منتديات العلم الذهبي
10-13 مرااااااااجعة 13341529391
كل شي يرحب بك
كل شي يتبسم ويتوهج فرحا بقدومك
كل شي ينمق عبارات الترحيب
ويصوغ كلمات الحب لوجودك
كل شي ينتظر مشاركاتك
وقلمك الرائع وابداعاتك
كل شي يردد حياك الله ^_^
منتديات العلم الذهبي
10-13 مرااااااااجعة 13341529391
كل شي يرحب بك
كل شي يتبسم ويتوهج فرحا بقدومك
كل شي ينمق عبارات الترحيب
ويصوغ كلمات الحب لوجودك
كل شي ينتظر مشاركاتك
وقلمك الرائع وابداعاتك
كل شي يردد حياك الله ^_^
منتديات العلم الذهبي
هل تريد التفاعل مع هذه المساهمة؟ كل ما عليك هو إنشاء حساب جديد ببضع خطوات أو تسجيل الدخول للمتابعة.

يتكون من عدة اقسام علمية
الرئيسيةالبوابةأحدث الصورالتسجيلدخول
نحن الان نقدم لكم منتدى علمى مفيد جدا و من يسجل يكون له حق المشاركة و منتدانا يجيب و يساعد الاعضاء فى الابحاث فمن يطلب بحث سوف يكون موجود خلال 24 ساعة و يقدم مساعدة للباحثين فى كل نواحى العلوم فقط اترك موضوع اكتب فيه ما تحتاجه و سوف تجده فى القسم الذى ينتمى اليه و يمكنكم مراسلتى على الايميل doctor_riham31@yahoo.com سوف أجيب على ما تحتاجونه مع خالص الاحترام . احبائي اعضاء المنتدى سوف اغيب عن المنتدى ولن ادخله كثيراً لظروف ابحاثي و دروسي و يا ريت تعتنوا بيه .
تم عمل تعديلات جديدة للمنتدي وتشمل ( اضافة أقسام جديدة - ستايل جديد ورائع للمنتدي - عمل شات احترافي للمنتدي اسفل الصفحة الرئيسية - تلوين اقسام المنتدي واضافة صورة لكل قسم ) ونرجو أن تلقي هذه التعديلات اعجابكم ويمكنكم ارسال مقترحاتكم حول تطوير المنتدي الينا لدعمنا ومساعدتنا في عرض المنتدي بأحسن صورة ولا تبخلوا علينا بها .. شكرا لكم .. الإدارة
عادة يتم تفعيل حسابات الأعضاء الغير مفعله خلال 48 ساعة كحد أقصي من خلال الادارة 48


 10-13 مرااااااااجعة

اذهب الى الأسفل 
كاتب الموضوعرسالة
rama taha
المدير العام
المدير العام
rama taha

عدد المساهمات : 79
تاريخ التسجيل : 28/09/2012
العمر : 28

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مُساهمةموضوع: 10-13 مرااااااااجعة   10-13 مرااااااااجعة Icon_minitimeالجمعة أبريل 26, 2013 2:30 pm

Unit 10 the food we eat
1 - Choose the correct answer from a, b, c or d:
1- We should improve the ........... of the soil to get better crops.
a) size b) quality c) qualification j) agriculture
2-.............. land or soil produces plenty of good crops.a) Bare b) Polluted c) Poor d) Fertile
3-............. is the work of growing crops and feeding animals.
a) Tourism b) Mining c) Industry j) Agriculture
4- Thousands of years ago, most people were ...............; they collected food from animals they killed,
a) farmers b) workers c) hunters d) tourists
5- Like plants, all other ...................... things contain genes.a) alive b) life c) living d) Jive
6- Farmers ................... their money from agriculture.a) donate b) beat c) give d) earn
7- People believe that pesticides are .................... as they cause diseases.
a) fertile b) poisonous c) famous d) good
8- In the past, the Nile .................... and left fertile soil on the fields.
a) erupted b) submerged c) flooded d) swam
9- .................... is a substance in some foods that provides body with heat and energy.
a) Vegetable b) Protein c) Carbohydrate d) Fat
10- The planes are ................ the fields from the air.a) spraying b) beaming c) dropping d) radaiting
11- Genes control what living things will be ................... .a) likes b) like c) alike d) liking
12- .............. vegetables are better than ones grown with chemical fertilisers.
a) Inorganic b) Unnatural c) Organic d) Poisonous
13- Scientists can modify genes in their ...................... .a) bedrooms b) bathrooms c) laboratories d) hotels
14- .................. fertilisers improve the quality of the soil.
a) Inorganic b) Organism c) Organic d) Organist
15- Technology can protect people ...................... starvation in countries where insects or diseases destroy crops.a) from b) at c) of d) with
16- Fruit and vegetables have been modified ................ they are not damaged by the diseases that kill normal plants.a) so as to b) so that c) jn order to d) to
17-A lot of people are worried that spraying crops with .................. will bring diseases.
a) sweets b) fires c) pesticides d) seeds
18- Early farmers used the .................. that they had collected from the best plants from the year before,
a) cakes b) seeds c) books d) socks
19- ............... is a substance cantained in foods such as milk, cheese, butter, etc.
a) Fat b) Carbohydrate c) Protein d) Sugar
20- Scientists have modified the genes of some tomatoes so that they ......... more slowly.
a) rotten b) rotate c)rot d)root
21- Because of genetic engineering, some people are afraid that there will be new ......... .
a) pieces b) diseases c) cases d) classes
22- Farmers use ............ in order to help plants grow.
a)fertile b)fertilisers c)fertility d)fertilise
23- Are people worried ........... what may happen in the future because of genetic engineering?
a) of b)from c) about d)at
24- Modern farming ........... more money than organic fanning.a) earns b) gives c) makes d)buys
25- Hala is the girl ............. is working on this project with me.a) whose b) which c)who cl) where
26- In ............ farming, we don't use chemicals. a) genetic b) organic c) modified d) modern
27- Farmers put.............. on soil to help plants to grow.
a) seeds b) genes c) pesticides d) fertilizers
28- ............... is a substance in food such as meat and eggs, which helps your body grow and be healthy.
a) Fat b) Carbohydrate c) Protein d) Pesticide
29- Some crops arc genetically modified so that they arc disease ............
a) keeper b) guide c) resistant d) fighter
30- That is the boy ............. father is a teacher. a) whose b) which c) who d) when
31-1 get my black hair and eyes from my parents; they're in my ............. .
a) organic b) genes c) genetics d) genetically
32- One should eat plenty of fresh fruit and vegetables for a healthy .......... .
a) mistake b) diet c) noise d) money
33-My friend, ........... is a pilot, has always loved flying.
a) whose b) which c) who d) where
34- Scientists usually do their experiments in .................... .a) museums b) towers c) kitchens d) laboratories
35-.............. is the adjective. The noun is gene.a) Genetically b) Genetic c) Genetics d) Gene
36- Genetically modified crops are ........... .a) salty b) natural c) canned d) unnatural
37- Using chemicals is very harmful .......... the environment. a) to b) of c) with d) at
38- Genetically modified food may .................. new diseases in the future.
a) overcome b) buy c) bring d) sell
39- Fruit is ready to eat when it has been .................. . by the sun.
a) demolished b) destroyed c) ripened d) eaten
40- Farmers use fertilisers to make the soil ..................... .
a) fertilisers b) fertility c) fertile d) fertilising
41- The main ..................... of the meal I'm cooking is rice.
a) pesticide b) gene c) ingredient d) seed
42- One ................. of the television is that it makes the world like a village.
a) disadvantage b) cause c) demerit d) advantage
43- ..................... is one of the things from which a type of food is made.
a) Pesticide b) Yield c) Gene d) Ingredient
44- When food ..................; it's too bad to eat. a) rotten b) tastes c) rots d) floods
45- A lot of people all over the world die .................... starvation.a) with b) at c) of d) by
46- Scientists can ................. crops by adding or removing certain genes.
a) hunt b) modify c) type d) produce
47- When crops are ................ modified, they become able to resist diseases.
a) genetically b) gene c) genetic d) genetics
48-.................... fruit usually tastes sweet.
a) Rope b) Ripe c) Ripen d) Robbing
49- To ................. means to make liquid come out of a container in a stream of very small drops.
a) paint b) draw c) spray d) colour
50-People die of...................... when they don't have food to eat.
a) starvation b) qualification c) production d) satisfaction
51- This tomato is ......................... . I can't eat it.
a) rot b) rotate c) rotten d) rotation
52- A..................... is a part of a cell of a living thing that controls what it will be like and how it will develop.
a) gene b) insect c) yield d) seed
53- Farmers have to put..................... in the ground to grow crops.
a) cells b) seeds c) nuts d) labels
54- Scientists have made genetic ....................... to some vegetables.
a) modification b) modified c) modify d) modifies
55- Many people were very hungry after the storm. Some even began to
a) starve b) starving c) starvation d) starved
56- My cousin wants to study ............ at university.
a)genes b)genetically c)genetics d)genetic
57- Natural fertilisers are good ......... the soil.
a)at b)with c)to d)for
58- Some people don't like eating fruits and vegetables that have been sprayed ............ pesticides .
a)by b)with c)on d)at
59-Pesticides kill insects .......... crops. / a)in b)with c)at d)on
60- Using chemicals in farming is a / an ........ way.
a)organic b)inorganic c)safe d)natural
61- As ............ I'm concerned, spraying pesticides is harmful.
a)far b)near c)remote d)close
62- When you buy food products, you should look at the ...............
a)tables b)pills c)labels d)ropes
63- Now scientists are able to make genetic ........... to different crops.
a)modified b)modify c)modification d)modifies
64- The manager ............ the discussion because he had an important interview.
a)went b)left c)shut d)blocked
65- He was worried ............ the result of the exam. a)on b)about c)with_______d)of________
2 - Find the mistake in each of the following sentences, then write them correctly:

1- When fruit ripe, they become ready to eat.
2- A genetic controls what a living thing will be like.
3- Natural and organic fertilizers help to improve the quantity of the soil.
4- Cheese and milk have penalty of fat.
5- Genetic modified crops can improve agriculture.
6- A lot of people in Africa died of starve.
7- Scientists always try to improve the equality of the crops.
8- My brother studies genes at university.
9- New technology in farming protects people of hunger.
10- Pasteur liked chemistry when a new imagine teacher arrived at his school.
11- The main ingratitude of this dish is rice.
12- The Nile used to flood and leave fertile salt on the fields.
13- Pesticides can be poison.
14- In organic farming, we use unnatural fertilisers.
15-1 like apple because of its nice tasty.
16- Planes spread the fields with pesticides.
17- Ripen apples taste sweet.
18- Products are laboured with their ingredients.
19- Protein is a sentence which helps the body to be healthy.
20- Scientists can modify crops by adding or moving certain genes.
21-As far as I am concern, Maher needs great care.
22- A ginie is a part of a cell of a living thing.
23-1 can't eat this apple because it's rot.
24- Eat fruit and vegetables to keep health.
25- He learns money from his drawings.

1 - Choose the correct answer from a, b, c or d:
1- Your grandfather grows vegetables in the garden,....
a) does he b) is he c) doesn't he d) isn't he
2- We couldn't live without air, food and water,............
a) can we b) can't we c) couldn't we d) could we
3- We should wash vegetables before we eat them,.......
a) won't you b) will you c) should we d) shouldn't we
4- You want cheese,.............?
a) are you b) aren't you c) don't you d) do they
5- You've never tried growing fruit or vegetables,.........
a) didn't you b) have you c) haven't you d) did you
6- The film is very interesting,...........?
a) is it b) aren't they c) isn't it d) are they
7- You'd like to grow things, ................?
a) hadn't you b) had you c) wouldn't you d) would you,
8- There's nothing wrong with that,.............?
a) aren't there b) isn't there c) js there d) isn't it
9- He read an article about farming, ............?
a) do you b) don't you c) didn't you d) didn't he
10- Mr AH had an accident yesterday,..............?
a) hadn't he b) had I c) did he d) didn't he
11-1 am a teacher,...............?
a) aren't I b) isn't he c) am not I d) am I
12- In the past, fanners didn't need chemical fertilisers,
a) don't they b) do they c) didn't they d) did they
13- Things you grow yourself always taste better,..........
a) won't you b) don't you c) don't they d) didn't you
14- Pesticides can be poisonous,.............,?
a) can't it b) can they c) can't they d) can it
15- We haven't talked to the teacher,...................?
a) do we b) don't we c) have we d) haven't we
16- He won't leave before ten,.....................?
a) isn't he b) won't he c) will he d) can he
17- Everyone wrote a summary for the novel,.............?
a) did they b) didn't they c) didn't he d) did he
18- You should leave that discussion until another day, ..
a) do you b) didn't you c) shouldn't you d) should you
19- He came to the party early,..................?
a) did he D) didn't he c) doesn't he d) does he
20- Growing vegetables is quite easy,..............?
a) is it b) are they c) isn't it d) aren't they
21-They don't cost very much, ..............?
a) did they b) don't they c) do they d) didn't they

22- He's gone abroad,....................?
a)hashe b)hasn'the
c)does he d)doesn't he
23- Let's go to the cinema,.....................?
a)shall 1 b)will they c)shall we d)will she
24- He never gets up early, .....................?
a) doesn't he b) has he c)does he d)hasn't he
25- No one welcomed him,...............?
a)didn'the b)didthey c)didn'tthey d)did he
26-1 haven't seen Ali for ten years,................?
a) have I b) hadn't I c) haven't 1 d)had i
27- I'm not an engineer,...........?
a)aren'tl b)don'tl c)am I d)didn't!
28- Everything in this house is tidy,...............?
a) is it b) aren't they c) are they d) isn't it
29- Mohsen has enough money to buy a newcar,.............?
a)didn'the b)didhe c)doeshe d)doesn'the
30- They won't leave the class until the bell rings,...............?
a) don't they b) did theyc) will they d) won't they
2 - Find the mistake in each of the following sentences, then write them correctly:
1- These shirts don't cost very much, don't they?
2- They have breakfast at 7 o'clock, haven't they?
3- The boys can't revise their lessons, can't he?
4- We should spray crops with chemicals, shall we?
5- Food grown with chemicals costs less than organic food, does it?
6- You don't agree to my idea, are you?
7- Nothing can help pessimistic people, can't it?
8- That orange is genetically modified, doesn't it?
9- Sameh ate his lunch at 2 o'clock, doesn't he?.
10- Some children don't like vegetables, does they?
11- He isn't leaving, isn't she?
12- I've passed my exams, have I?
13- He's won first prize, isn't he?
14- The boy seems angry, isn't he?
15-I'd like to be a pilot, hadn't I?
16- My father used to smoke when he was young, wasn't he?
17- We don't like to be cruel with our friends, do we?
18- The story wasn't very interesting, is it?
19- You don't like fish, doesn't you?
20- Most farmers prefer to use chemicals, didn't they?
21- They don't like French films, don't they?
22- He has a shower, hasn't he?
23- Asma had gained weight, haven't she?
24- Hany and Salim work hard, doesn't they?
25- He lost his books, doesn't he?

1 • Choose the correct answer from a, b, c or d:
1- A .......... is a sharp metal for hunting whales.
a) sword b) rifle c) harpoon d) gun
2- In the storm, the ship ........... and many people lost their lives.
a) sank b) float c) drowned d) swam
3- Herman Melville's first work was as a sailor .......... a ship.
a) at b)0n c)of d)with
4- ............. means very simple or old fashioned.
a) Modern b) Civilised c) Primitive d) Recent
5- Mr Hady ........... his leg in a car accident.
a) missed b) wasted c) lost d) ended
6- I faced a lot of troubles ......... my last voyage to Italy.
a) in b) on c) at d) for
7- The .......... of this job is to offer good service to customers.
a) duty b) purpose c) proposal d) work
8- This matter isn't............ It's not funny.
a) fancy b) joking c) pleasant d) serious
9- Many governments ban ........ rare animals in the wild.
a) jumping b) hunting c) leaning d) watching
10- One of the sailors ........ to his death from the ship.
3) arrived b) held c) fell d) stopped
11- The huge whale ............ the ship and sank it.
a) drowned b) rammed c) swam d) floated
12- People should be ......... if they want to reach their goals in life.
a) disappointed b) silly c) determined d) bored
13- Herman Melville's fist novel was about a man who lived ....... an island.
a) in b) at C) on d) with
14- It's possible to be ............ and determined without hurting other people.
a) ambitious b) disappointing c) disappointed d) ambition
15-........... is the activity of hunting whales.

a) Whaling b) Whales c) Whale d) Whaler
16- There was a ......... crime in our area last week. Many people died.
a) serious b) funny c) happy d) exciting
17- We can't reach America in a short time because of its ............ .
a) remoteness b) remote control c) remote d) remote sensing
18- To be ............ means to be on a land by the side of the sea.
a) abroad b) ahead C) aboard d) ashore
19- Farmers work ......... farms from dawn to sunset.
a) on b) in c) at d) for
20- Egypt............. some necessary products from foreign countries.
a) gives b) imports C) exprots d) sends
21-1 was bored .......... the film I watched on TV yesterday.
a) at b) with c) of d) by
22- A/An ........... is someone whose job is on a ship.
a) pilot b) sailor C) postman d) seller
23- Melville's life on the ........... Pacific islands was different from his life in New York.
a) remote b) raming c) ram d) remoteness
24- Primitive people usually lived in .......................
a) palaces b) caves c) towers d) villas
25- Work always needs skill and ............
a) remote b) remoteness c) serious d) seriousness
26- The passengers went........... the ship because it was about to leave.
a) aboard b) ashore C) ahead d) abroad
27- Many islands are far away from other places. They are ............
a) near b) remote c) close d) difficult
28- The new generation should be ................... with technology and new sciences.
a) rammed b) connected c) armed d) pleased
29- My cousin travelled ........... . He is in a foreign country now.
a) ahead b) ashore c) aboard d) abroad
30- When the ship sank; one of the passengers ......... on to a floating wood to reach the shore.
a) took b) held c) caught d) felt
31- Wood ................. on water.
a) swims b) breathes c) sinks d) floats
32- As soon as the ship arrived in the port, all the passengers went.............
a) aboard b) ahead c) ashore d) abroad
33- He learnt......... when he was 12 years old.
a) swimming b) floating c) sinking d) drowning
34- When the fire broke out, it............ most of the buildings.
a) lost b) attacked C) destroyed d) killed
35- After a long chase for the deer, the hunter ......... it.
a) destroyed b) attached c) helped d) caught
36- Egypt is always ready to defend itself against outside .......... .
a) lovers b) friends c) enemies d) companions
37- You can meet me ......... you want. I'm free today.
a) however b) whenever c) whatever d) whoever
38-1 don't really like funny films or books. 1 prefer ........... ones.
a) boring b) serious c) dull d) silly
39- The people who work together on a ship or plane are called .......... .
a) toursits b) crew c) students d) workers
40-1........... to America on business last year.
a) arrived b) reached c) left d) travelled
41- The cave painting was painted by ............ people thousand of years ago.
a) modern b) recent c) primitive d) civilised
42- If you are ........... you'll have a chance to fight back and win.
a) hunted b) attacked c) destroyed d) killed
43- A ............. is used to fight with.
a) sweet b) weapon C) flat d) book
44- My uncle and his family live in a .......... part of the country, 50 kilometres from the nearest town.
a) remote b) "ear c) wide d) close
45- My brother likes to walk in front of me. He likes me to be .......... him.
a) beside b) close c) behind d) ne*t
46- The kite is ........... buildings. It's in a higher position.
a) under b) nearby c) below d) above
47- A ............ is one of the main areas of land in the world, such as Africa, Asia or Europe.
a) capital b) country c) continent d) world
48- The ship sank and many people .............. .
a) hunted b) caught c) attacked b) drowned
49- If you are attacked, you still have a chance to fight and win. But if you are .................. , you have no chance.
a) hunted b) drowned c) attacked d) destroyed
50- The poor boy died attached ........... the back of the lorry in an accident.
a) of b) to C) at d) witn
51-The author's first novel came ............. in 1990.
a) off b) out c) in d) down
52- Now scientists can ............ rains and storm.
a) guess b) predict c) produce d) introduce
53- The sailors ........... their ship when it arrived at the port.
a) walked b) left c) went d) jumped
54- The runner was ............ because he didn't win the race.
a) pleased b) disappointed c) happy d) excited
55- To ........... means to crash into something with great force.
a) touch b) ram c) hug d) kiss
56- In "Moby Dick," captain Ahab died .......... to the whale.
a) attacked b) communicated c) attached d) connected
57- A .......... ship is used to hunt whales.
a) whales b) whaler c) whale d) whaling
58- The words "to follow" mean to ..............
a) hunt b) attack c) destroy d) catch
59- .............. comes before giving.
a) Taking b) Offering c) Sleeping d) Death
60- Africa is the second largest of the world's ...........
a) continents b) capitals c) towns d) countries
61- The crew helped each other while the ship was sinking to ........ drowning.
a) avoid . b) protect c) bring d) start
62- When a storm ............ the ship, it sank.
a) hurt b) flew c) hit d) caught
63- ............. means the thing you want to achieve when you do something.
a) Purpose b) Proposal c) Test d) Agreement
64- Ahab sent ........... men armed with harpoons to follow the whale.
a) off b) in c) out d) with
65- The book was so interesting that Ali couldn't put it
a) off b) up c) away d) down
66- You must be joking. You can't be ..............
a) mad b) silly c) serious d) funny
67- My uncle has got a wonderful ............ of stamps.
a) collective b) collect c) collection d) collecting
68- "Ahead" means ............. .
a) between b) behind c) back d) in front
69- We use a remote .......... to turn off and on modern inventions like the television.
a) area b) contrast c) control d) sensing
70- The car crashed .......... a wall but all the passengers were all right.
a) into b) to c) at d) on
2 • Find the mistake in each of the following sentences, then write them correctly.

1- Ships think when they hit rocks.
2- My older sister is determine to reach her goal.
3- A seller is someone who works on a ship.
4- Primer means very simple and old fashioned.
5- The police were army with weapons.
6- The captain used a hat for hunting whales.
7- If you are ambition, you'll achieve your goal.
8-1 can't prediction when it happens.
9- Whaling is the active of hunting whales.
10- My uncle is the captain of a whale ship.
11- The crow on the ship was clever.
12- Babies are always attached for their mothers.
13- The clever swimmer persuaded the boy from drowning.
14- Ahmed missed his arm during the battle.
15- He isn't my friend; he is an army.
16- The thief attached the men and took their money.
17- When the ship sank, some sailors felt to death.
18- Room means to crash into something with a lot of force.
19- The knife ships arc used in wars.
20-1 agree to this idea; I'm against it.
21- Work hard to shave your goal.
22- You should avoid waste your time.
23- Asia is a container.
24-1 can meet my father whatever I need him.
25- Villagers work hard in their farms.

1 - Choose the correct answer from a, b, c or d:
1- Herman Melville was bored with the jobs he ........... before.
a)had been doing b)is doing c)has been doing d)does
2-1................. for two hours before my friend came.
a) had studied b) studied c)had been studying d)have studied
3- She looked very tired. She ........ the house all the day.
a) had been cleaning b)had cleaned c)has cleaned d)is cleaning
4- After the guests ............ I went to bed.
a) had been leaving b) have left c)had left d)are leaving
5-1 didn't catch the train because it..............
a) have left b) had left c) has left d) had been leaving
6- They ........... to the cinema after I had met them.
a) went b) were going c)go d) are going
7- He finally came at six. I........ for him since four thirty.
a) wait b) have waited c) had been waiting d) are waiting
8- She only enjoyed the film because she ............. the story before.
a) had been reading b) has read c) had read d) reads
9- When Salma went to university, she ................. .. English for ten years.
a) is learning b) have learnt c) learns d) had been learning
10- By the time he finished reading'the report, he ......... two bottles of water.
a) had drunk b) drinks c) had been drinking d) has drunk
11- After Galal........... school, he worked in a big company.
a) leaving b) had been leaving c) had left d) have left
12- As soon as he ............ the match, he went home.
a) had been playing b) plays c) had played d) has played
13- Sami wanted to have a rest because he ........... for a long time.
a) stood b) is standing c) has stood d) had been standing
14- There were floods because it.......... for three days.
a) have rained b) rained c) had been raining d) rains
15- When I phoned Sameh, he ......... a lecture at university.
a) had been having b) is having c) has been having d) has
16- Shadia gained weight because she ............ all last month.
a) overate b) overeats c) had been overeating d) has overeaten
17- We ........... for three hours before our plane took off.
a) wait b) have waited c) had been waiting d) are waiting
18- He looked happy yesterday because he .......... the competition.
a) had been winning b) wins c) had won d) will win
19- He left his job because he ............ dissatisfied for months.
a) feels b) had been feeling c) have felt d) is feeling
20- Before ............ Ali, I had phoned him.
a) met b) meet c) had met d) meeting
2 - Find the mistake in each of the following sentences, then write them correctly:

1- After he has visited his uncle, he went home.
2- Amr has been suffering from cold when he attended the conference.
3- They wrote the report after they finish work.
4-1 am writing for an hour when my father returned home.
5- I have been running all morning ; that's why I was so tired.
6- As soon as Ahmed had prepared everything, he calls his family.
7- Salem was bored with the job he do, so he decided to look for another.
8- They had been cycled all day, so their legs were sore.
9-1 have been writing letters for about 3 hours when you phoned me.
10- Look at this shirt; I have bought it yesterday.
11- The bus broken down; that's why Leila was late for work.
12- Before watched the film, 1 had studied all my lessons.
13- We found the book which we have lost.
14- I don't see Ali until I had met him in the street.
15- My mother become better after she had taken the medicine.
16-Samcr don't visit me until he had phoned.
17- Ali was bored with the sport he practise before.
18-1 found the book which I had been losing.
19-1 have sent an e-mail to Hani before go to work 20- After play football, 1 washed.

Unit 12 Aplace to live
1 - Choose the correct answer from a, b, c or d:
1- Where would you like your .............. house to be?
a) boring b) bad c) nightmare d) dream
2- We live ........... the fourth floor.
a) at b) in c) on d) off
3- Hossam lives on the ........... of Cairo which are furthest from the centre.
a) floor b) storey c) outskirts d) clouds
4- Ice cream was ......... in China.
a) cut b) invented c) discovered d) explored
5- Huda was brought............ in her uncle's house after her parents' death.
a) up b) of c) in d) at
6- Fruit and snow are the two .......... used in making ice cream.
a) boxes b) jewels c) ingredients d) metals
7- A .......... is a level of a building.
a) flat b) skyscraper c) balcony d) storey
8- When ice cream was made, the ............ loved and used it in huge quantities,
a) public b) herd c) popular d) flock
9- My friend's family have moved .......... a new flat last month.
a) into b) at c) out d) by
10- A ........... is a large building with many homes or offices in it.
a) block b) back c) clock d) truck
11- My father travelled to America ........... business.
a) at b) on c) in d) with
12- This dish is so .......... . I like eating it so much.
a) dusty b) delicious c) sour d) rotten
13- My uncle lives in a ............. house which isn't joined to another house.
a) patched b) detached c) close d) fixed
14- It's easy to ............. mistakes when you are reading your own writing.
a) overtake b) overcome c) overweight d) overlook
15- My house is close ........ my school.
a) of b) to c) at d) from
16- Our house is very old. It's made ............. bricks.
a) of b) at c) with d) on
17- These kinds of books are for .......... . They aren't suitable for children.
a) kids b) animals c) babies d) adults
18- My room ........... the main square. I can see everything from its window.
a) overlooks b) overcomes c) overtakes d) overweighs
19- Tea is the .................. drink for most of the Egyptian families.
a) bad b) small c) main d) unimportant
20- Ice cream is popular ................. many people.
a) at b) with c) for d) in
21- Our house contains 5 rooms; two of them are .................. guests.
a) at b) for c) in d) of
22- What is the ................... like in Cairo today?
a) whether b) weather c) condition d) climate
23- The story he told us was ................... . We couldn't believe it.
a) reliable b) incredible c) believable d) credible
24-................ are very tall buildings that have many floors.
a) Classes b) Skyscrapers c) Trees d) Buses
25- The ................. of the Nile from my balcony is fantastic.
a) painting b) picture c) view d) look
26- The mother asked the babysitter to look .................... the children.
a) at b) out c) after d) for
27-1 need to ................... my computer because it doesn't work well.
a) fix b) box c) fax d) relax
28- We usually keep the doors and windows closed because the air is very
a) fresh b) pure c) clean d) dusty
29- ...................... is a substance used for building. It contains cement.
a) Plastic b) Wood c) Concrete d) Paint
30- Iron ....................heat and electricity well.
a) boils b) expands c) connects d) conducts
31- Nowadays we use modern,................... machines.
a) old b) ancient c) high-tech d) rotten
32- When he moved to another house, he has to do a lot of............... because it was old.
a) repairs b) remedies c) treatments d) exercises
33- The .................... of buildings depends on the climate of the area.
a) picture b) photo c) sight d) design
34- During the day, it's too hot to sit out.................... the balcony.
a) on b) at c) off d) with
35- The building is ................... to keep out heat and sound.
a) insulted b) isolated c) insulated d) consulted
36- The .......................... of this hospital is suitable because it's faraway from the polluted city.
a) theatre b) picture c) stage d) location
37- The new bridge is under..................... It will be completed next month.
a) constructive b) construction c) construct d) constructs
38-Turn .................... the light, please. I want to sleep.
a) at b)off c)on d)«n
39- Buildings which often have ............ walls, keep people cool.
a) thin b)fat c) thick d) young
40- At sunset, people who live in flats like to sit out................. balconies and read.
a) on b)at c) about d)with
41-1 like living in the countryside because it's more ............... than the city.
a) dangerous b) difficult c) peaceful d) boring
42- Heavy clothes protect us ................. the cold.
a) of b)from c) with d) by
43-................. roofs allow rain and snow to fall off easily.
a) Slopped b) Slop c) Sloping d) Slops
44- Shut the window to keep the cold ................ .
a) in b) of c) out d) off
45- In countries with hot and cold seasons,................. buildings keep out heat and cold.
a) insulated b) consulted c) insulted d) isolated
46- A ............... house is joined to another house by one shared wall.
a) detached b) far c) semi-detached d) remote
47- Outskirts are parts of a city which are .......... from the centre.
a) near b) close c) far d) beside
48- The opposite of thin is ...................
a) tall b) heavy c) long d) thick
49- When 1................ home, my wife had cooked the food.
a) got b) got for c) got to d) got up
50-............... 1 found my wallet which I had lost yesterday.
a) Unluckily b) Unfortunately c) Fortunately d) Rarely
51-The .................. of flats where my cousin lives has eight floors.
a) block b) clock c) box d) truck
52- The .................. of the computer is that it saves time and effort.
a) imports b) importance c) important d) import
53- Maha makes cake in the ................... way as her mother.
a) some b) same c) sum d) different
54- When the plane takes off, you should ................. your seat belt.
a) fasten b) fast c) loose d) break
55- A small area outside an upstairs window where people can sit or stand is called a ....................
a) roof b) stage c) lift d) balcony
56- When I visit my uncle, I have to take the ........... because he lives on the 10th floor.
a) stairs b) car c) lift d) boat
57- In places, where there is a lot of rain or snow, buildings have ..........roofs.
a) slope b) sloping c) sloped d) slopes
58- The government decided to build big markets on the .......... of towns and cities.
a) walls b) fields c) outskirts d) factories
59- Islam is very ........... He can't work any more.
a) relaxed b) comfortable c) exhausted d) strong
60- New York is full of......... blocks.a) tour b) tower c) museum d) statue
61- My aunt lives in a flat that......... a famous cinema so that I can see the film posters.
a) overlooks b) overtakes c) overweighs d) overcomes
62- We produce a lot of machines in Egypt. They are ........ products.
a) foreign b) outside c) local d) strange
63- In Egypt, there is little rain, so most houses have ......... roofs.a) villa b) house c) flat d) home
64- In big cities, there isn't much ......... for building.
a) room b) theatre c) class d) home
65- We don't have any close neighbours. We live in a ......... house with a big garden.
a) semi - detached b) detached c) attached d) patched
66- We should compare ourselves ......... advanced countries to learn and develop.
a) at b)in c) for d) with
67-............ is important in building design.a) Maths b) Geography c) History d) English
68- We mix sand, water.......... cement to get concrete.
a) with b) of c) on d) in
69- A............ car park is one with many levels.
a) mini-storey b) pre-storey c) multi-storey d) first storey
70- The noun from the word "thick" is .............
a) ticket b) thicken c) thicked d) thickness
71- Many houses in Japan have a lot of ............ ,so houses are made of wood.
a) colours b) earthquakes c) floods d) rains
72- In big cities, people use public transport instead .............. their own cars.
a)from b)of c)at d)in
73- .................. means level without any high areas.
a) Flatten b) Flood c)Flat d) Flower
74- This wonderful statue is carved from a huge ................ of wood.
a) kick b) truck c)cook d) block
75- We make .............. which is used for building, from sand, water, and cement.
a) glass b) statue c) concrete d)hill
76- We couldn't get into our house because the doors were ............... and we'd lost the keys.
a) unlocked b) locked c) booked d) tricked
77- Buildings which are made of bricks and ................ can be dangerous if
they fall down during earthquakes.
a) sweets b) ice cream c) concrete d) flour
78- Some old houses in Egypt are cold because they have no roof...............
a) insulate b) insulated c) insulation d) insulates
79- Buildings which are made from mud bricks are suitable .............. hot climates.
a) for b)from c)on d)with
80- The whole area was ................ by the storm.
a) flat b) flats c) flattened d) fatty
81- Buildings with mud bricks are also easy and cheap to ..................
a) construct b) deduce c) conduct d) demolish
82- Today, technology also .............. how buildings are designed.
a) effects b) defects c) affects d) imports
83- In modern houses if the owners are out, they can .................. or unlock their doors.
a) lock b) block c)look d) clock
84- In Upper Egypt people build houses in the same .................. ways of building.
a) traditions b) traditional c) transportion d) translation
2 - Find the mistake then write them correctly:
1 - This car park is storey; it has many levels.
2- The farmer flat the field to sow seeds.
3- Hisham travelled to Turkey in business.
4- The teacher overtakes the student's mistakes to encourage him.
5- Her uncle bought her up after her parents' death.
6- No heat or cold can get in or out this insulted house.
7- The opposite of thick is sin.
8- The sight from the hotel window is magic.
9- My town has many clock of flats.
10- "High-tech" means using ancient machines and equipment.
11- Iron contacts heat well.
12- This house is attached as there are no neighbours close to it.
13- In Japan, they build houses from wood because of volcanoes.
14- Skirts are parts of a city that are far from the centre.
15-1 need to have my old car mixed at the mechanic's.
16- Mothers usually look for their babies.
17- A lock is a large building with many flats or offices in it.
18- He behaves in the same way to his father.
19- Sleeping roofs arc used in very cold countries.
20- This is my team house which I needed for a long time.
21- Fast your seat belt while driving.
22- Mr Salim is my clothes neighbour.
23- You should be ambition to reach your goal.
24- I'm angy with him because he kept his promise.
25- He behaves at the same way as his father.
1 - Choose the correct answer from a, b, c or d:

1-1 am an adult and I live by .....:.... .
a) mine b) I c) me d) myself
2- My children are old enough to look after .............. .
a) themselves b) theirs c) their d) them
3-1 didn't buy this dress. I made it.......... .
a) mine b) my c) myself d) me
4- Our house is not as modern as .............. .
a) yours b) yourself c) your d) yourselves
5- Is this ............ bedroom?
a) yours b) your c) yourself d) you
6- If you see AH, can you tell ........... to phone me?
a) himself b) his c) him d) he
7- The boy looked surprised when he saw .......... in the mirror.
a) him b) himself c) his d) he
8- Nadia fell down the stairs, but she didn't hurt............ .
a) ourselves b) herself c) myself d) himself
9-1 showered and .............. in ten minutes.
a) dressed myself b) dressed herself
c) dressed himself d) dressed
10- My uncle bought............ a present.
a) mine b) myself c) me d) I
11-1 lent him my dictionary but......... lost it.
a) him b) his c) he d) himself
12- Can I have ............. suggestion, please?
a) your b) yourself c) yours d) yourselves
13- He is proud of............... .
a) himself b) he c) hers d) his
14-1 could lift the box on ......... own.
a) me b) mine c) my d) myself
15- She told her guests to help ............ to food and drink.
a) them b) their c) themselves d) they
16- They introduced me to a friend of........... .
a) they b) theirs c) them d) themselves
17- Good students often depend on .............
a) them b) their c) themselves d) theirs
18- He lives in this flat by ............. .
a) his b) himself c) him d) he
19- This car isn't...........; it's my father's .
a) mine b) my own c) me d) myself
20- She was talking to the man sitting next to ..........
a) herself b) her c) hers d) she
21- People live in houses to protect............ from the weather.
a) they b) their c) themselves d) theirs
22- The dark green car belongs to ............ .
a) we b) us c) our d) ourselves
23-He punched ............ on my nose.
a) us b) me c) her d) them
24- Children sometimes hurt....... when they are playing.
a)ourselves b)theirs c)themselves d)herself
25- Hunters protect......... by using weapons.
a)theirs b)them c)himself d)themselves
26- When you meet lhab, tell........ about our new plan.
a)his b)himself c)him d)he
27- No one helped him; he did everything on his ........... .
a) won b)win c)own d)now
28- She sewed this dress .......................
a)ourselves b)himself c)myself d)herself

2 - Find the mistake in each of the following sentences, then write them correctly:

1- His car is newer than me.
2- Ahmed sat next to mine on the bus.
3- The dog barked when it saw its in the mirror.
4- Sami lost a pen of him.
5- Did you enjoy yours at the party?
6- Both my sister and I can depend on we.
7- My father bought mine a present.
8- Maha wants to talk to yourself.
9- Do the homework yours.
10- She lives on herself own in a small flat. 11 - We'll leave him house after 5 minutes.
12- When he looked at his in the mirror, he laughed.
13- The manager him came to my office.
14- Young children usually don't like to sleep by them.
15- Cats clean theirs by licking their fur.
16-The boys told our mother about the news.
17- To save money, we decorated the house us.
18- He didn't phone myself yesterday.
19- There's a message for your.
20- A book of her was lost yesterday.
21-Help mine, please.
22- We performed the mission ours.
23- Do it your; no one will help you.
24- Children amuse them with funny stories.
25- Shady gave myself a nice present.

Unit 13 Wise Words
1 - Choose the correct answer from a, b, c or d:
1 - My ............... is to become a police officer to arrest criminals.
a) exception b) ambition c) reputation d) action
2- Her job as a secretary .............. answering the telephone and writing to new customers,
a) contains b) consists c) includes d) intends
3- Everyone was asleep, and the house was ..............
a) silence b) salient c) silent d) silently
4- To make tea, you have to ............. hot water onto tea leaves.
a) pour b) spill e) drop d) fall
5- He doesn't like noise. He can only work in complete ................
a) silent b) salient c) silently d) silence
6- She is very ............... and wants to be a news reader on TV.
a) ambitious b) pessimistic e) desperate d) frustrated
7- This data is ............. to us all and only a scientist can understand it.
a) meaning b) mean C) meaningless d) meaningful
8- Ramy is fit now and there is no doubt about his ................ on the list of the team for tomorrow's match,
a) conclusion b) inclusion e) exclusion d) illusion
9- He said that he had an important announcement to ..................
a) do b) act €) make d) take
10-1................. to tell you that you didn't get a good mark in yesterday's exam.
a) repent b) reflect €) regret d) react
11- The driver said that the accident was very ...................
a) regretful b) regrettable c) regretting d) regretfully
12- He is waiting ..................... for his exam results.
3) excitedly b) excited c) excitement d) exciting
13-1 thanked him .............. inviting me to dinner last Friday.
a) on b)for c) about d)in
14-As he was thirsty, he opened the fridge and took ............... a bottle of water.
a) off b)of c) away d)out
15-................. are doctors who perform operations in hospitals.
a) Dentists b) Vets c) Surgeons d) Oculists
16-This information is very important................ my father.
a) towards b) to c) from d) with
17- Before going to bed,.................... sure that all the windows are closed.
a) take b) make c) have d) keep
18- Doctors are doing ................... to find out if this drug is safe for humans.
a) experiences b) exercises c) explanations d) experiments
19- Is there a telephone number where I can ............. you?
a) contact b) contract c) combat d) conduct
20-You should have ................ the police of the accident at once.
a) formed b) informed c) performed d) deformed
21- Her father works as a .................... of English literature at Cairo University.
a) teacher b) instructor c) trainer d) professor
22- When I offered to help him, he ............... his head expressing his refusal.
a) shrank b) shook c) shocked d) nodded
23-Oil is of great................. to industry.a) important b) importance c) import d) importation
24- Her lawyer tried to ............ her innocence to the court.
a) prove b) refer c) point d) produce
25- My grandfather has very ............... old ideas about marriage.
a) traditional b) up-to-date c) modern d) creative
26- A.............. is someone who is trained to help people who are ill or injured but is not a doctor or nurse.
a) surgeon b) dentist c) paramedic d) doctor
27- Good public transport is one of the ................ of living in a big city.
a) drawbacks b) disadvantages c) advantages d) faults
28- Most of the .............. of the plane were killed when the plane crashed.
a) pilots b) passengers c) drivers d) sailors
29- Oranges and lemons are ............... of vitamin C.a) empty b) filled c) full d) crowded
30- His knowledge of Italian was very ................. when he travelled to Italy as it helped him communicate with others there.
a) trivial b) useful c) useless d) harmful
31- .............. is a game that you play by hitting a small ball into holes with a long stick,
a) Hockey b) Squash c) Golf d) Badminton
32- Nowadays, parents are giving much ............... to the education of their children.
a) success b) indifference °) difference d) importance
33- Our biology teacher did an experiment which ............... that plants give off oxygen by day.
a) proved b) provoked c) improved d) answered
34- Without having ambitions and goals, our lives would have no ................
a) meaningful b) means c) meaningless d) meaning
35- Housewives usually keep pots, knives, spoons and forks in a ............... in the kitchen.
a) fridge b) cooker c) heater d) cupboard
36- He went to the petrol station to fill up the petrol ............. of his car.
a) tank b) basin c) engine d) wheel
37-You should think ............... before taking a decision. It's a matter of life or death.
a) carefully b) carelessly c) recklessly d) slightly
38- There isn't any ................ in the tank. It's quite full.
a) spare b) SpOre c) space d) Spice
39- 1 can't............... where I put my keys. I must look for them.
a) forget b) remind c) avoid d) remember
40- They spent some time chatting with each other ............ the train on their way to Alexandria.
a) in b) over c) on d) above
41- I phoned my brother ............... his mobile to ask about his health.
a) in b) on c) through d) over
42- A ................. is a person who collects payments on a bus or train.
a) conductor b) driver c) technician d) waiter
43- There was a fierce ................between the two armies and many soldiers were killed,
a) race b) qujz c) celebration d) battle
44- A/An ............... is an important official statement about something that has happened or will happen.
a) announcement b) emergency c) advertisement d) application
45- A/An ................ arrived at the scene of the accident and carried the injured people to hospital.
a) fire engine b) ambulance c) motorbike d) |lorry
46- I'd like to help you but,............ I'll have to leave now to catch the train.
a) fortunately b) fortunate c) unfortunately d) fortune
47- Don't............ to do your homework before going to bed.
a) remember b) forget c) remind d) recall
48-An .............. is a person whose job is to keep or examine the financial accounts of a business.
a)accountant b) account c) accountancy d) accountable
49-A .............. engineer designs and builds roads, bridges and railways.
a) civil b) civilized c) civilian d) civic
50- The announcement he ............. was hopeful.a) said b)made c)did d)told
51-All the ................ on this train are occupied, so you will have to take the next one.
a) chairs b) sofas c) seats d) stools
52- When the train arrived .............. Alexandria, Mr Ali was waiting there.
a) at b)to c)in d)on
53-The .............. of this story is that we should be kind to animals.
a) moral b) morally c) morality d) morale
54-................. is not a race. It's a journey.a) Living b) Alive c) Life d)Live
55- If you don't succeed, try and try ............. .a) gain b) against c) regain d) again
56-This song .............. me of my holiday in Alexandria.a) reminds b) forgets c) remembers d) recalls
57- The driver said the accident was very ............ .a) regretful b) regretting c) regrettable d) regret
58- The politician said that he had an important............... .
a) announcer b) announce c) announcement d) announcing
59- If you do good things in your life, you will be ........... for these things.
a) remembered b) forgotten c) reminded d) attacked
60- My next door ............... works as a professor at Ain Shams University.
a) neighbourhood b) neighbour c) neighbouring d) neighbours
2 • Find the mistake then write them correctly:
1- His ambitious is to become a journalist.
2- Her job contains answering the telephone and writing to new customers.
3-1 like the silent of the desert.
4-1 didn't understand the film on TV last night; it was completely meaningful to me.
5- When they heard the announcement he did, they were very happy.
6- His include in tomorrow's match isn't certain.
7-1 thanked him on helping me.
8-1 don't like tradition songs. They are meaningless to me.
9- The children chatted excited when they heard the news.
10- He said that the accident was very regretful.
11- She phoned her brother in the mobile yesterday.
12- The politician said that she had an important announce.
13- That song remembers me of the happy day we spent on the beach.
14- This book is full of very useful informative.
15- He had studied hard but fortunately he was very ill on the day of the exam.
16- What is the best way to contact with him?
17- My uncle is going to make an operation tomorrow morning.
18- A team wins in football by playing goals.
19- When the teacher began the lesson, all the students were silence.
20- Scientists usually do their experiences in labs.
21-1 can't understand this sentence ; it's meaninful to me.
22-1 don't like people who give much important to foreign songs.
23- A professor often teaches at school.
24- Without friendship, our lives would have no meaninful.
25- You must take sure that all the windows are shut before going to bed.
26- Books are full with information.
27- Poets usually compare sleep for death.
28- Do you regretful the mistake you have made?
29- When I asked him if he would like to come with me, he refused , and nodded his head.
30-1 like making photos.
1 - Choose the correct answer from a, b, c or d:
I - We ......................... if we feel hungry.
a) would eat b) would have eaten c) ate d) eat
2- If I ................... you, I would travel to England.
a) am b) were c) had been d) would be
3- ................. you study hard, you won't achieve your goals.
a) Unless b) When c) If d) Because
4- If Mona ................. the party tomorrow, she would enjoy herself.
a) attends b) will attend c) would attend d) attended
5- You wouldn't be blamed if you .................... your promise.
a) keep b) would keep c) kept d) had kept
6- Water .................... if the temperature goes below zero degree.
a) freeze b) would freeze c) froze d) freezes
7- If this tree falls down, it..................... the road.
a) blocks b) would block c) will block d) would have blocked
8- If he ............... well last year, he would have joined the university.
a) studies b) would study c) had studied d) studied
9- If you don't do exercise, you ....................... fit.
a) will keep b) would have kept c) wouldn't keep d) won't keep
10 - She didn't come to the party but if she ................... she would have enjoyed herself.
a) does b) had done c) did d) has done
11- He would have got married if he ...................... a flat. a) has b) had c) have d) had had
12- If I were taller, I..................... basketball.
a) 'II play b) 'd play c) 'd have played d) 've played
13- If we feel tired, we .......................... some rest.
a) had b) have c) have had d) had had
14- If 1 ................ time this evening, I'll visit my next door neighbour.
a) had b) have c) had had d) will have
15- If the weather .................. fine tomorrow, we will go out for a picnic.
a) will be b) were c) is d) had been
16- If you .............. those photos, I wouldn't have remembered our holiday.
a) don't take b) haven't taken c) didn't take d) hadn't taken
17- If I found any money at school, I .................. it to one of the teachers.
a) 'd take b) 'II take c) 'd have taken d) took
18- She ................. better company if she didn't complain so much.
a) 'd have been b) 's been c) 'II be d) 'd be
19- Water ................... if it is heated.a) evaporate b) would evaporate c) evaporates d) evaporated
20- If people .................... on the moon, they would be tired and bored.
a) live Jbjl had lived c) have lived d) lived
21- If he left on time,;he ............. the bus.a) won't miss b) wouldn't miss c) had missed d) will miss
22- If you worked harder, you ................ higher marks.
a) 'II get b) get c) 'd get d) 'd have got
23- If he ................ now, I'll invite him to my birthday party.
a) came b) come c) comes d) will come
24- If you have a headache at any time................ one of these pills.
a) will take b) would take c) take d) took
25- Unless you had studied your lessons well, you ............ high marks.
a) would have got b) will get c) would get d) wouldn't have got
26- If he travelled to France, he ............. French there.
a) 'd learn b) 'II learn c) 'd have learned d) may learn
27- If I .................... a spare pen, I'd give it to you.
a) have b) had c) had had d) have had
28- What............. you do if you were in my position?a) will b) did c) would d) do
29- He would have attended the party if he .................
a) had invited b) were invited c) invited d) had been invited
30-................. you visit your uncle tomorrow if you have enough time?
a) Would b) Will c) Do d) Should
31- If she .................... clever, she would answer all the questions.
a) is b) had been c) has been d) were
32- If I............... that he was ill, I would have visited him.a) knew b) know c) had known d) was known
33- Unless he had got up late, he ................. the train.
a) would catch b) would have caught c) will catch d) caught
34-1.................. there on time if my father hadn't given me a lift.
a) would be b) wouldn't have been c) will be d) would have been
35- He would have phoned me if he ............ a mobile phone.
a) has b) had had c) has had d) had
36- If the weather ................ very bad, we would have enjoyed the trip.
a) weren't b) isn't c) hadn't been d) hasn't been
37- He would have joined us if he .............. earlier.a) has come b) comes c) came d) had come
38- Metals ................. if they are heated.a) may expand b) expand c) would expand d) are expanded
39- If you break the traffic rules, you ................... .
a) punish b) wilt punish c) will be punished d) would be punished
40- If he had had a map, he .....................
a) wouldn't get lost b) wouldn't have got lost c) will get lost d) won't get lost
2 - Find the mistake in each of the following sentences, then write them correctly.
1- He would come at once if you call him.
2- If! know that he was ill yesterday, I would have visited him.
3- If you had studied harder last year, you will get higher marks.
4- If ice is heated, it melt.
5- Unless you do your best, you'll get high marks.
6- I'll lend you my camera unless you look after it.
7- If the traffic wasn't very bad yesterday, we would have arrived on time.
8- The tree would block the road if it falls down.
9- If I haven't studied hard, 1 wouldn't have been able to answer all the questions.
10- If 1 found any money at school, I'll take it to the headmaster.
11- I'll telephone you if 1 saw anything unusual.
12- Unless you are careful, everything will be all right.
13- If I were in France now, I will visit many places there.
14- If he has a driving licence, his father would buy him a car.
15- She will inform the police if she had seen^the accident.
16- If he followed his parents' advice, he would have got a good job.
17-What will you do if you were a millionaire?
18- If there were a traffic jam, everyone had been late for school.
19-1 would have attended the party if I were not busy.
20-1 will help you if I were a doctor.
21- I'll tell you if I heard from Hassan.
22- If she didn't run quickly, she wouldn't have caught the bus.
23- If you had put the water in the freezer, it would change into ice.
24- Unless he doesn't have a car, he won't accept that job.
25- If I met him yesterday, I would have told him the news.
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10-13 مرااااااااجعة
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