منتديات العلم الذهبي
الوحدة الاولي  2ث 13341529391
كل شي يرحب بك
كل شي يتبسم ويتوهج فرحا بقدومك
كل شي ينمق عبارات الترحيب
ويصوغ كلمات الحب لوجودك
كل شي ينتظر مشاركاتك
وقلمك الرائع وابداعاتك
كل شي يردد حياك الله ^_^
منتديات العلم الذهبي
الوحدة الاولي  2ث 13341529391
كل شي يرحب بك
كل شي يتبسم ويتوهج فرحا بقدومك
كل شي ينمق عبارات الترحيب
ويصوغ كلمات الحب لوجودك
كل شي ينتظر مشاركاتك
وقلمك الرائع وابداعاتك
كل شي يردد حياك الله ^_^
منتديات العلم الذهبي
هل تريد التفاعل مع هذه المساهمة؟ كل ما عليك هو إنشاء حساب جديد ببضع خطوات أو تسجيل الدخول للمتابعة.

يتكون من عدة اقسام علمية
الرئيسيةالبوابةأحدث الصورالتسجيلدخول
نحن الان نقدم لكم منتدى علمى مفيد جدا و من يسجل يكون له حق المشاركة و منتدانا يجيب و يساعد الاعضاء فى الابحاث فمن يطلب بحث سوف يكون موجود خلال 24 ساعة و يقدم مساعدة للباحثين فى كل نواحى العلوم فقط اترك موضوع اكتب فيه ما تحتاجه و سوف تجده فى القسم الذى ينتمى اليه و يمكنكم مراسلتى على الايميل doctor_riham31@yahoo.com سوف أجيب على ما تحتاجونه مع خالص الاحترام . احبائي اعضاء المنتدى سوف اغيب عن المنتدى ولن ادخله كثيراً لظروف ابحاثي و دروسي و يا ريت تعتنوا بيه .
تم عمل تعديلات جديدة للمنتدي وتشمل ( اضافة أقسام جديدة - ستايل جديد ورائع للمنتدي - عمل شات احترافي للمنتدي اسفل الصفحة الرئيسية - تلوين اقسام المنتدي واضافة صورة لكل قسم ) ونرجو أن تلقي هذه التعديلات اعجابكم ويمكنكم ارسال مقترحاتكم حول تطوير المنتدي الينا لدعمنا ومساعدتنا في عرض المنتدي بأحسن صورة ولا تبخلوا علينا بها .. شكرا لكم .. الإدارة
عادة يتم تفعيل حسابات الأعضاء الغير مفعله خلال 48 ساعة كحد أقصي من خلال الادارة 48


 الوحدة الاولي 2ث

اذهب الى الأسفل 
كاتب الموضوعرسالة
rama taha
المدير العام
المدير العام
rama taha

عدد المساهمات : 79
تاريخ التسجيل : 28/09/2012
العمر : 28

الوحدة الاولي  2ث Empty
مُساهمةموضوع: الوحدة الاولي 2ث   الوحدة الاولي  2ث Icon_minitimeالخميس نوفمبر 01, 2012 10:12 pm

Unit 1
The world of work

receptionist موظف استقبال train (v.) يدرب / يتدرب
smart أنيق uniform زي موحد (رسمي)
comfortable مريح / مرتاح air conditioning تكييف الهواء
friendly ودود efficient كفء في العمل
civil engineer مهندس مدني design يصمم
railways السكة الحديد bridge كوبري
proud فخور dam سد
make Egypt richer يجعل مصر أغنى good for مفيد لـ
grandchildren أحفاد news reporter مراسل أخبار (صحفي)
delegation وفد report on (v.) يكتب تقرير عن
leader قائد headline news عناوين الأخبار الرئيسية
computer programmer مبرمج كمبيوتر interview (v.) (n.) يجري مقابلة شخصية
magic سحر well-known مشهور / معروف جيدا
national وطني / قومي international دولي
do research on يعمل أبحاث على architect مهندس معماري
world-famous مشهور عالميا surgeon جراح
adapt to يتكيف مع die of – died – died يموت بسبب
medicine الطب / دواء qualified as مؤهل كـ
qualifications مؤهلات experience خبرة
transplant زرع (نقل) أعضاء under his leadership تحت قيادته
operation عملية جراحية healthy سليم / بصحة جيدة
heart surgery جراحة القلب retire – d – d يتقاعد / يحال إلى المعاش
research (n.) (v.) بحث علمي / يعمل بحث treatment علاج
human cells خلايا بشرية qualify يؤهل / يصبح مؤهلا
charity جمعية خيرية retirement age سن التقاعد
with heart problems مصاب بأمراض القلب charitable organisations مؤسسات خيرية
benefit from يستفيد من surname اسم العائلة (اللقب)
nationality الجنسية marital status الحالة الاجتماعية
education التعليم address عنوان
fill in an application form يملأ استمارة بيانات give money to charity يتبرع لجمعية خيرية
apply for (a job) يتقدم (بطلب) لوظيفة keen on = interested in مهتم بـ

Listening: Key sentences
I'm a hotel receptionist. Our company trains us well and gives us a smart uniform to wear.
It's very comfortable working in a modern building with air conditioning.
It's important to be friendly and efficient in my work.
I'm a civil engineer. I design and build roads, railways, bridges, etc. I'm proud to be helping to build a modern country.
Our roads, bridges and dams will help to make Egypt richer, and that will be good for our children and our grandchildren.
I'm a news reporter. A trade delegation from Europe arrived in Egypt two days ago, so last week I was reporting on that story almost every day.
I met the leaders of France and Germany. My report was headline news in our paper. Yesterday, I was interviewing business leaders in Cairo.
I'm a computer programmer. I've wanted to do this kind of work since I saw my first computer at school. In my opinion, computers are magic.
Now I work for a well-known Egyptian company that writes computer programs for important national and international companies.
At the moment, I'm doing research on a computer program for an Australian company.
An architect is a person who designs buildings.

Reading: Professor Magdi Yacoub
Professor Magdi Yacoub is a world-famous heart surgeon.
He was born in Egypt in the village of Belbis in 1935, the son of a surgeon who worked in different places around the country.
The family had to move every few years, so he learnt to adapt to different situations.
He decided to become a heart surgeon when his aunt died of a heart problem.
He studied medicine at Cairo University and qualified as a doctor in 1957.
Yacoub had the qualifications and experience to do great things.
Harefield Hospital became the most important transplant centre under the leadership of Professor Magdi.
He was part of the team which did the first heart transplant operation.
Yacoub travelled thousands of kilometres in small planes and helicopters to find healthy hearts for transplants.
Yacoub became Professor of Heart Surgery at London University in 1986.
Although he retired as a surgeon in 2001, Yacoub continued to research new treatments.
Yacoub was part of a team which made new heart parts from human cells.
He believes he can make a difference to people's lives.
He works for a charity in Africa which helps children with heart problems.

Make & Do

make friends يكون صداقات (أصدقاء) do a job يؤدي مهمة
make parts of يصنع أجزاء من do an operation يجري عملية جراحية
make a difference يصنع الفارق do research on يعمل أبحاث على
make a decision يتخذ قرار do work يؤدي عمل
make a mistake يرتكب خطأ do sport يمارس رياضة


Air conditioning:
تكييف الهواء

the system that keeps the air in a room or a building cool and dry
النظام الذي يحتفظ بالهواء في غرفة أو مبنى باردا وجافا

Civil engineer:
مهندس مدني

a person who plans, builds and repairs roads, bridges, dams and railways
الشخص الذي يخطط ويبني ويصلح الطرق والكباري والسدود والسكك الحديدية
وفد a group of people who represent the views of an organisation or a country
مجموعة من الأشخاص الذين يمثلون آراء مؤسسة أو دولة
the children of our sons or daughters
أطفال أبنائنا أو بناتنا

بحث علمي
a detailed and careful study of something to find out more information about it
دراسة تفصيلية ودقيقة عن شيئ لاكتشاف معلومات أخرى عنه
زي موحد / زي رسمي
the special set of clothes worn by all members of an organisation, or by students at school
طاقم الملابس الخاص الذي يرتديه كل أعضاء مؤسسة أو طلاب بمدرسة
a doctor who does operations in a hospital
طبيب يقوم بإجراء العمليات (الجراحية) في المستشفى

عملية (جراحية)
the process of cutting open a part of a person's body to remove or repair a damaged part
عملية فتح جزء من جسم الشخص لإزالة أو إصلاح جزء تالف
يصبح مؤهلا to pass an examination in order to work in a profession
يجتاز اختبارا لكي يعمل في مهنة ما
نقل (زرع) أعضاء
taking an organ (a heart, a kidney…etc.) from one person and putting it into the body of another
أخذ عضو (مثل القلب أو الكلية إلخ) من شخص ما ووضعه في جسم آخر

1- Choose the correct answer:

The company trains us well and gives us a ……… uniform to wear.
a) torn b) spare c) smart d) clever
It's very comfortable working in a modern building with air ……… .
a) contradicting b) comparing c) conversing d) conditioning
It s a hard job - working outside in the heat with the ……… of heavy machines around you all the time.
a) noise b) noisy c) noisless d) nose
I'm proud ……… helping to build a modern country.
a) to b) for c) to be d) with
That will be good ……… our children and our grandchildren.
a) for b) of c) at d) about
A trade ……… from Europe arrived in Egypt two weeks ago.
a) refrigeration b) delegation c) formation d) participation
Last week, I was reporting ……… that story almost every day.
a) on b) of c) with d) about
My report was ……… news in our paper at the weekend.
a) news line b) deadline c) hair-line d) headline
Yesterday, I was ……… business leaders in Cairo .
a) interviewing b) viewing c) previewing d) reviewing
In my opinion, computers are ……… .
a) magic b) magician c) imagine d) image
Now, I work ……… a well-known Egyptian company.
a) for b) of c) out d) about
Our company ……… computer programs for international companies.
a) imports b) writes c) reads d) educates
At the moment, I'm ……… research on a computer programme for an Australian company.
a) writing b) making c) doing d) carrying

Professor Magdi Yacoub is a world-famous heart ……… .
a) surgery b) surgical c) transplant d) surgeon
The family had to move every few years, so Yacoub learnt to……… to different situations.
a) adopt b) adapt c) adept d) adobe
When his aunt died ……… a heart problem, Yacoub decided to become a heart surgeon.
a) for b) with c) because d) of
He studied medicine at Cairo University and ……… as a doctor in 1957.
a) qualification b) qualified c) quelled d) quality
Now, Yacoub had the ……… and experience to do great things.
a) qualifications b) qualified c) quantity d) quality
……… his leadership, Harefield became the most important transplant centre in the country.
a) Beneath b) Below c) Under d) Above
In the early 1980s, he was ……… of a famous team which did the first British heart transplant operation.
a) a part b) part c) partition d) partly
Yacoub travelled a lot to find healthy hearts for ………
a) transfusions b) transplants c) transmissions d) transportations
Yacoub became Professor of Heart……… at London University in 1986.
a) Surgeon b) Surgical c) Surgery d) Surge
He ……… as a surgeon in 2001.
a) retired b) tired c) retied d) retirement
After his retirement, Yacoub continued to ……… new treatments.
a) search b) serve c) reserve d) research
Professor Magdi Yacoub was part of a team which ……… new heart parts from human cells.
a) did b) used c) made d) performed
He believes he can ……… a difference to people's lives.
a) do b) show c) make d) give
This charitable organisation helps children ……… heart problems.
a) for b) of c) with d) about
Professor Magdi Yacoub was one of the first surgeons to ……… heart transplant operations.
a) do b) carry c) make d) find
Can society benefit ……… people who work in their 70s or 80s?
a) for b) of c) from d) about

Surgeons ……… operations on people in hospitals.
a) make b) do c) carry d) give
My brother has a very difficult decision to ……… next week.
a) make b) do c) say d) offer
Everyone ……… mistakes when they're learning something new.
a) makes b) does c) carries d) suffers
It's been more than 20 years since surgeons ……… the first heart transplant operation in Britain .
a) made b) did c) carried d) acted
To …… research is to make detailed study of something.
a) make b) do c) set d) get
My father…… a lot of work every day as he is a businessman.
a) makes b) does c) scores d) performs
We are going to ……… a history project at school next week.
a) make b) do c) set d) get
My brother qualified ……… a lawyer in 2005.
a) like b) as c) to d) in
I found it difficult to ……… to the living conditions in Europe.
a) adapt b) adopt c) adept d) adore
My aunt is in hospital recovering from a/an ……… on her heart.
a) operation b) process c) action d) system
Fresh fruit and healthy food are good ……… children.
a) at b) to c) for d) in
There's a factory in our town which……parts for cars and buses.
a) makes b) does c) discovers d) performs

2- Find the mistakes in the following sentences, then write them correctly:
Under his leader, they have achieved great success.
Dr Yacoub was part of a team which did the heart transplant process.
Requirement is when you stop working, usually because of your age.
Marital states is whether someone is single or married.
A chart is an organization that gives money, goods, or help to people who are poor, sick etc.
The human body consists of millions of sells.
Dr Yacoub had the qualifications and experience to make great things.
Yacoub travelled in small planes to find health hearts for transplants.
He doesn't know what job he would like to make.
Professor Magdi Yacoub resigned as a surgeon in 2001.
A trade generation arrived in Egypt two weeks ago.
Yacoub learnt to adopt to different situations.
I’m very interesting in classical music.
A receptionist should be friend and efficient.
It’s comfortable working in a modern building with air conditions.
She is a scientist and she is making research on biology.
Our grandparents are the children of our children.
Officers, nurses and firemen wear reforms while they are working.
He believes her work can do a difference to people’s lives.
Surgeons make heart transplant operations.
When people reach the age of sixty, they usually qualify from work.
You shouldn't do such a silly mistake again.

The Present Simple المضارع البسيط

I, You, We, They verb الفعل بدون إضافة
He, She, It verb+s / es / ies

نستخدم المضارع البسيط عندما نتحدث عن العادات المتكررة, أو الحقائق الثابتة

She cooks lunch for her family every day.
The sun rises in the east.
We usually spend the summer holiday in Alex.

في حالة النفى , نستخدم don't / doesn't ثم مصدر الفعل
My father doesn't smoke.
I don't go to school by bus.

أو نستخدم: never في النفى هكذا:

I / We / You / They + never + المصدر
He / She / It + never + verb + s / es / ies
My father never smokes.
I never go to school by bus.

الكلمات الدالة على المضارع البسيط:

always دائما / usually / عادة often / غالبا sometimes / أحيانا
rarely نادرا / frequently مرارا / from time to time من وقت لآخر

I usually get up early.
Ali often goes to the club on Fridays.

The Present Continuous المضارع المستمر

I + am + verb+ing
He / She / It + is + verb+ing
You / We / They + are + verb+ing

نستخدم المضارع المستمر عندما نتحدث عن الأشياء التي تحدث الآن ( أثناء قول الجملة)
He is watching TV now.
They are playing football at the moment.
الكلمات الدالة على المضارع المستمر:

now الآن / at the moment في هذه اللحظة / at present في الوقت الحاضر /
at the present time في الوقت الحاضر / Look! انظر / Listen! استمع
They are building a new bridge at present.
Listen! The baby is crying.

The Past Simple الماضي البسيط

نستخدم الماضي البسيط للتحدث عن أحداث انتهت في وقت محدد في الماضي
I met my friend Ahmed yesterday.

يتكون من التصريف الثاني للفعل سواء بإضافة ed أو d لنهاية الفعل أو للفعل تصريف شاذ

Someone stole our car last night.

في حالة النفى في زمن الماضي البسيط , نستخدم didn'tثم مصدر الفعل
He didn't go to school yesterday.

الكلمات الدالة على الماضي البسيط:

yesterday بالأمس / last … الماضي / … ago منذ / in+ شهر أو سنة في الماضي when I was youngعندما كنت صغيرا / in the past في الماضي /

She bought a new dress a week ago.
People hunted for food in the past.
The Past Continuous الماضي المستمر

نستخدم الماضي المستمر للتعبير عن حدث كان مستمرا ثم قطعه حدث أخر. (أو حدث كان مستمرا ثم وقع حدث آخر فجأة دون أن يقطع الحدث الأول)

While I was studying, the light went out.
I was having dinner when the telephone rang.

يتكون الماضي المستمر من:

I / He / She / It + was + verb+ing
You / We / They + were + verb+ing

الكلمات الدَّالة على الماضي المستمر:

While بينما + فاعل + ماضي مستمر + ماضي بسيط
As بينما + فاعل + ماضي مستمر + ماضي بسيط
Just as بينما + فاعل + ماضي مستمر + ماضي بسيط
When عندما + فاعل + ماضي مستمر + ماضي بسيط

While I was riding the horse, I fell to the ground.
A car hit him when he was crossing the street.

When عندما + فاعل + ماضي بسيط + ماضي مستمر

When he found the treasure , he saw digging يحفرin the garden.

ملحوظة: لو الحدثان مستمران في نفس الوقت, ولم يقطع أحدهما الآخر, نستخدم الماضي المستمر مع كلاَّ من الحدثين:
While he was studying in his room, his sister was watching TV.
I was playing in the garden while my mother was cleaning the flat.

ولاحظ أيضا: بعد كلمة while لو لم تجد فاعل, استخدم verb+ing فقط بدون was / were

While أثناء / خلال + verb+ing + جملة ماضي بسيط

While working in the office, he felt tired.

لاحظ استخدام during بمعنى (أثناء أو خلال), ويأتي بعدها noun (اسم) فقط

During أثناء / خلال + noun + جملة ماضي بسيط
من أمثلة الـ nouns التي تأتي بعد كلمة During:

(his) stay اقامته / (my) visit زيارتي / the holidayالإجازة / the rain المطر

During my stay in London, I learnt English very well.

1- Choose the correct answer:

When the telephone rang, they……… the match.
a) watched b) were watching c) watching d) have watched
While ……… in the balcony, Hany saw an accident in the street.
a) sat b) sitting c) sits d) was sitting
They………for England two days ago.
a) leave b) have left c) left d) were leaving
How did he …………to Aswan yesterday? – By train.
a) go b) went c) goes d) going
My sister………… the room while I was making tea.
a) cleaned b) was cleaning c) cleans d) is cleaning
The sun ………… in the east. من الشرق
a) rise b) rose c) rises d) is rising
He ………… a picture at the moment.
a) drew b) draws c) is drawing d) is being drawn
Look! the ship…………… .
a) sinks b) is sinking c) sank d) sinking
We ………… a meeting this morning when all the lights went out.
a) had b) were having c) have d) have had
While the teacher was talking, everyone ………… notes.
a) was taking b) has taken c) took d) is taking
The university is …………… for a qualified doctor at the moment.
a) advertised b) advertisement c) advertise d) advertising
At the moment, my sister ………… to be a primary school teacher.
a) train b) is training c) trains d) trained
………… lunch time, I felt some pain in my stomach.
a) While b) Just as c) When d) During
He is busy now as he ……………… for his English test on Monday.
a) studies b) has studied c) was studying d) is studying
When I was eight, I ……………… to swim.
a) learnt b) have learnt c) had learnt d) was learning
At the moment, I ………… research on a computer program.
a) am doing b) do c) was doing d) had done
He …………… the first prize twice, in 2007 and in 2009.
a) wins b) won c) is winning d) has won
I only …………… my new car last month.
a) am buying b) was buying c) bought d) have bought
When he arrived, I ……… television.
a) watched b) have watched c) was watched d) was watching
I saw them while they …………… the house.
a) have left b) had left c) were leaving d) left
I …………… swimming every week.
a) am going b) have gone c) had gone d) go
I'm currently في الوقت الحالي busy as I …………… for the test.
a) revise b) was revising c) have revised d) am revising
She …………… lunch herself because her mother was ill yesterday.
a) cooked b) was cooking c) cooks d) has cooked
I …………… my relatives two weeks ago.
a) visits b) has visited c) visited d) had visited
Listen! She ……………… a beautiful song.
a) was sung b) was singing c) is singing d) would sing

2- Find the mistakes in the following sentences, then write them correctly:
While visited Aswan, I saw the High Dam.
I only buy my new car last week.
At the moment we are done a history project at school.
I fell asleep while I watched a film on television.
My company has an important meeting last month.
Does she studying her lessons at the moment?
The earth is turning round itself once every twenty four hours.
He plays tennis in the club last week.
I saw him while he left the cinema.
I'm having a brother who is ten years old.
The light went out during he was studying.
My father doesn't goes to work late.
Listen! She sings a beautiful song.
I couldn't answer the phone because I had a shower then.
Test 1 (Based on Unit 1)

A) Language Functions

1- Respond to each of the following situations:
A friend wants to know what job you would like to do when you leave school.
A friend asks you why you'd like to be a doctor.
Your teacher asks you why you enjoy learning English.
A relative wants to know the best thing about your school.

2- Mention the place and the speakers in the following situations:

Speaker A:………………
Speaker B:………………
1-A: How long have you been feeling unwell?
B: Since Sunday.
A: Well, you need to take one of these tablets three times a day and rest for three days.

Speaker A:………………
Speaker B:………………
2-A: Can I help you, sir?
B: Yes, I’d like to book a single room for two days.
A: It's 150 pounds per night.

B) Vocabulary and Structure

3- Choose the correct answer from a, b, c or d:
Mrs Smith became a ……………… when her daughter had a baby son.
a) niece b) grandmother c) mother d) cousin
The old doctor is looking forward to his ……………… at the age of 65.
a) retirement  b) holiday c) burial d) wedding
The boy needs a …………… because his heart is not working properly.
a) transparent b) transfusion c) transplant d) transaction
It’s terribly hot in here.  Please can you turn on the air- …………………?
a) partitioning b) conditioning c) petitioning d) positioning
An …………… is a person who designs and lays out plans for buildings.
a) accountant b) author c) architect d) artist
They are ………………… research on the effects of brain damage.
a) doing b) making c) carrying d) operating
The policemen in Egypt wear white …………… in summer.
a) jumbers b) trainers c) skirts d) uniforms
Maged is …………………… his bike at the moment.
a) repairing b) repair c) repaired d) repairs
Her grandfather …………………… last year, didn't he?
a) died b) has died c) dies d) was died
…………………… you see that movie last night?
a) Are b) Have c) Did d) Were
Mona ………………… tennis twice a week.
a) is playing b) has played c) plays d) playing
Why aren't you …………………… your homework now?
a) did b) done c) do d) doing
While Galal …………………… last night, soneone stole his car.
a) slept b) was sleeping c) has slept d) sleeps
Did he ………………… his car yesterday?
a) washed b) washing c) washes d) wash
She …………… to play tennis when she was 10 years old.
a) start b) started c) starting d) starts
Look! He …………… towards us.
a) comes b) was coming c) is coming d) come

4- Find the mistake in each of the following sentences, then write it correctly:
He retreated from the company when he was 60 years old.
The teacher blamed Soha for the silly mistake she did in the exam.
You will never get a good job if you don't have any qualifies.
When do you start to learn English? - when I was 5 years old.
I visited my relatives while my stay in Alexandria last month.
The computer suddenly went off while I wrote the e-mail.

C) Reading comprehension

5- Read the following passage, then answer the questions:
Sir Magdi Yacoub has performed more transplants than any other surgeon in the world and, as a scientist, his interest in the basic mechanisms of heart structure and function in health and disease has improved transplant surgery and patient care. He came to Britain in 1962 and since then has made great achievements in heart surgery. He specialized in working with children with heart problems and performed complex operations on the tiny hearts of babies in their first days of life.
He has always combined surgical work with scientific research, which he sees as the key to improving patient care and eliminating heart disease. His strong sense of social responsibility led him to establish the Chain of Hope charity, which sends medical teams to the developing world to treat children suffering from heart disease free of charge.

A) Answer the following questions:
Why did transplant surgery and patient care improve?
In which field did Sir Magdi Yacoub specialize?
What does the Chain of Hope charity do?

B) Choose the correct answer from a, b, c, or d:
Sir Magdi Yacoub sees ……………… as the key to improving patient care.
a) surgical work b) heart problems
c) scientific research d) heart disease
The underlined word "which" refers to ……………… .
a) medical teams b) the developing world
c) social responsibility d) the Chain of Hope charity

6- Read the passage then answer the questions:
Samer lived with his parents until he was twenty four years old, and then he got a job in an office of a big factory in another town, so he left home. He found a little flat and lived there on his own. At first he cleaned it himself, but after a few weeks he asked Mrs. Leila to help him. She promised to come to clean his flat for an hour every morning. After she had been working for two weeks, one evening, he looked at the mirror in his bedroom and thought, "That mirror looks very dusty. Mrs. Leila had forgotten to clean it. I can write on the dust with my finger!"
Before he left for work in the morning he wrote this message on the dust "I cough whenever I breathe because everything in this room is very dusty!" When he got home that evening, he looked at the mirror and wondered why she hadn't cleaned it. Then he bent down and saw a bottle in front of the mirror. He picked the bottle up and looked at it carefully. Mrs. Leila had written some words on it. He read the words "Cough Medicine" and he couldn't make head nor tail.

A) Answer the following questions:
Why did Samer leave his parents' home?
What caused Samer to cough?
What do you think of Mrs. Leila? Why?

B) Choose the correct answer from a, b, c, or d:
To ask Mrs. Leila to clean the mirror, Samer ……………… .
a) wrote a letter b) telephoned her
c) wrote what he though on the mirror d) spoke to her
The underlined word "it" refers to ……………… .
a) the mirror b) the bottle c) the dust d) the room

E) Writing

Write a paragraph of about 100 words about:

"The job you would like to do in the future"

F) Translation

A) Translate into Arabic:

Television has some negative effects. Studies in the USA show that today's children are fatter than children were before because they eat much when they are watching TV. These studies show that the children who spend a lot of time watching TV are worse at school.

B) Translate into English:

ينبغي أن يرتبط التعليم في مدارسنا وجامعاتنا بسوق العمل.
العمل الشاق هو الطريق الوحيد إلى النجاح.
الرجوع الى أعلى الصفحة اذهب الى الأسفل
الوحدة الاولي 2ث
الرجوع الى أعلى الصفحة 
صفحة 1 من اصل 1
 مواضيع مماثلة
» الوحدة الثانية 2ث

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