منتديات العلم الذهبي
المنهج كامل 2ث    ج4 13341529391
كل شي يرحب بك
كل شي يتبسم ويتوهج فرحا بقدومك
كل شي ينمق عبارات الترحيب
ويصوغ كلمات الحب لوجودك
كل شي ينتظر مشاركاتك
وقلمك الرائع وابداعاتك
كل شي يردد حياك الله ^_^
منتديات العلم الذهبي
المنهج كامل 2ث    ج4 13341529391
كل شي يرحب بك
كل شي يتبسم ويتوهج فرحا بقدومك
كل شي ينمق عبارات الترحيب
ويصوغ كلمات الحب لوجودك
كل شي ينتظر مشاركاتك
وقلمك الرائع وابداعاتك
كل شي يردد حياك الله ^_^
منتديات العلم الذهبي
هل تريد التفاعل مع هذه المساهمة؟ كل ما عليك هو إنشاء حساب جديد ببضع خطوات أو تسجيل الدخول للمتابعة.

يتكون من عدة اقسام علمية
الرئيسيةالبوابةأحدث الصورالتسجيلدخول
نحن الان نقدم لكم منتدى علمى مفيد جدا و من يسجل يكون له حق المشاركة و منتدانا يجيب و يساعد الاعضاء فى الابحاث فمن يطلب بحث سوف يكون موجود خلال 24 ساعة و يقدم مساعدة للباحثين فى كل نواحى العلوم فقط اترك موضوع اكتب فيه ما تحتاجه و سوف تجده فى القسم الذى ينتمى اليه و يمكنكم مراسلتى على الايميل doctor_riham31@yahoo.com سوف أجيب على ما تحتاجونه مع خالص الاحترام . احبائي اعضاء المنتدى سوف اغيب عن المنتدى ولن ادخله كثيراً لظروف ابحاثي و دروسي و يا ريت تعتنوا بيه .
تم عمل تعديلات جديدة للمنتدي وتشمل ( اضافة أقسام جديدة - ستايل جديد ورائع للمنتدي - عمل شات احترافي للمنتدي اسفل الصفحة الرئيسية - تلوين اقسام المنتدي واضافة صورة لكل قسم ) ونرجو أن تلقي هذه التعديلات اعجابكم ويمكنكم ارسال مقترحاتكم حول تطوير المنتدي الينا لدعمنا ومساعدتنا في عرض المنتدي بأحسن صورة ولا تبخلوا علينا بها .. شكرا لكم .. الإدارة
عادة يتم تفعيل حسابات الأعضاء الغير مفعله خلال 48 ساعة كحد أقصي من خلال الادارة 48


 المنهج كامل 2ث ج4

اذهب الى الأسفل 
كاتب الموضوعرسالة
rama taha
المدير العام
المدير العام
rama taha

عدد المساهمات : 79
تاريخ التسجيل : 28/09/2012
العمر : 28

المنهج كامل 2ث    ج4 Empty
مُساهمةموضوع: المنهج كامل 2ث ج4   المنهج كامل 2ث    ج4 Icon_minitimeالخميس نوفمبر 01, 2012 10:24 pm

lord سيد thought فكر desert island جزيرة مهجورة
flies الذباب the best الأفضل honest أمين
group of مجموعة من go well يتحسن sensible حساس
British بريطانى look for يبحث عن respect يحترم
crash يحطم shelter مأوى ـ مسكن brave شجاع
realize يدرك problems مشكلة imaginative خيالى
look after يعتنى بـ go out يخرج tolerant متسامح
leader قائد frightened of خائف من rules قواعد
rescue ينقذ frightening مخيف break rules يكسر القواعد
organize ينظم wild animal حيوان برى ( متوحش) relationship علاقة
alone بمفرده on island على الجزيرة poem قصيدة
passing ship سفينة مارة disagreement رفض consist of يتكون من
each other بعضهم البعض split into يفلق إلى capital رأس مال ـ عاصمة
writer كاتب go hunting يصطاد smoothly بلطف
programme برنامج escape from يهرب من protection حماية
University جامعة promise يعد discuss يناقش
literature أدب paint يدهن explore يستكشف
theatre مسرح violent عنيف Crete island جزيرة كريت
actor ممثل attack يهاجم Mediterranean البحر المتوسط
during أثناء camp معسكر Pacific ocean المحيط الهادى
world war حرب عالمية steal يسرق coast ساحل
sailor بحار glasses نظارة Russia روسيا
navy بحرية get back يعود The Nile النيل
novel رواية capture يأسر The Amazon الأمزون
write about يكتي عن make fire يشعل نار belong to يخص ـ ينتمى إلى
cruel قاسى set fire يشعل نار wind الرياح
children أطفال stop from يتوقف عن sportsman رجل رياضى
shocked صدم arrival وصول express يعبر
including يشمل departure رحيل reply يرد
pessimistic متشائم adults بالغين successful ناجح
optimistic متفائل fighting شجار ـ قتال gist جوهر ـ لب

Language notes

steal rob
steal يسـرق شـئ
A thief stole my bag. The thief stole my money.
rob يسـرق مكـان
A gang robbed the bank yesterday.
rob somebody of something يسلـب شـئ مـن شخـص
They robbed him of his money.

include comprise consist of compose
include يحتـوى علـى جـزء أو أكثـر مـن الأجـزاء ( المكونات ) و ليس كـل المكـونات
The pair of glasses contains two lenses.
contain يحتـوى علـى شـئ بداخـلة ( علـى كـل )
CD-ROMs can contain words, music and pictures.
comprise consist of is composed يتكـون مـن كـل المكـونات الأساسيـة
The United Kingdom consists of / is composed/ comprises England, Wales, Scotland, and Northern Ireland.
enclose يـرفـق ـ يحيـط
He enclosed a photo with his letter. My house is enclosed by a high fence.

poetry prose
poetry فـن الشعـر الذي يقـدر الجمـال و المشـاعر
Farouk Gowaida writes poetry.
prose نثـر
Newspaper articles are written in prose.

make + مفعـول + to مصـدر بـدون يجعـل
make + شخـص / شــئ + صفــة يجعـل
They made him study hard. Capital makes business successful.

Spell spill split
spell - spelled يتهـجـى
Spell your name, please.
spill - spilt يسكــب
Don’t cry over spilt milk.
split - split ينشطــر
Nuclear energy is made by splitting atoms

listen hear
listen to ينصت إلي ( سماع بقصد )
I always listen to the holy Quran in the morning .
hear يسمع ( سماع عارض ـ بدون قصد )
When I was walking in the street I heard someone crying .
hear from يتلقى رسالة من
Have you heard from Ahmed?
hear of يسمع أخبار عن ـ يعرف بوجود شخص أو شئ
She disappeared and was never heard of again.
hear about يسمع ـ يتلقى معلومات عن
You will hear about this later.

coast shore beach bank
coast ســاحل
Alex. is located on the north coast of Egypt.
shore البحـيرة ) ) شـاطئ البحـر
I saw some boats on the shore of the sea.
beach البـلاج ( الجـزء الرملـى عنـد حافـة البحـر )
We sat on the beach and ate ice cream.
bank ضفـة النهــر أو القنــاة
Trees grow along the bank of rivers.

alone lonely
alone بمفرده ( شـئ مـادى )
He carried the stone alone.
lonely وحيدا ( يشعـر بالوحـدة ) ( شـئ معنـوى )
Despite his friends, he feels lonely.

learn – teach know – show
learn ــ teach + ( to + inf ) أو ( how to + inf ) يتعـلم ـ يعـلم
She learns to cook. She learns how to cook.
know ــ show + ( how to + inf ) يعـرف ـ يوضـح
She knows how to cook.

other another one of
other صفـة يتبعهـا جمـع
I will visit other countries .
another صفـة يتبعهـا اسـم مفـرد
I will read another story .
one of ما يقـع بعـدها اسم جمع والفعل مفـرد
One of my friends is adoctor .

See watch
See يـرى ـ يبصــر
I can't see without my glasses. It was too dark to see anything.
See = understand يفهــم
Do you see how it works ?
See = think يفكــر
Let me see fo a while.
See someone off يـودع
I saw my friend off at the airport.
watch يشاهــد ـ يراقـب
We watch TV every day.
watch يحــرس
He felt that God was watching over him.

تستخدم else) ) بعد الكلمات التي تبدأ بـ ( ( some – every – no – some
وتنتهي بالكلمات ( one / thing / body / where ) مثـل:
Someone else/ everyone else / something else / nothing else
و تستخدم else) ) بعد أ دوات الإستفهام (( what / who / why / where
Do you need anything else? Who else attended the meeting?

Adjectives ending in (ed) & (ing)
الصفـات المنتهيـة بـ ed تعبـر عن أشخـاص أمـا الصفـات المنتهيـة بـ ing تعبـرعـن أشيـاء
I'm very tired today. Shopping is very tiring.
I'm interested in reading books. I watched a very interesting film yesterday.
ويمكن أن تأتى الصفـة المنتهيـة بــ (ing) مـع العاقل إذا كان الشخص هو الذى يسبب هذه الصفة.
He is boring. ( It means that he causes boredom )
عند اضافة حرف (s) الي السنة نقصد بها فترة عشر سنوات أي عقد :decade
In the 1970s = from 1970 to 1979

look at ينظر إلى look after يعتنى بـ look out يحتـرس
look for يبحث عن شخص أو شئ مفقود look into يمعن النظر فى look up to يحترم
look up يبحث عن معلومة فى كتاب look forward to يتطلع إلى


signal to يعطي إشارة لـ on the island علي الجزيرة
shoot down a plane يسقط طائرة escape from يهرب من
manage to = succeed in يتمكن من the fire goes out تنطفئ النيران
set fire to يشعل النار في look after يعتني بـ
split into ينقسم إلي protect from/against يحمي من
plan for the future يخطط للمستقبل compare .. with يقارن .. بـ
get on with يكون علي علاقة طيبة مع cruel to قاسي علي
popular with محبوب لدي give up يتخلي عن
have advice for لديه نصيحة لـ under control تحت السيطرة


Choose the correct answer from a , b , c , or d :
1- William Golding worked as a teacher in a ( primary - secondary - university – prep ) school.
2- Golding believed that everyone could be ( cruel - kind - brave – lazy )
3- The opposite of '' pessimistic'' is ( lazy - civilized - cruel - optimistic )
4- Golding worked as a ( sailor – pilot – accountant - leader ) in the British navy.
5- Golding was ( happy – shocked – frightened – brave ) by the things he had seen during the war.
6- The young boy ( took - stole – robbed –hi- jacked ) my wallet in the bus.
7- A group of foreign thieves ( robbed – stole - built - ran out ) the National Bank.
8- It was such ( interesting - an interesting - a interesting - the interesting ) story.
9- Few students knew about William,(others- other– another- one) students know about Shakespeare.
10- The story was interesting,( was it - wasn't it - isn't it -can't it ) ?
11- My grandfather loved ships and the sea, he spent 5 years in the ( navy – flying - mine – tomb )
12- My cousin is always ( optimistic – pessimistic - coward – funny ) and thinks something bad is
going to happen.
13- I am always ( optimistic - jealous - conceited – worried ) and think life is going to be good.
14- '' The lord of the Flies " was the ( better - best - good – bad ) novel, he has written.
15- The boys ( made - did - ate – ran ) a fire.
16- We used to go ( hunt - hunting - hunted - to hunting ) when we were young.
17- The tiger is hungry and is hunting its ( prey – kid – handler – trainer) .
18- My little son could finish his homework ( alone – lonely – only ).
19- Although she lives in a big family, she always feels ( alone – lonely – strange ).
20- Try to( consist – contain – include – decline ) Ahmed more in your game .
21- There were a lot of ( interested – interesting – bored – excited ) People on the tour.
22- I'm ( excited – worried – bored – happy ) With this book . I think I'll read another one .
23- They have rented a cottage on the south ( bank – coast – shore – beach ).
24- Their trip to Paris sounded really ( bored – excited – exciting – interested ) .
25- Nuclear energy is made by ( spelling – splitting – spilling ) atoms.
Find the mistakes and correct them:
1- However he doesn’t like playing tennis, He doesn't mind watching TV.
2- Sally goes to a computer centre in the afternoon in order to she wants to learn programming.
3- He scored the highest marks owing to he studied ten hours daily.
4- He has never played Karate even though he regular watches Karate on t v.
5- Huda always go to Paris.
6- He is as taller as his brother .
7- while she plays, she fell down.
8- Because his cleverness, he got high marks.
9- In spite of his poor, he is happy.
10- He study hard as he want his father to reward him
A) Translate into Arabic:
It has become clear that great efforts are necessary to pro enough food, housing, education, medical assistance and jobs for ever - increasing population in Egypt. The government cannot bear this huge responsibility without the honest and sincere co-operatic individuals.
b) Translate into English :
إن زيادة الإنتاج وتحديد النسل من أهم أهداف مصر في المرحلة المقبلة



A – An – The
A v71 تستخـدم قبـل الاسـم المفـرد الذى يعـد المبـدوء بحـرف سـاكـن .
a boy – a girl – a man – a woman – a hand – a lamp - a car - a farm .
a university – a uniform.
v72 قبـل الاسـم المفـرد المبـدوء بحـرف U تنطـق Y أو O تنطـق W .
An v73 تستخـدم قبـل الاسـم المفـرد الذى يعـد المبـدوء بحـرف متحـرك .
an apple – an egg – an inkpot – an orange – an elephant.
v74 قبـل الاسـم المفـرد المبـدوء بحـرف H السـاكنـة المتبـوعـة بحـرف متحـرك .
an hour – an honest man.
v75 لا تستخـدم A – An قبـل الأسمـاء التـى لا تعـد .
water – milk – oil – freedom – honesty – money ……………..

The v76 تستخـــدم فــى الحــالات الآتيـة :ـ
The little girl in blue is Fatma v77 عنـد التعـريف بغـرض التحـديد .
the Sun – the Moon – the Sky v1 مـع الأسمـاء الفـريـدة فـى الكـون .
the cinema – the theatre – the library v78 مـع الأمـاكـن والمحـلات .
the tallest – the shortest – the oldest v79 مـع الصفـه فى الدرجـة الثالثـة .
republic – state – union – kingdom أو the Sudan - the Congo v80 مع أسمـاء البلاد إذا كانـت تحتـوى على .
the Arab republic of Egypt – the United states of America . …
the River Nile – the Red sea – the Alps v81 مـع المعـالـم الجغـرافيـة الرئيسية .
v82 مـع العبـارات التـى تشيـر للزمـن والإتجـاه وأجـزاء الجسـم .
the present – the past – the back – the front – the body – the brain…..
v83 مـع أسمـاء الهيئـات والمنظمـات والألقـاب والمنـاخ .
the government – the police – the army – the United Nations – the climate - the weather – the press ………
v84 عنـدمـا نتحـدث عـن اكتشـاف أو اختـراع .
the telephone – the computer – the television – the plane ………..
the more you eat, the fatter you become. v85 مـع جمـل المقـارنـة .
v86 مـع الأسمـاء السـابق ذكـرهـا فـى الجمـلة.
He gave me a book, the book is very important.
listen – play – learn – teach
He plays the piano.
v87 قبـل الآلات المـوسيقيـه بعـد افعـال مثـل .
the rich – the poor – the young – the old – the dead – the living…..
v88 قبل الصفة لتشير إلى الجنس كله .
first – second – third – morning – evening – afternoon …….
Ahmed is the first one to arrive. v89 قبـل كلمـات مثـل .

v90 ولا تستخـدم فى الحـالات الآتيـة :ـ
v91 مـع الأسمـاء التـى تعـد فـى حـاله الجمـع بوجـه عـام .
men – children – vitamins – doctors – flowers – trees ……..
v92 مـع الأسمـاء التى لا تعـد وتشمـل :
milk – tea – coffee – bread …. v93 أسمـاء الطعـام والشـراب .
glass – wood – gold v94 المـواد عندمـا تستخـدم بوجـه عـام .
Basketball is not as popular as football. v95 الألعـاب الرياضية مثـل :
beauty – freedom, love, sadness, happiness ……. v96 الأسمـاء المجـردة مثـل .
Science, History, English, Arabic …… v97 المـواد الدراسيـه .
Arabic , English , French, Spanish …………… v98 أسمـاء اللغـات .
breakfast, lunch, dinner, supper ………. v99 قبـل الوجبـات .
I invited my friend to the dinner. v100 إلا فـى حـالـة دعـوه .
v101 قبـل الأماكـن الآتيـة إذا كـان الذهـاب إليها أو استخدامهـا للغـرض الـذى أنشئـت من أجـله .
school, bed, hospital, prison, court, church, mosque, college.
v102 ولكـن تستخـدم إذا كـان الذهـاب إليهـا لأغـراض أخـرى .
He went to the school to meet the headmaster.
He arrives at work at eight o'clock. v103 قبـل كلمـة work بمعنـى مكـان العمـل .
v104 قبـل كلمـة home بعـد أفعـال go – come - return .
I went home at six yesterday.
king Fahd - president Mubarak v105 قبـل الكلمـات المتبـوعة باسـم علـم .
Summer, Autumn, winter, Spring v106 قبـل أسمـاء فصـول السنـة .
mountain, cape, lake v107 قبـل كلمـات .

Choose the correct answer
1. He lives in ( a – an – the - no article ) London.
2. For this job you need ( a – an – the - no article) experience with computer.
3. It's (a – an - the - no article ) most expensive car I've ever seen .
4. Did you come by ( a – an – the – no article ) air ?
5. I had a cup of tea and some coffee ( a – an – the - no article ) tea was hot .
6. I couldn't hear because of (a – an – the - no article ) noise of the train .
7. The Earth moves round ( a – an – the - no article) Sun .
8. I asked ( a – an – the - no article ) professor Ahmed about his childhood .
9. She gave me ( a – an – the - no article ) encouraging reply.
10- ( A – An - The – No article ) Sun went down ( a – an – the - no article ) horizon.
11- Sara went to ( a – an – the - no article ) library to borrow ( a – an – the - no article ) book.
12- His father was not ( a – an – the - no article ) educated man.
13- ( A – An - The – No article ) man band entertained the crowed.
14- Fear is ( a – an – the - no article ) universal weakness.
15. I dislike ( the – a – no article ) towns , but I love ( a – the – an ) countryside .
16. Where is ( a – an – the ) hat that I bought yesterday .
17. Nagi , ( a – the – an ) man you met yesterday is ( a – an – the ) honest man .
18. He crossed ( a – the – an ) Atlantic in ( a – an – the ) record time .
19. It's ( an – a – the ) shame ! There won't be another train for at least ( an – a – the ) hour .
20. Take ( a – an – no article ) little tea . It will do you ( an – a – the ) lot of good .
21. What ( a – an – no article ) nonsense !
22. There was ( an – a – the ) knock at ( an – a – the ) door , I opened it and found
23. There was ( an – a – the ) knock at ( an – a – the ) door , I opened it and found
24. ( an – a – the ) small dark man in ( an – a – the ) check overcoat and ( an – a – the ) soft hat .


Test 5
A- Language Functions
1) Respond to the following situations:

1- Your teacher asks you about the important qualities to be a successful student.
2- your friend asks you about what makes you good friend.
3- Someone thinks that the river Nile is the shortest river in the world.
4- You want to invite your friend to your sister's wedding.
2) Say where these mini-dialogues take place:
1 - A : Your ticket, please .
B : Here you are .
A : Seat 33 b.
B : When does the film start?
A : at 9.00

2 A : Can I help you?
B : yes, I would like a dictionary .
A : Dictionaries are over there.
B : Thanks, sir.
B- Vocabulary and Structutre
3) Choose the correct answer from a, b, c or d:

1- The gang ………………………. a fire after their robbery.
a- made b- did c- ate d– ran
2- My brother could climb the trees ……………….
a- alone b– lonely c– only d- loneliness
3- The price ………………………… Ahmed more in your game
a- consist b– contain c– include d– decline
4- The hunters ……………………. The animal and took it to the zoo.
a- captured b- measured c- escaped d- cashed
5- My brother is always ……………. He believes that good things will happen.
a- pessimistic b- optimistic c- artistic d- enthusiastic
6- You mustn't ………………. Things. It is against the law and the instructions of our religion.
a- steal b- rob c- sell d- lend
7- My grandpa loved ships and the sea and spent 20 years in the …………
a- wavy b- navy c- heavy d- envy
8- I spent last night -------- letters to my friend
a- to write b- write c- wrote d- writing
9- He lost his eye sight ,he can’t ------------
a- hear b-see c- notice d- watch
10- Dr Taha Hussein wrote his ----------about his life.
a- biography b- biology c- autobiography d- autograph
11- He booked a room in ------- Hilton.
a- the b- a c- no article d- an
12- France is …………………….. European country .
a. the b. an c. a d. no article
13- …………………............ oranges are good for you .
a. The b. no article c. Much d. A lot
14- He has ............................ bread and salad for dinner .
a. the b. a c. an d. no article
15- The machine is made of …………........... steal .
a. the b. an c. a d. no article
16)I respect him because of his ----------honesty
a- the b- a c- no article d- an
4) Find the mistakes and correct them:
1- A united Kingdom is very far.
2- The Arabic is easy.
3- The Cairo is in Egypt.
4- The king Fouad ruled Egypt.
5- My father went to a school to meet my teacher.
6- France is part of an European Union
(C) Reading Comprehension and Set Books
5) Read and complete the table .
Recently Karam decided to go to evening classes twice week .During
the day , he works in a secretarial agency as a typist . It is not a very interesting job and he gets bored . So he decided to take up carpentry
as a job. He thinks that learning a skill is a good solution to the problem of boring work

Karam's present job ..............................(1).........................
The place of work ………………….....(2)………………..
Reasons for leaving it ………………….….(3)………………..
What he would like to be …………………….(4)……………......
Why he choose it ………… …………(5)………………..
Where he learn it ……………………(6)…………………

6) Read the following passage, then answer the questions:
On leave, Mrs Magda gave last minute instructions to the new baby -sitter, a young girl of seventeen whose main work was to look after the baby. The girl had never done this work before and Mrs Magda was a little bit anxious. "Make yourself comfortable, Soha" Mrs Magda said. I've prepared a tray of food and fruit for you. It's on the table.
You can, of course, listen to the radio or watch the television, but don't have it on too loud because it might wake our little baby. Sound moves terribly in this house. If the boy wakes up, go to his room and stay with him there until he goes back to sleep. Anyway, he's two years old, so you shouldn't have any trouble. My husband and I will be back at about five o'clock". Mr. Kamal and his wife Magda returned rather later than they had expected they heard the sound of T.V.A light was still on in the living -room the little baby was crying loudly. His face was covered with tears. Mr Kamal switched off the television. Mrs. Magda went to the living -room immediately and came out, holding the baby who was very hungry "What is she doing there? Where is Soha? She is fast asleep'. She has eaten all the food here
ِِA) Answer the following questions:
1. Why was Mrs. Magda worried about the baby - sitter?
2. What did Mr.and Mrs. Kamal find when they returned home?
3. What instructions did Mrs. Magda give the baby - sitter?
4. Was Soha a good baby - sitter or a bad one? Why?
B) Choose the correct answer from a, b, c or d:
5. Although Mrs. Magda gave strict instructions to the baby - sitter, she .......
a) forgot them b) carried them out c) neglected them d) followed them
6. When Mrs. Magda returned home, she was surprised because .......
a) the baby sitter was awake b) the television was on
c) there was a light in the living – room d) the baby was crying and Soha was fast asleep
7. Mrs. Magda came home ..............
a) before five b) after five c) at five d) at half past four

D- The Novel
E- Writing
9) Write a paragraph of seven (7) sentences about:
“ How you spent your last holiday ?"
Use the following guiding points:
- Where you went and with whom - Why you chose that place - What you did there .
F- Translation
10) A- Translate into Arabic:
During our holiday, we usually go on a trip to visit places of interest .we can go to summer resorts to enjoy the sea and the mild weather. We can also practise our favorite hobbies
B- Translate into English:
تشجع الحكومة رجال الأعمال المصريين علي إنشاء المصانع واستصلاح الأراضي خاصة في سيناء والمناطق الصحراوية


quiz مسابقة motivation دافع lose life يفقد حياة
magazine مجلة amazing مدهش simple بسيط
deep عميق how far كم بعد challenge يتحدى
ocean محيط popular محبوب _ شعبى goal هدف
the Pacific Ocean المحيط الهادى unpopular غير محبوب feel fantastic يشعر بالسعادة
special خاص modern حديث oxygen أكسجين
mountain جبل formal رسمى cylinders أسطوانة ـ أنبوبة
Everest جبل إفرست informal غير رسمى express يعبر
above فوق Nepal نيبال opinion رأى
sea level مستوى البحر Japan اليابان nervous عصبى
reach يصل Switzerland سويسرا either إما
summit قمة Italy إيطاليا neither لا
definitely بالتأكيد Beautiful جميل equipment معدات
climb يتسلق famous مشهور no room for لا مكان
climber متسلق conquer يغزو mistakes أخطاء
sporting event حدث رياضى lifelong طول العمر inspire يوحى ـ يلهم
idea فكرة mountaineer متسلق الجبال explorer مستكشف
proud of فخور بـ slightly بطريقة طفيفة motivate يحث ـ يدفع
Phone up يتصل toddler طفل يمشى national قومى- وطنى
Quiz line خط المسابقات common شائع - منتشر pride فخور
answer يرد _ إجابة real حقيقى bride عروسة
part جزء reasons أسباب Bridegroom عريس
challenger deep أعمق مكان professional محترف diving غطس
trench amateur هاو enormous عديد ـ هائل
below sea level تحت مستوى سطح البحر ambition طموح divers غواصين
finally أخيرا ambitious طموح charity جمعية خيرية
nearly تقريبا dream of يحلم بـ suddenly فجأة
Sweden السويد dream about يحلم بـ weekend نهاية الأسبوع
compare يقارن flag علم fiction خيال
gist لب ـ جوهر hobbies هوايات raise money يجمع مال
distinguish يميز dangerous خطير incredible لا يصدق

Language notes

Adjectives ending in (ed) & (ing)
الصفـات المنتهيـة بـ ed تعبـر عن أشخـاص أمـا الصفـات المنتهيـة بـ ing تعبـرعـن أشيـاء
I'm very tired today. Shopping is very tiring.
I'm interested in reading books. I watched a very interesting film yesterday.
ويمكن أن تأتى الصفـة المنتهيـة بــ (ing) مـع العاقل إذا كان الشخص هو الذى يسبب هذه الصفة.
He is boring. ( It means that he causes boredom )

Do a quiz يحل مسابقة
Would you like to do this quiz with me?

arrive reach get to
arrive ( in – at )
He arrived in Cairo. يصـل مكـان كبيـر
He arrived at the airport. يصـل مكـان صغيـر
When did they arrive ?
بـدون حـرف جـر
reach + object يصـل بـدون حـرف جـر
He reached the airport. يصـل مكـان صغيـر They reached Cairo. يصـل مكـان كبيـر
get to يصــل إلى ( بصعــوبة )
They get to Cairo. They got to Cairo airport

life a life the life
life ( الحيـاة بوجـه عـام ( إسـم لا يعـد ولا يسبقـه أداه
There is no life on the moon . Life is fun .
a life – ( lives ) نـوع معيـن مـن حيـاة ( إسـم يعـد ) غالبـا يسبقهـا صفـه
He leads a happy life .
a life of + إسـم غيـر عـاقـل ( lives )
He leads a life of fun .
the life of + إسـم عـاقـل ( lives ) ( نـوع معيـن مـن حيـاه ( إسـم يعـد
What do you know about the life of our prophet ( P B U H ) ?

cause reason
cause يسبـب
What caused the fire?
cause of +اسـم سبـب
What was the cause of the fire?
reason with يحاول إقـناع ـ يتجـادل مـع
I reasoned with him for hours, but I couldn't make him change his mind.
reason for + اسـم داع ـ مبـرر ـ سبب
Can you give the reason for leaving ?
The reason why + جمــلة كامــلة
Is there a reason why you can't come?

take part in = share in = participate in يشـارك
Did you take part in the poetry competition ?
take place = happen = occur يحـدث
When did the accident take place ?
take the place of = replace يحـل محـل
He resigned and I took his place.
take up much of يستنـزف كثيـر مـن
He took much of his money.
take off يخلـع – تقلـع
When I returned home, I took off my coat. The plane took off at ten.
take over يتـولى مهمـة
After his father's death he took over his work.
take after يشبـه
She took her mother completely.

Special private
special خاص بفئة أو طبقة
Doctors and nurses wear special clothes.
private خاص بشخص أو ملك شخص
We have a private car .
child toddler teenager adolescent
child ( baby ) ( an infant ) طفـل صغيـر
He is still a child. He cries all the time.
toddler الطفـل الذي تعلم المشي ( السن 1 ـ 2 سنه)
A child who has just learned to walk is a toddler.
teenager = adolescent مـراهق (السن 13 الي 19سنه )
Children aged 13 to 19 are teenager .
youth = young people شـاب
The police arrested several youth who were fighting.

sea level
above sea level فوق مستوي سطح البحر
They live about 3,000 metres above sea level.
below sea level تحت مستوي سطح البحر
They can swim 100 metres below sea level.

slightly different مختلف الى حد ما
You should ask a slightly different question.

Professional amateur
professional محترف (يلعب من اجل المال )
He plays for money , he is a professional.
amateur هاوي
He is an amateur , he doesn't take money.

Lifelong long life
lifelong مدي الحياة
Learning must be lifelong.
longlife حياة طويلة
He has a long life, he is over 100.

by himself for himself
by himself = alone = on his own بنفسة
He wrote the story by himself.
for himself لنفسة
He climbed the mountain not only for himself but for Egypt.

the same as …….. as similar to
the same + اسم نفس الشئ
Ahmed and Ali are the same age.
as + صفة + as نفس الشئ
Ali is as old as Ramy.
similar to مشابة لـ
Your car is similar to my car.


exposure to التعرض لـ fall off a mountain يسقط من علي الجبل
fall to his death يلقي حتفه excited about يشعر بالإثارة بشأن
on the walls علي الجدران dream of / about يحلم بـ
at the summit of عند قمة nervous of قلق وخائف من
go away يسافر / يرحل worried about قلق بشأن
do something for money يفعل شيء من أجل المال from the top to the bottom من القمة إلي القاع
go up يرتفع / يصعد go down ينخفض / يهبط
phone up for the answers يتصل للحصول علي الإجابة in danger of في خطر ..

الفاعل + is / was + the first + to + مصدر أول من
Ahmed was the first one to arrive at school.


out of the blue ( suddenly and unexpectedly ) شيء مفاجيء
something dangerous can happen out of the blue.
made my day ( made me very happy ) يجعل الشخص سعيد
Getting the prize made my day.
a close call ( something bad nearly happened ) شيء سيء على وشك الحدوث
That was a close call.
keep your cool ( to stay calm and not get upset or nervous ) كن هادي ء
I was in a dangerous situation but I kept my cool.
in a tight corner ( to be in a difficult situation without many choices ) في موقف صعب
We were in a very tight corner, we couldn't escape.


Choose the correct answer from a , b , c , or d :
1- Some players ( take – make – do) drugs to improve their performance .
2- He insisted that I ( will stay - should stay - have stayed ) with him.
3- Smoking is harmful ( to – with – at - on ) your health.
4- She insisted ( on - at – in - with ) leaving alone.
5- We ( go – do – play ) sailing every week .
6- The writer of the article approves ( of - at - on ) what he is writing about.
7- He is sitting next ( for - to - on ) my friend.
8- Mountaineers are people who climb ( monuments – mountains – treasures – cylinders ).
9- Something difficult or new that needs effort or skill is ( lifelong – conquer – toddler – slightly ).
10- He doesn't remember what he has done when he was ( toddler – youth– an old man – an aged ).
11- Omar was the first ( arrived – arriving – to arrive – to arriving ).
12- Can you tell me the reason ( why – of – for – out ) you took the book.
13- Lifelong means goes for ( short time – short period – life – no life ).
14- The Egyptian ( pyramid – flag – flight – fan ) has three colours red, white and black.
15- He was in a tight corner, this means he had a ( problem – charity – prize – happiness ).
16- Would you like to ( have - do – send – apply ) this quiz with me?
17- Some people wear ( public – private – special – publicity ) uniforms as nurses.
18- Winning the cup of Africa was the most important ( event – accident – incident – circle ) of 2008.
19 - ( Annapurna – Mount Fuji – The Matterhorn – Everest ) is the highest mountain in the world.
20- The( River Nile – Amazon – Forat – Degla ) is the longest river in the world.
21- Keep your cool means you should be ( happy - calm - angry – furious ).
22- Something dangerous came out of the ( green – red - blue – black ).
23- She made her dress by ( herself – own – alone himself )
24- My ( life – a life – the life – live ) is comfortable.
25- He ( reached – arrived – got – arrival ) Cairo at 10 yesterday.
26- He was the first one ( arrives – arrived - to arrive - would arrive ) at work .
Rewrite the following sentences:
1- After He wrote his homework then he watched TV.
2- He won’t catch the bus if he got up late.
3- This is Magi whom she lives Next door.
4- He has been watching TV since it began at 5 o’clock
5- Two millions years ago the western Desert had heavy rain fall.
6- The tourists visit the Egyptian museum last week.
7- He interview a famous player
8- He left us an hour ago.
A) Translate into Arabic:
The ministry of foreign trade is mainly designed to increase exports. Industry and agriculture should be developed so that Egyptian products are competitive in world markets.
b) Translate into English :
تعتبر السياحة مصدر هام للدخل القومي في مصر.


الصفــة :ـ هـى كلمـة لوصـف الاسـم ( عاقـل أو غيـر عـاقل ) والصفـة لاتجمـع ولا يسبقهـا أداه .

He is a tall man .
They are tall men . It's a new car .
They are new cars .
v109 للتشـابـه :ـ نضـع الصفـة بيـن as + adj + as .
He is as tall as his friend . ( Negative )
v110 للنفـى :ـ نضـع الصفـة بيـن not as (so) + adj + as .
He isn't as (so) tall as his friend .

Degrees of Adjectives
v111 لوصـف شخـص ( مفـرد ـ جمـع ) أو شـئ ( مفـرد ـ جمـع ) . Positive
He is a tall man . It's a new car .
They are tall men . They are new cars.
v112 للمقـارنـة بيـن شخصيـن أو شيئيـن ونضيـف للصفـة ( adj + er + than ) مـع صفـة قصيـرة و
( more – less ) + adj + than ) مـع صفـة طويـلة
He is taller than me. She is more beautiful than her sister .
He is shorter than me . She is less beautiful than her sister .


v113 للمقـارنـة بيـن واحـد ومجمـوعـة أو واحـد للتفـرد ونضيـف للصفـة ( the + adj + est ) مـع صفـة قصيـرة و
( the most – least + adj ) مـع صفـة طويلـة .
She is the most beautiful girl .
She is least beautiful girl . He is the tallest one.
He is the shortest one .

Kinds of adjectives

Short adjective

tall taller than the tallest
short shorter than the shortest
young younger than the youngest
old older than the oldest
nice nicer than the nicest

عنـد المقـارنـة :ـ نضيـف للصفـة ( er + than ) وفى التفضيـل ( est + صفــة + the)

He is tall. ( positive )
He is taller than me . ( comparative )
He is the tallest one. ( superlative )

ملحوظة :ـ إذا كانت الصفة مـن مقطع واحد تنتهى بحرف ساكن مسبوق بحرف متحرك يضاعف الساكن فى المقارنة والتفضيل .

big bigger than the biggest
thin thinner than the thinnest
fat fatter than the fattest
sad sadder than the saddest

Your flat is big . ( positive )
Your flat is bigger than mine . ( comparative )
Your flat is the biggest one . ( superlative )

إذا كـانـت الصفـة تنتهـى بحـرف y مسبـوق بحـرف ساكـن تقلـب إلى ( ier ) فـى المقـارنـة و ( iest ) فـى التفضيـل .

easy easier than the easiest
happy happier than the happiest
lazy lazier than the laziest
heavy heavier than the heaviest

He is happy . ( positive )
He is happier than his friend . ( comparative )
He is the happiest boy . ( superlative )

Long adjective

عنـد المقــارنـة :ـ نضـع ( more or less ) قبـل الصفــة وبعـدهـا ( than ) وفى التفضيـل نضـع قبـل الصفــة
( the most or the least ) .

more ( less ) beautiful than
the most ( least ) beautiful
fantastic more ( less ) fantastic than the most ( least ) fantastic
wonderful more ( less ) wonderful than the most ( least ) wonderful
interesting more ( less ) interesting than the most ( least ) interesting

She is beautiful . ( positive )
She is more beautiful than her friend . ( comparative )
She is the most beautiful girl . ( superlative )

Irregular adjective

better than
the best
bad worse than the worst
many \ much more than the most
little less than the least
far farther ( further ) than the farthest ( furthest )
fore former than the first


latter than
later than the last
the latest

He is good . ( positive )
He is better than his brother . ( comparative )
He is the best one . ( superlative )
ملاحظــات :ـ يمكن تحويل الجملة الآتية إلى صيغة المقارنة كالآتى :
صفـة المقـارنـة تحـول إلى تفضيـل
No orator in Egypt is better than Him.
He is the best orator in Egypt.
صفـة التفضيـل تحـول إلى مقـارنـة
Prophet Mohamed was the best leader in history.
No leader in history is better than Prophet Mohamed.
صفـة المقـارنة تحـول إلى مسـاواة منفيـة
Ahmed is better than any other one in the class . ( No one )
No one is as good as Ahmed in the class .

London is colder than Cairo.
London is not as hot as Cairo.عكسنا الصفة
Cairo is not as cold as London. عكسنا الأسماء
صفـة المساواة منفـية تحـول إلى مقـارنـة
Nagwa is not as clever as Mahmoud.
Mahmoud is cleverer than Nagwa.
صفـة التفضيـل تحـول إلى مقـارنـة
August is the hottest month.
No other month is hotter than August.

The Nile is the longest river in the world.
No river in the world is longer than the Nile.
صفـة المسـاواة المنفيـة تحـول إلى مقـارنـة
Ahmed is not as tall as Abd el-rahman.
Abd Al-rahman is taller than Ahmed.
يمكـن استخـدام

( never / not ) مضـارع تـام منفـى بـ صفـة عـادية ( مقـارنة )
This / It’s + صفــة تفضيــل مضارع تام يحتوى على (ever )

I have never seen a match better than this one.
This match is the best match I’ve ever seen.

I have never read a book more interesting than this book.
It’s the most interesting book I’ve ever read.
This book is the most interesting book I’ve ever read.

I haven't met a girl cleverer than Gihan.
Gihan is the cleverest girl I’ve ever met.


Rewrite the following sentences using the word(s) in brackets:

1. Paris is colder than Cairo . ( as hot as )
2. Gold is the most valuable metal . ( more )
3. This man is the fastest runner in the world . ( faster )
4. Ahmed is cleverer than any other accountant . ( cleverest )
5. No player in the team is better than Ali . ( best )
6. If you work more , you'll get more money . ( The … the )
7. This is the happiest day in my life . ( not )
8. I didn't understand what he said . ( tall )
9. It's years since I saw a film as exciting as that. ( more exciting )
10. Microsoft Company is the most famous one . ( No company )
11. The Nile is the longest river in the world. ( No river )
12. It is the smallest camera I've ever seen . ( smaller )
13. The manager isn't as strict as his wife . ( less)
14. Everyone heard about the accident before Ayman . ( the last one )
15. I have never seen such a beautiful girl . ( ever )
2) Find the mistakes and correct the sentences:
1- This car is as older as my car.
2- Ahmad is the better student in the class.
3- Arabic is the easiest subject.
4- Challenger deep is the deeper part of all the oceans.
5- Everest is highest than Kilimanjaro .
6- Everest is not as high than that.
7- Part two is most difficult than part one.
8- For me , his climb was the more important sporting event of 2007.
9- The older tree in the world is nearly 10,000 years old.
10- My friend had a problem , he was in a light corner.
11- That is least interesting film I have ever seen.
12- English is more easier than Chinese.
13- This is most excitinf match I have ever seen.
14- It is the most tall building in our city.
15- The higher point of the mountain is called summit.

Test 6

A- Language Functions
1) Respond to the following situations
1– Someone asks you which city is the capital of Britain.
2– Your friend asks you which river is the longest.
3– A tourist asks you which is the second largest city in Egypt.
4– You ask your sister about the age of the pyramids.
2) Say where these situations take place and who the speakers are
1- A) Can I help you?
B) Yes, please . I'd like to borrow a book .
A) What kind of book do you want ?
B) A history book .

2- A) Can I help you ?
B) Yes, please . I'd like two blue pens and five notebooks .
A) Here you are . they are only 9 pounds .

B- Vocabulary and Structutre
3) Choose the correct answer from a, b, c or d:

1- …………….. of our neighbour is very hard.
a- The life b- life c- a life d- live
2- I feel ………………….. better today.
a- lightly b- slightly c- brightly d- lastly
3- A …………. Is a child who has just started walking.
a- infant b- toddler c- baby d- adult
4- My brother has had a ……………… … wish to be a doctor.
a- lifelong b- longlife c- lifestyle d- lifeboat
5- I'd like you to ………………a look at this nice picture.
a- take b– make c– do d- had
6- The ………………. children were opening the Christmas presents.
a- exciting b- excited c- excite d- excitement
7- Games and sports play a great part in …...……. person's character .
a- giving b- forming c- doing d- taking
8- He is always …………….……… with the welfare of his family .
a- interested b- worried c- concerned d- happy
10– Of all my friends I like Ahmad----------------------
a – better b – best c– the better d– good
11– The harder you work, the ----------------------you gain.
a– much b– more c– most d- less
12– This math's broblem is ------------------------of all.
a– difficult b– more difficult c– as difficult d– the most difficult
13– This is ---------------------news he has ever heard.
a – best b – the best c – better d – good

14– The shelf is too -----------for me to reach.
a – high b – higher c – highest d – as high
15– She is ten years ------------than her sister.
a – old b – older c – elder d – as old
16– He got a bit --------------------than he was yesterday.
a – good b – better c – more better d – the best
4) Find the mistakes and correct them:
1- Ahmad is the better student in the class.
2- My friend had a problem , he was in a light corner.
3- This car is as older as my car.
4- He is amateur, he plays for money
5- The most tall building in our city is the Central Bank.
6- The much food you eat, the fatter you become.
.(C) Reading Comprehension and Set Books
5) Read and then write notes on the passage:
Secretary : Good morning, Halwani company .
Mr Ali : Good morning, This is Adel Ahmed. Can I speak to Mr. Salem?
Secretary : I'm sorry sir, He is out of the office at the moment. Would you like to leave a massage?
Mr Ali : Yes, tell him that our flight to Paris will be at 11.00 tomorrow .
Secretary : Certainly, Mr. Ali .

Caller : ………..…………(1)…………………………
Who he want to speak to : …………………..(2)…………………………
The purpose of the call : …………………..(3)…………………………

6) Read the following passage, then answer the questions:
Generally , rainforests are forests with high rainfall and a large number of different kinds of plants and animals. Human beings depend on rainforests in numerous ways but it would be wrong to suggest that they should be saved just because they are useful to humans. Rainforests have been called the wombرحم of life because they are home to 50 - 90 % of the species on earth although tropical forests cover only 12 % of the land area of the Earth. It has been estimated that as a result of cutting down rainforest, at least 40 species are disappearing every day. No one knows just how the rest of the global ecosystems depend on rainforests, but we may find out in the next 30 to 50 years. Rainforests are a vital source of medicine and at least 25% of all modern drugs came originally from rainforests. Rainforests offer a veritableحقيقى bountyمنحةof foods. The Earth's climate is affected by rainforests. When trees are down and burnt or left to decompose, they release carbon dioxide into the air which is the main gas that causes global warming. Cutting down rainforests also changes the amount of rain that falls in an area. When rain falls on forests, the water is slowed down and absorbed by trees and plants. When they are taken away, the water flows quickly over the ground and this causes floods and erosion.
ِِA- Answer the following questions:
1 - How are rainforests useful for humans ?
2- What happens when rainforests are cut down ?
3- Why is it wrong to save the rainforests just so that they can be used by humans?
4- What would happen to Earth if rainforest disappeared?
B- Choose the correct answer from a, b, c or d:
5- Many animals are disappearing from Earth because of:
a) global warming b) cutting down rainforests
c) high rainfall and flood d) global ecosystems بيئي
6- Species in the passage refers to :
a) plants and animals b) medicine and food c) plants d) animals
7- The word "they" in bold refers to :
a) rain and water b) floods and erosionتعرية
c) absorbed water d) trees and plants

D- The Novel
E- Writing
Cool Write a paragraph of seven (7) sentences about:
Over- population and its effect on people's living standard
F- Translation
9) A- Translate into Arabic:
The 20th century has been full of achievements and the catastrophes. It has witnessed the
invention of the car, the plane and new forms of media. It saw the birth of the internet and the telecommunication revolution. On the other hand, it has witnessed two world wars , a cold war
and countless regional wars on all continents .
B) Translate into English:
من الصعب التنفس على ارتفـاع كبيـر من سطـح البحـر بسبب انخفـاض كميـة الأكسجيـن.
الرجوع الى أعلى الصفحة اذهب الى الأسفل
المنهج كامل 2ث ج4
الرجوع الى أعلى الصفحة 
صفحة 1 من اصل 1
 مواضيع مماثلة
» المنهج كامل 2ث ج6
» المنهج كامل 2ث ج1
» المنهج كامل 2ث ج2
» المنهج كامل 2ث ج3
» المنهج كامل 2ث ج5

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