ago – once – in the past – in ancient times – one day - last ( week - month …)
Last week He gave a party. I visited my uncle a week ago.
نفى الماضى البسيــط :ـ عنـد نفـى الماضى البسيـط نستخــدم ) المصــدر + didn’t ).
I finished my work. She won the cup yesterday.
I didn’t finish my work. She didn't win the cup yesterday.
الأفعـــال الشـــاذة :ـ ثـلاثــة أنـــواع

v22 أفعـال تصـريفاتهـا الثـلاثـة واحـدة مثـل :
put put put
cut cut cut
shut shut shut
hit hit hit
let let let
read read read
v23 أفعـال ذات تغيـر واحـد مثـل :
buy bought bought
catch caught caught
think thought thought
bring brought brought
build built built
sleep slept slept
meet met met
hear heard heard
v24 أفعـال تصـريفاتهـا الثـلاثـة مختـلفــة مثـل :
eat ate eaten
drink drank drunk
swim swam swum
fall fell fallen
write wrote written
draw drew drawn
speak spoke spoken

present Continuous المـضــارع المستمــر

المـضــارع المستمــر :ـ يستـخـدم المضــارع المستمــر ليعـبـر عـن أحــداث تقـع الآن و يتكـون مـن :

is + v + ing

I’m writing English. She is reading. We are eating.
استعمالاتـه :ـ
يستـخدم للتعبيـر عـن حــدث ســوف يقــع فـى المستقبــل .
I’m flying to London tomorrow.
يستخـدم للتعـبير عـن المسـتقبـل القـريب و نسـتخـدم لذلــك ( be going to ) .
I’m going to read story tonight.
يستعمـل للتعبير عـن حدثيـن مخـتلفين يـحدثـان مـعـاً فـى نـفـس الـوقـت .
I’m reading New Novel now but my brother is playing football.
لا يسـتعمـل مــع أفعـال الشـعـور و التفـكيــر و العـاطـفـة و المـلـكـيـة مثـل :
see – hear – smell – notice – realize – understand – refuse – love – hate – dislike possess – belong – think.
ولكـن يستعـمـل المـضـــارع البسيط بـدلاً منـه .
This book is belonging to me. ( X ) This book belongs to me.
الكلمــات الدالــة عليـــه :ـ
now – at this moment – at present – still – look – listen – watch – hurry – quick

Listen, She is singing. Now they are playing.
He is still reading. Watch! The bus is coming.
لاحـــظ :ـ
إذا كـان الفعـل مـن مقـطــع واحـد ينتهـى بحـرف ســاكـن مـسبـوق بحـرف متحـرك يضـاعـف الحرف الساكـن .
run running stop stopping
إذا كـان الفعـل مـن مقطعيـن ينتهـى بحـرف سـاكن مسبـوق بحـرف متحـرك يضاعف الحـرف الساكن إذا ظهر التشديد على المقطـع
الأخير أمـا إذا لم يظهر لا يضاعـف .
begin beginning answer answering
acquit acquitting orbit orbiting

إذا كـان الفعــل ينتهـى بــ e يحـذف عنـد إضـافــة ing .
ride riding invite inviting

مـا عـدا الفعليـن singe ـ dye فتبقـى كمـا هــى و نضيف ing .
dye dyeing singe singeing
للتمييـز بينهمـا و بيـن الفعليـن sing – die .

إذا كـان الفعـل ينتهـى بـ ee لا يحـدث تغـييـر عنـد إضـافـة ing .
agree agreeing flee fleeing

إذا كـان الفعـل ينتهـى بحـرف L مسبــوق بحـرف متحـرك يضـاعـف حـرف L عنـد إضـافـة ing .
travel travelling control controlling

إذا كـان الفعـل مـن مقطـع واحد و ينتهـى بحـرف سـاكن مسبـوق بحـرفين متحـركين لا يحـدث تغيير عند إضـافة ing .
eat eating keep keeping

إذا كـان الفعـل ينتهـى بــ ie تقلـب إلـى y عنـد إضـافـة ing .
die dying lie lying


Past Continuous الماضى المستمـر

I was playing football . They were playing tennis.
الكلمـات الـدالـة عليـه :ـ

past simple حـدث مستمر وقطعه حدث آخـر
past continuous

past continuous

past simple

While I was watching TV, the light went out . ( When )
When the light went out I was watching TV .

While + ( v + ing ) past simple إذا لـم يوجــد فاعـــل

While I was running to catch the train I lost my money .
While running to catch the train I lost my money .

While mother was cooking, father was reading a story . ( During )

During + v +ing
تسـتخـدم بـدلا مـن ( while ) .

During mother's cooking, father was reading a story .
ملحوظـة :ـ يكـون زمنـى الجملـة ماضى مستمـر إذا لم يقطـع أحـدهمـا الآخــر.
While father was reading the paper, mother was cooking.

Present Perfect المضـــارع التـام
المضـارع التـام :ـ هـو فعــل حــدث فى الماضـى ومـازال له أثــر أو نتيجـة تـدل عليـه ويتكـون مـن :

I have studied English. She has cooked lunch.
We have done out homework. They have mended their car.
الكلمـات الدالـة عليـه :ـ

just – already – recently – lately - so far – ever - never – yet – since – for

He has just arrived. They haven't won the prize so far.
She has already finished work. We have already bought a new car.

She just ( leave ) the house. ( Correct )
She has just left the house. ( Negative )
تنـفـى just - already بــ not -- -- -- yet مـع حـذفهمـا .
She hasn't left the house yet.

just = a moment ago = a short time ago

He has just arrived. ( a moment ago )
I arrived a moment ago.

I ever ( meet ) my friends. ( Correct )
I have ever met my friends. ( Negative )
تنـفـى ever بـــ never مــع حـذفهــا .
I have never met my friends.
Recently Lately
تستخـدمـان بمعنى فى المـاضى القريـب وغـالبـا تستخـدم lately فى النفـى .
I have been to Cairo recently. I haven't met him lately.
Have you gone to Luxor lately / recently ?
Have been ذهـب وعـاد Have gone ذهـب ولم يعـد
He has been to London . ( He is here now )
He has gone to London . ( He is there now )

Since & For

12 o’clock two hours
october four months
7th august three weeks
Since 2000 For 8 years
he arrived ages
then a long time
last ……………... the last …………..

For ( بعــدهـا مـده زمنيـه كـامـلة ( محـدده
I have played for two hours. She has studied for five hours.
I have studied English for the last week.
لاحــظ : استخــدام for فى هـذه الجمـلة لوجــود the قبــل المـدة الزمنيــة .
Since ( بعـدهـا بدايـة مـده زمنيـة ( غيـر محـددة
He has travelled since 1995.
He has learned to drive since last month.

كما تستخـدم since كـأداة ربــط .

مضــارع تــام since ماضى بسيـــط

I have played football since I was seven.
She has studied English since she finished secondary school.

I last met Ahmed when we were at school. ( since )
I haven't met Ahmed since we were at school.

The last time I played football was in 2000. ( since )
I haven't played football since 2000.
ملحوظـة :ـ عنــد استخـدام for بــدلا مـن since والعكــس نتبـع الآتى .
I have taught English since 1992. ( for )
I have taught English for 13 years.

She has travelled for ten years. ( since )
She has travelled since 1995.

I haven't visited my friend for a long time. ( since )
ملحوظـة :ـ عنــد استخـدام since بــدلا مـن for مـع وجـود مـدة زمنية غيـر معـلومة نستخـدم :ـ

It is + فتـرة زمنية + since + ماضى بسيـط

It is a long time since I visited my friend.

I haven't met him for ten years. ( It's )
It's ten years since I met him.
ملحوظـة :ـ عنـد استخــدام ago بــدلا مــن since – for نستخــدم .

( to + inf ) or ( v + ing ) +

She has learnt English for seven years. ( ago )
She began to learn English seven years ago.


Rewrite the following using the word (s) in brackets :

1. They are pushing heavy boxes. ( usually )
2. Ali is parking his car in the street. ( often )
3. We are writing homework in ink. ( sometimes )
4. We are throwing balls to each other. ( frequently )
5. He usually visit his relatives. ( habit )
6. I always travel abroad. ( never )
7. Fatma is in the habit of watching TV every evening. ( usually )
8. Ahmed speaks English well. ( negative )
9. He has not been in the country for the last two years . ( ago )
10. When I was on holiday , I went to the library every day . ( used to )
11. When I was a child I used to eat a lot of sweets . ( habit )
12- He always comes late. ( is )

13. The gardener cuts grass. ( At this moment )
14. The children watch T.V. ( At the present time )
15. She carries a black bag. ( Right now )
16. The baby cries loudly. ( Listen )
17. I run faster than you. ( Now )
18. He has a goodtime on the beach. ( At this moment )

19. The tourists were amazed at seeing the monuments . ( when )
20. I was having a shower and suddenly the light went out . ( while )
21. Just as Hala was studying her lessons, she drank much coffee . ( during )
22. During his speech , the light went out . ( while )
23. He caught the bus immediately on its departure . ( just as )
24 - I haven't eaten in this restaurant for ages. ( since )
25 - The last time I saw him was in 1999. ( I haven't )
26 - It hasn't rained here for years. ( It is )
27 - It's a long time since I visited Paris. ( for )
28 - He left the office a moment ago. ( just )
29- I went to Luxor and came back. ( have )
30- We haven’t gone out together for ages. ( it’s ages...)
1- Find the mistakes and write the sentences correctly:
1- My brother has been in London for 1998.
2- I know him for 5 years.
3- I am teaching in this school since 1995.
4- It's a week since I have heard from you.
5- I last played football since I was on holiday.
6- The last time I have visited the pyramids was in 1995.
7- I haven't met him a month ago.
8- I didn't study English for 2 days.
9- It's ages since I have last gone to a football match.
10- The last time Bill came here was since 1997.
11- Hossam bought those glasses last year, and is wearing them ever since.
12- He just arrived at the party.
13- I'm not decorating my room yet.

Test 1

A- Language Functions
1) Respond to the following situations:
1- A friend wants to know what job you would like to do when you leave school.
2- A friend asks you why you'd like to be a doctor.
3- Your teacher asks you why you enjoy learning English.
4- A relative wants to know the best thing about your school.
2) Write what you would say in each of the following situations:

1- A) My key , please. it's one twenty.Is there any message for me?
B) No, sir.
A) If someone asks for me, I'll be in the hotel lobby.

2- A) May I see the menu , please ?
B) Of course ! here you are .
A) Please bring me lamb , with rice and green salad
B- Vocabulary and Structutre
3) Choose the correct answer from a, b, c or d:

1- He was the first one ………………..…..… at work .
a. arrives b. arrived c. to arrive d. would arrive
2- The students are ………………. about what they are learning at school .
a. proud b. excited c. pleased d. interested
3- He is ………………………research into the effects of insecticides .
a. getting b. doing c. making d. playing
4- My son was …………………… a prize for his good work at school .
a. got b. won c. awarded d. taken
5- His family was ……………….……... of his success at school .
a. proud b. happy c. pleased d. excited
6- That famous singer ……………………. two concerts last month .
a. made b. devised c. gave d. did
7- They discussed the matter before …………..…….. the decision .
a. making b. devising c. taking d. giving
8- Although he was still young he ………… part in many sports competitions and won medals .
a. got b. gave c. took d. make
9- The farmers …………………. a new way of collecting their crops .
a. spent b. devised c. made d. gave
10- We met on several ……………..…… last year .
a. happenings b. accidents c. incidents d. occasions
11- My father said to me , "Your teacher has some good advise …….. you."
a. for b. to c. with d. on
12- Dr Hawass sometimes .................. in the 'magazine "Egypt Today".
a. writes b. will write c. write d. has written
13- Who .................. with when you visited the- museum yesterday?
a. did you go b. do you go c. you went d. have you gone

14-You must take your umbrella. It ……………..outside.
a. is raining b. rains c. rained d. should have rained
15- I haven't seen Mr. John.........
a. long time b. recently c. sometimes d. lately
16 -The gardener hasn't put water on the garden .... a long time.
a. since b. ago c. for d. still
4) Find the mistakes and write the sentences correctly:
1- I only buy my new camera last week, but I already take 300 photos with it.
2- My father work in a bank in the city centre. He work there for fifteen years.
3- My company have an important meeting last month. A delegation come from their office in Japan.
4- I be so tired last night that I fall asllep while I watch a film on Tv.
5- At the moment, we do a history project at school. It be very interesting.
6- He isn't finishing the job yet.

(C) Reading Comprehension and Set Books
5) Read and complete the table .
Mr. Salem has a family consisting of three persons . he is an architect but he likes swimming and water-skiing. his wife works as a journalist . She likes visiting relatives in her spare time . His son, Ramy is a university student . He spends his free time playing the piano

Name job Favourite hobby
Mr. Salem ) ..............1) …..………… ) ..............2) …..…………
) ..............1) …..………… journalist ) ..............4) …..…………
) ..............5) …..………… ) ..............6) …..………… Playing the piano

6) Read the following passage, then answer the questions:
Over the past twenty years, computers and the Internet have become more and more important to us. In fact, depending on computer technology continues to grow everyday. We seem to use computers for almost everything these days; in shopping, driving our car, or communicating with relatives and colleagues.
This explosion in computer technology has resulted in a rush to install computers in every classroom and to "wire" every school to the Internet. In the USA, between 1984. and 1997 alone, the number of computers in secondary schools increased to more than 0 million units. Both educators and students alike have been forced to keep up with this new wave of technology. Teachers have found that even though. they themselves are still trying to learn the most basic of computer skills, they are expected to teach students about computer know-how.

Few people would question the role that computers could play in education. Some educators claim that students given the opportunity to use them in a classroom .setting, will get better grades than those who learn without having had any computer experience. These people say that just as computer technology has improved the way cars work, computers will make the classroom a better place to teach concepts and ideas that students need to become brighter, more successful adults.
ِِA) Answer the following questions:
1- How could computers help students become more successful?
2- Give an example from the passage that shows that computers have been widely used in
secondary education.'
3- Give some examples of everyday uses of computers in our lives.
4- In your opinion, what are the possible disadvantages of using computers, in education?
B) Choose the correct answer from a , b , c or d :
5- Teachers are expected to teach students how to use computers although………..
a) they know how to use computers. b) they are still learning how to use computers.
c) they know all the basics of computer skills. d) they are forced to use computers.
6- "Few people would question the role that computers could play..." means
a) Many people are certain about the importance of computers.
b) Some people ask questions about computers.
c) Not many people doubt the importance of computers.
d) Some people want more computers.
7- The expression "keep up with" means:
a) keep in touch b) support c) manage d) continue to learn
D- The Novel
E- Writing
Cool Write a paragraph of seven (Cool sentences about:
"A new invention or discovery which will change our life to the better"
Use the following guiding points:
- What this invention or discovery is - Who invented or discovered it
- Why it is important
- How it will change our life to the better
F- Translation
9) A) Translate into Arabic .
Great efforts are exerted to develop the industry of information technology in Egypt as it is the language which the world is communicating with at present and for long years to come . The government has encouraged it by reducing taxes and eliminating restrictions on imports .
B- Translate into English:
1- أجــرى جــراح القلـب المشهــور عــدة عمليـات ناجحــة مجـانـا.
2- العمل الجاد هـو الطريق الوحيد للنجاح .
الرجوع الى أعلى الصفحة اذهب الى الأسفل
المنهج كامل 2ث ج1
الرجوع الى أعلى الصفحة 
صفحة 1 من اصل 1
 مواضيع مماثلة
» المنهج كامل 2ث ج3
» المنهج كامل 2ث ج4
» المنهج كامل 2ث ج5
» المنهج كامل 2ث ج6
» المنهج كامل 2ث ج2

صلاحيات هذا المنتدى:لاتستطيع الرد على المواضيع في هذا المنتدى
منتديات العلم الذهبي :: عالم اللغات :: عالم اللغة الانجليزية-
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